SoldHuge lot of Lionel postwar truck assembliesHuge lot of Lionel postwar truck assemblies. Items in this lot are sold as is shown in our photos with no returns.See Sold Price
SoldHuge lot of postwar and modern era Lionel truck asPostwar Lionel O gauge primarily and some modern era, truck assemblies, parts, and pieces. All postwar appear to be freight or tender trucks. Most have operating couplers. There are both bar end and sSee Sold Price
SoldLionel postwar truck assemblies and couplersLionel postwar truck assemblies and couplers. Items in this lot are sold as is shown in our photos with no returns.See Sold Price
SoldHuge box lot of Lionel postwar parts, accessoriesHuge box lot of Lionel postwar parts and accessories. Motors, wheels, trucks, helicopters, semitrailers, switch control, reels, canisters, No. 90, wire coils, shells, telltales, etc. Please view our pSee Sold Price
SoldHuge lot of Lionel postwar accessories, pieces, partHuge lot of mostly postwar Lionel O gauge accessories, components, parts, pieces and more. Component envelopes, SP bottle, freight truck, lubricant tubes, B92 on card, die-cast railroad signs, coal loSee Sold Price
SoldHuge lot of Lionel and other train related itemsHuge lot of Lionel and other train related items to include but not limited to: boxes of steam and diesel locomotive frames, cabs/shells, motors, trucks and truck assemblies, tenders and tender shellsSee Sold Price
SoldLot of Lionel postwar and prewar partsLionel prewar and postwar O gauge train parts, some in correct factory envelopes, some just in envelopes, some used, most appear to be NOS, etc. Diesel loco truck assemblies, boiler fronts, No. 480-32See Sold Price
SoldHuge lot Lionel pre and postwar parts and piecesHuge lot Lionel pre and postwar parts and pieces, both O and Standard gauges. Wheels, trucks, motors, Champ decals, Dorfan block signal and more. Items in this lot are sold as is shown in our photos wSee Sold Price
SoldLot of Lionel accessory packets, instructions...Lot of Lionel accessory packets, instructions, cable reels, light bulbs, transformer knobs, postwar passenger car truck assemblies, and such. This lot is sold as is shown in the photo with no returns.See Sold Price
SoldLionel UCS, 90, 167, 6112-25, truck assemblies, etLarge lot of mostly postwar Lionel with some prewar and some modern era. Variety of RCS/UCS sections and controllers, control buttons, 167 whistle controllers, standard gauge track clips, canisters, cSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 2456, 6456 x14, 6476 x2, 6456 grayPostwar Lionel O gauge lot of hoppers in generally C6 area. 6456 in gray is unrun C8-9. 2456 has detached but included truck assemblies. One 6456 has a coal load. One 6456 has had a removed load, oneSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 027 passenger car & bay window caboose trucksPostwar Lionel O gauge truck assemblies, identified as 027 passenger cars and bay window cabooses. Sold as is shown in our photos with no returns. One of many parts lots.See Sold Price
SoldLionel big box lot postwar parts truck ass. bulbsBox full of mostly postwar parts which include but is not limited too: truck assemblies, Air Activated Containers, CTCs, 8141-10T frame, No. 122 Lamp assortment set, plastic container of bulbs and verSee Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of prewar Lionel items, various controllLarge lot of mostly prewar Lionel items with some postwar items. 222 switch controllers, lantern covers, lockons, 81, 166, wheels, truck assemblies and more. Please view the photographs for the best dSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 2379, 8864, 2363, two undecorated B unitsMixed lot of postwar, modern and reproduction Lionel trains, 2379, 8864, 2363, two undecorated/lettered B units. 2379 is a powered unit, postwar frame and truck assemblies that was tested on a short sSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar Lionel components, pieces, parts, and suchPostwar Lionel O gauge components, parts and pieces. Large box lot mixed with a wide variety of items, trestles, truck assemblies, 919 grass, instructions sheets, 260 bumpers, 160 bins, telegraph poleSee Sold Price
SoldLionel loco frames, motors, trucks, pieces and partsPostwar Lionel O gauge diesel locomotive frames, motors, truck assemblies, pieces, and parts. Sold as is shown in our photos with no returns. One of many parts lots.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 6500 N.P. F3 diesel AA unitsLionel 6500 Northern Pacific F3 diesel AA units. Shells are reproductions, missing three horns, dual postwar motors and truck assemblies. Loco runs in reverse only. Items in this lot are sold as is shSee Sold Price
SoldLionel train parts and piecesPostwar and modern era Lionel and others, toys and toy train related items. SP bottles, 90 controllers, truck assemblies, other parts and pieces. Please view the photos of the items in this lot for quSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer and Lionel S gauge freight carsPostwar American Flyer and modern era Lionel American Flyer S gauge freight cars. Some cars are restored/repainted, some need truck assemblies attached, some have covers added. Nice clean lot, most arSee Sold Price
SoldHuge lot of Lionel postwar O gauge freight carsPostwar Lionel O gauge freight cars with typical grime, and other minor issues. Lot overall looks like it should clean C6 area. Lot is sold as is with no returns, view photos for better description. PSee Sold Price
SoldHuge lot of Lionel postwar lamps in OB, NICE LOTPostwar Lionel O gauge and possibly standard gauge lamps for trains, cabooses, accessories and possibly more. Great selection of lamps with a large number of smoke bulbs. Boxes look great C8-10. SomeSee Sold Price
SoldHuge lot of Lionel postwar O gauge freight carsPostwar Lionel O gauge freight cars with typical problems, missing catwalks, cracked shells, missing parts, etc. Lot is sold as is with no returns, view photos for better description. Partial list ofSee Sold Price
SoldHuge lot of Lionel postwar original boxesPostwar Lionel O Gauge original boxes to included: 2353T w/insert, 192, 3662 w/insert, 154, 6362, 6315, 6019, 3444, 2350X, 6457, 6555, 112, 112, 953, 2046W and an unnumbered insert. Boxes range from mSee Sold Price
Postwar American Flyer S Gauge steam pilots truck assembElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar American Flyer S Gauge diesel chassis pilots etc.Elliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar Lionel O Gauge passenger car 4wh trucks coupElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar American Flyer S Gauge lead trailing truck assembliesElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar American Flyer S Gauge four wheel truck assembliesElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar American Flyer S Gauge truck assemblies partsElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar Lionel O Gauge smoke unit parts NOS Huge LotElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar American Flyer S Gauge truck assemblies LinkElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar American Flyer S Gauge truck assemblies link moreElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar Lionel O Gauge die-cast lead trailing 4 6 wheel trucksElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar Lionel O Gauge 4wh 6 wh freight pass trucksElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar Modern Lionel O Gauge diesel/electric trucksElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lionel O Gauge NOS couplers rollers slides truck assemblyElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lionel O Gauge truck assemblies 8002-T50 8002-T90 9500Elliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024