SoldInstructional Books Swing the Clubhead, Ernest JonInstructional Books Swing the Clubhead, Ernest Jones, Fifth Edition, 1957;Swinging into Golf, Ernest Jones and Innis Brown, 1948;Byron Nelson's Winning Golf, 1946, signed by the author;How to Play YouSee Sold Price
Hammond Golf Swing Ernest Jones book signedTitle:The Golf Swing: The Ernest Jones Method - signed Author:Hammond, Daryn viii, [160] pp. Illustrated with photographs, including frontispiece with tissue-guard. 8¾x5½, green cloth lettered in giSee Sold Price
Hammond Golf Swing Ernest Jones bookTitle:The Golf Swing: The Ernest Jones Method Author:Hammond, Daryn viii, [160] pp. Illustrated with photographs. 8¾x5½, green cloth lettered in gilt. First Edition. "The first exposure of Mr. JonesSee Sold Price
Golf Book: "The Golf Swing The Ernest Jones Method"The Golf Swing The Ernest Jones Method" Daryn Hammond, Published by: Chatto & Windus, London, 1920, Hardcover. Green cloth covers with gilt lettering on spine and front board. Uncut fore edge and botSee Sold Price
Golf Book: "The Golf Swing The Ernest Jones Method"The Golf Swing The Ernest Jones Method" Daryn Hammond, Published by: Brentano's, New York, Hardcover. This classic has phtographic illustrations. Green covers. There is no writing in the book. InsideSee Sold Price
SoldInstructional Books Golf for Women, George Duncan;Instructional Books Golf for Women, George Duncan;Golf in Theory and Practice, HSC Everard,1896;A New Way to Better Golf, Alex J. Morrison, 22nd printing, 1946;The Golfing Swing, Burnham Hare, Third ESee Sold Price
Swing the Clubhead by Jones and EisenbergSwing the Clubhead by Jones and Eisenberg Publishers Contract and Memorandum of Agreement. Contract is signed by Jones and Eisenberg. Provenance: Estate of Russell Johanson, Ravenna Rare Books, SeattlSee Sold Price
SoldTwo General Custer Reference BooksTwo General Custer Reference Books. "Exploring with Custer", by Ernest Grafe and Paul Horsted. "Crossing the Plains with Custer" by Ernest Grafe, Paul Horsted and Jon Nelson. 2002 and 2009 by Golden VSee Sold Price
SoldTarot Instructional Books and Sets of CardsIncludes a 1958 edition of The Tarot of the Bohemians by Papus and more as shown. All three decks have 78 cards.See Sold Price
Sold1927 1st ed Hemingway Men without Women Ernest1927 1st ed Hemingway Men without Women Ernest World War I Europe Bull Fighting “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ― Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway was one of the most prolific AmerSee Sold Price
Sold1871 Chicken Farm Guide Domestic Poultry Saunders1871 Chicken Farm Guide Domestic Poultry Saunders Breeding Duck Fowl Illustrated Simon Saunders’ book ‘Domestic Poultry’ is an instructional book on raising poultry derived from Saunders own expSee Sold Price
Sold1952 1st/1st Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and The Sea1952 1st/1st Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and The Sea Novel Literature Classic “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ― Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway was one of the most prolific AmeriSee Sold Price
Sold1950 1ed/1st Hemingway Across the River1950 1ed/1st Hemingway Across the River and Into the Trees Ernest World War I “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ― Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway was one of the most prolific AmericSee Sold Price
Sold1950 1ed/1st Hemingway Across the River1950 1ed/1st Hemingway Across the River and Into the Trees Ernest World War I “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ― Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway was one of the most prolific AmericSee Sold Price
Sold1950 1ed/1st Hemingway Across the River1950 1ed/1st Hemingway Across the River and Into the Trees Ernest World War I “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ― Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway was one of the most prolific AmericSee Sold Price
Sold1927 1st ed Hemingway Men without Women Ernest WWI1927 1st ed Hemingway Men without Women Ernest World War I Europe Bull Fighting “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ― Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway was one of the most prolific AmerSee Sold Price
SoldTAROT BASICS Tarot Cards & BookTAROT BASICS includes an instructional books let and tarot cards. Includes 78 cards and a Tarot Basics Book, includes original box. Largest piece measures approx 6.25 inches W, and 8.5 inches long. WeSee Sold Price
SoldGuitar Part, Accessory and Book AssortmentGuitar Part, Accessory and Book Assortment Including a DiMarzio DP424BK Area T 615 Bridge pick-up in black, instructional books and DVDs, new guitar and ukulele strings, drum patches, guitar hardwareSee Sold Price
SoldPainting of child on swing, Edmund Ernest KosmowskiPainting of child on swing, Edmund Ernest-Kosmowski(Polish 1900-1985).This painting is 9 inches by 12 inches in a frame 16 inches by 19 inches.Kosmowski was on the faculty at the Warsaw University, anSee Sold Price
Sold1927 1st ed Hemingway Men without Women Ernest World War I Europe Bull Fighting1927 1st ed Hemingway Men without Women Ernest World War I Europe Bull Fighting “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ― Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway was one of the most prolSee Sold Price
Sold1932 Hemingway 1st ed Death in the Afternoon Spanish Bullfighting Spain Bulls1932 Hemingway 1st ed Death in the Afternoon Spanish Bullfighting Spain Bulls First published in 1932, “Death in the Afternoon” is a non-fiction book by Ernest Hemingway about the sport ofSee Sold Price
Sold1897 1ed Uncle Sam’s PATRIOTIC Songs1897 1ed Uncle Sam’s PATRIOTIC Songs Star Spangled Banner My Country Tis of Thee Charles Langley’s ‘Uncle Sam's School Songs’ is a late 19th-century song book and instructional music book. ItSee Sold Price
Sold3 Ernest Hemingway Books3 Ernest Hemingway Books: Book 1 Book: The Sun Also Rises Author: Ernest Hemingway Published: 1953 Reprint Book 2 Book: Men Without Women Author: Ernest Hemingway Published: 1927 Early Edition Book 3See Sold Price
Sold1904 8 RARE Book Lot Literature Ernest Hemingway Rudyar1904 8 RARE Book Lot Literature Ernest Hemingway Rudyard Kipling John Steinbeck A collection of eight 20th-century works of literature by famous authors including Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, anSee Sold Price
1896 BILLIARDS 1st ed Games Strategy Tactics Guide Pool Sports Badminton LibrarySchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
Aubrey Beardsley - Les Affiches Etrangeres : Keynotes Series, 1897NCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Adolphe Crespin & Eduard Duyck - Spa Ferme de Frahinfaz - 1897NCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Auguste Donnay - Concours international de Chant d'ensemble - 1897NCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
L'Art En Chine Et Au Japon, Book by Ernest F. FenellosaLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024