SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. LIONEL/K-LINE LotLTI - 18410 PR Burro Crane; 19404 Flat w/Trailers; MPC 7601 & 7603 Boxcars; K-Line 6341-6601 Beer Tank Car; obs, C8+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. LIONEL/K-LINE LotLionel 8142 C&O Steam Loco, unusual ob, C7+; Hallmark J1e Hudson Ornament; ob; K-Line 4512 Tank car; 6243 Hopper; 6311 Tank Car, obs, o/w C9See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. Modern LotMTH MT-1026 Lamps; AHM Flat w/Crates; LTI 9020 Boxcar; KMT Burlington box Car; K-Line 64474 Coke Boxcar, obs C9 *** These Lots Are Being Sold AS-IS with no returns for any reason***See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. DINKY Vehicle LotCommer Wrecker, missing hook & line; Trojan Esso Van; 27F Estate Car; Austin Covered Truck; BEV Truck, C5-6See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. DINKY Lot30B NCV Electric Van, C7+; FR33 Simca Cargo Tipper Truck, C7+; 973 Goodyards Crane, washer a bit loose, original hook & line, o/w C8; 30W British Railway Hindle Smart HEL ECS Transport Truck, C7-; 131See Sold Price
NETTE - 5 Pc. K-LINE/ WEAVER LotWeaver C-516 NH Caboose; K-Line 15" Empire Express Aluminum Cars w/full interiors- K4670-15021 RPO; 10668 Diner; 12564 Coach; 10054 Obsv., obs, C9See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. DINKY Toy Vehicle Lot25P Road Roller, C6-; 30W British RRy Hindle, C7; 1913 Morris Oxford w/figures, C9; 25X Wrecker, missing hook & line; Bedford Lowside Truck, C8+See Sold Price
NETTE - 5 Pc. MISC. LotK-LINE 21621 & 2 Hershey's Alco AB Diesels; K-2223 Lack. MP-15 Diesel; LTI 16939 Boat Flat; MPC 2113 Portals, obs worn, C7See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. IVES Lot125 Union Lines Boxcar, nice roof, C6; 67 Late Caboose w/Journaled Trucks, C7; 68 Obsv., C5; Cab Only for 32 Clockwork Electric, C5; Repainted 11 TenderSee Sold Price
Sold13 pc. Disney PRIDE LINES Lot: NETTE6 small metal figures; 2 reproduction Manoil vehicles; 5 larger molded figures, 1 is vinyl, C8+See Sold Price
Sold5 Pc G Gauge LotG Ga. Includes a K-Line PRR maintenance car; LGB 20680 rail truck; 20020 Fortuna prop car; 20130 Ward Kimball's Grizzly Flats loco & coach & open coach. All could use a cleaning and show light runtimeSee Sold Price
Sold5 Pc Lionel Rolling stock Lot6119-100 Work Caboose; 2460 Crane, hair line crack to boom; 6460 Crane, minor corrosion to boom crank, hair line crack at boom support; 6560 Crane; MPC 9157 C&O Flat with P&H Crane, dusty. Has moderatSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - MAR LINES MARX Elegant Miniatures Lot10 Pc Assortment including 13-airplane; 5 Hopper dump; 2 Wrecker, rough ob; 3 Jeep; 6 Dozer; 5 Dump Truck; 3 Tip Dump; 4 Forklift; 1 Road Roller; 2 Road Grader, o/w wrapped, obs w/osb, o/w C9; 36 BoxeSee Sold Price
NETTE - 18 Pc. Misc HO GAUGE LotAtlas RS 1 Diesel; Early Tyco Yard Switcher & Trolley; 2 Penn Line Tractor Trailer Kits; Varney Coach Kit; 5 Roundhouse Freight Kits; 3 Con-Cor Hoppers plus others, all obs c8 ishSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 10 Pc. HO Ga. PRR Passenger LotMantua PRR F9 AA Diesels, obs incorrect; 3 Rivarossi PRR Heavyweights; 5 Penn Line PRR Streamline cars in worn obs, C7 - C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 14 Pc. Early HO Lot, Cast & Brass15" Brass Trestle Bridge; 3 American Beauty Lines NYC Streamline Pass cars, obs; Cast/Brass PRR T-1 4-4-4-4 Steamer; Cast & Brass 4-6-2 Loco, no tender; 5 Cast Freight Cars, some no road names; SutherSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. Lot, Flash Gordon, ThunderbirdsFord Ambulance, no stretcher; TootsieToy Flash Gordon Ship; Corgi Buck Rogers Starfighter; Dinky Thunderbird 2, no plastic ship inside, working; Corgi Capt'n America Rocket Car, o/w C6-7See Sold Price
NETTE - 5 Pc. LotLTI 9458 Box Car; 9461 Boxcar; 19510 Stock Car; Restored Bing Semaphore; Lionel 1012 Transformer, new corn, no nuts, o/w C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. PAYA Lot3-Rail, O Ga., 2-4-0 Steam Loco, electric, missing tender, dusty; 3 Coaches; Baggage car, diecast wheels, o/w C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. HO Lot, w/BrassJohn English Pacific Loco, needs tender trucks, painted, not lettered, ob w/insert; Brass Consolidation w/3 tenders, all need parts, sold as-is, C4See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. LIONEL Lot219 MP Alco AA Diesels, 1 missing coupler support, other repaired; 2435 Elizabeth Pullman, C3; 6475 Libby's Vat Car, 1 step intact; 6112 Gondola w/2 Canisters, o/w C5 - 6See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. BING LotSteam Loco, missing roller pickup plate; 1012 Tender; PRR Electric; 105 NYC Coach; Lakewood Obsv, C5 *** These Lots Are Being Sold AS-IS with no returns for any reason***See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. LIONEL Lot622 NW-2; 6436 Hopper; 6456 Hopper; 3456 Oper. Hopper; 1656 Steam Loco, Shows signs of moderate playwear, dirty, but will clean. No major damage.See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. LIONEL LotOSB #X678, minor flap tape; 613 UP NW-2 Diesel, screw chip, missing 1 window strut, C5; 6434 Poultry Dispatch; 246 Steam Loco only; 6454 NYC Boxcar, C6, o/w C7See Sold Price
900 Silver Cigarette Cigar Tobacco Lighter 5pc LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Sterling Silver Vintage Cigarette Lighters 5pc LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
5pc Lot of Collectible The Simpsons Toys + FiguresLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
5 pc Lot Emilio Pucci Beach Towel, Boots, Bag, Umbrella, ShoesHughes Auctions4.4(165)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(5 Pc) Art Deco DeVilbiss Perfume Iridescent Translucent Glass Spray AtomizersAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(5 Pc) Zeta Bassano Italian Bull Cow Antipasto Platter & Plates SetAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(28 Pc) Porcelain Dinnerware Varied Plates Assorted Grouping LotAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Vintage 5Pc Mixed Lot Of Silver PlateRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Unique Lines Tin Litho (5 PC) Train Set #1950Grant Zahajko Auctions, LLC4.7(1k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024