Vintage Tall Burl Secretary by Lubberts & Mulder for Tomlinson SophisticateA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
SoldFederal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseProbably Baltimore, 1800-1820. The top drawer opens to reveal a secretary desk. 92"h x 43 3/4"l x 23 3/4"wSee Sold Price
SoldA Federal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseA Federal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase Early 19th Century Height 72 x width 41 x depth 21 inches. Property from an Estate, Lake Forest, IllinoisSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Mahogany Secretary Bookcasemiddle Atlantic states, swan's neck pediment set with fine carved rosettes, upper case with paneled back, glazed doors with adjustable shelved interior, lower case with fitted butler's desk over threeSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseNew Bedford, MA. c 1830. With Gothic glazed doors and glass knobs. 81"h x 42"w x 22"dSee Sold Price
SoldSouthern Federal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseCirca 1810, likely Charleston, South Carolina. The piece having a broken arch pediment with three turned wood finials atop upper case with two hinged doors housing shelves within the case leading downSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase, New YorkFederal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase, New York In two parts; the upper section with an overhanging cornice and a pair of glazed doors enclosing two shelves, the lower section with a top drawer which opSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseAmerican Federal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase, c. 1790, New England, the upper section with diamond glazed doors, the fold-out writing surface above long drawers with oval brasses, the shaped apron conSee Sold Price
SoldA Federal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseA Federal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase 19th Century Height 72 1/2 x width 40 x depth 17 1/2 inches. Property from the Estate of Annice Belknap Johnston, Land O' Goshen Farms, Goshen, KentuckySee Sold Price
SoldFederal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseA Federal mahogany secretary bookcase with pull-out desk, glass-door bookcase top, and blind storage in base. 86-1/2in tall x 43in wide x 22-1/4in deep. Doors are locked, key not included. | PhiladelpSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseFederal Inlaid Mahogany Secretary Bookcase. The top section consisting of broken arch pediment with three finials, twin gothic mullion glazed doors over a tambour door cabinet with fitted compartmentsSee Sold Price
SoldNew York Federal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseAmerican, New York Federal secretary bookcase, circa 1800-1820 Mahogany, gilt metal Approx. height 78", width 36", depth 32"See Sold Price
SoldFederal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase Probably MarylFederal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase Probably Maryland, Circa 1820 The fold-front lid opening to reveal a green baize writing surface enclosing two compartments above a case with a single drawer. GreenSee Sold Price
SoldA Federal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseA Federal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase salem, massachusetts, circa 1800 in two parts, the superstructure having a swan neck pediment centered by a giltwood spreadwing eagle finial above the two glazedSee Sold Price
SoldSouthern Federal Mahogany Secretary BookCaseCirca 1835 Augusta, Georgia by Silcox and Brothers. Signed at the top of the interior Silcox and Brothers Augusta Geo. The piece having nicely figured mahogany case with molded top and paneled doors hSee Sold Price
SoldFine Southern Federal Mahogany Secretary Bookcasecirca 1820, Richmond, Virginia. having bold molded top above two glazed doors with charmingly shaped mullions concealing three shelves leading to two small drawers above figured mahogany fall front wrSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseAmerica, early 19th century. top section with molded cornice above two glazed doors on lower section with fitted desk drawer over two cupboard drawers, on French feet. H8 1/2" W40" D23"See Sold Price
Federal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseFederal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase New England, circa 1815-20 The straight molded cornice and plain frieze above two glazed doors with gothic arches, the lower section with two fold-out writing surfaSee Sold Price
SoldFine Federal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseFine Federal mahogany secretary bookcase with tambour front, diamond plate inlaid center door, checkered ebony and satinwood inlay throughout, and individual mullion paneled doors, 85" high x 32 1/4"See Sold Price
SoldFederal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseNew England Federal secretary bookcase, consisting of three parts, upper section having three urn finials on satinwood and ebony inlaid plinths, pair of glazed doors with geometrically patterned mulliSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Late Federal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseAn American Late Federal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase, early 19th c., New York, the upper case with glazed doors flanked by turned and reeded half columns over short drawers, foldover writing lid, andSee Sold Price
SoldFederal mahogany secretary bookcaseFederal mahogany secretary bookcase. Early 19th century. Measures appx 75" t x 41" w x 20 1/2" d. Good condition.See Sold Price
SoldLATE FEDERAL MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE;LATE FEDERAL MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE; height: 72 inches; width: 43 inches; depth: 21 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Mahogany Secretary BookcaseFederal Mahogany Secretary Bookcase The top section consisting of broken arch pediment with three finials, twin gothic mullion glazed doors over two side by side drawers, over a base with a flip top,See Sold Price
GILDED AGE ERA MAHOGANY BOOKCASE w/ ORMOLU MOUNTSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
THE TYLER BIGELOW BOSTON FEDERAL SECRETARY DESKJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique secretary blind door bookcase top, ca.1790-1820's, 2 piece, solid mahoganySouth Jersey Auction by Babington Auction Inc4.6(123)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
CIRCA 1880 TO 1900 PAINTED ADAM'S STYLE SECRETARYLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
American Mahogany Chippendale Secretary BookcaseOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Fine Georgian Mahogany Miniature Secretary Bookcase, c.1800Neue Auctions4.6(356)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
George III Mahogany Slant-Front Secretary BookcaseGreenwich Auction4.3(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
VERY GOOD EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY BOOKCASE BUREAUPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Tall Federal Brass-Mounted Chalky White Painted Mahogany Breakfront BookcaseSTAIR4.6(288)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
FEDERAL MAHOGANY TWO-PART BANQUET TABLE, CA. 1820.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
RARE AMERICAN FEDERAL MAHOGANY BREAKFRONT, CA. 1820.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024