SoldInft No 79 Hildesheim Guard Star Finial RegimentalRegimental Stein 1/2L Pottery. "4. Komp. Inftr. Regt. von Voigts Rhetz 3. Hannov. No. 79. Hildesheim. 1907-09, Res. Gfrt. Schutz." Two side scenes. Rear roster. Guard star on finial.See Sold Price
Inft No 79 Hildesheim Regimental SteinRegimental Stein 1/2L Pottery. “5 Comp. Inft. Regt. v. Voigts Rhitz 3 Hannov. No. 79 Hildesheim 1909-1911, Gefr. Wendler.” Two side scenes. Rear roster. Mint.See Sold Price
Regimental Stein w Guard Star on Eagle FinialRegimental Stein 1/2L Pottery. “8. Comp. Kgl. Eisenb. Regt. No. 1. Berlin 1899-1901, Pionier Rheinschmid.” Two side scenes. Detailed Kaiser Wilhelm II thumblift with parade dress helmet. Guard staSee Sold Price
SoldRegimental 1 Garde Star Stein w Midar Helmet LidRegimental Stein 1/2L Pottery Merkelbach Wick. “1 Garde Regt. z. F. Potsdam.” Midar helmet finial and guard star hangs from eagle thumblift. Mint.See Sold Price
RARE Glass Schutzen Regimental w Helmet Finial LidRegimental Stein 1/2L Glass. "3. Comp. Garde Schutzen Bataillon Lichterfelde 1912-13, Einj. Frein Hinrichs." Silver enamel guard star above enameled stag. Raised gilded "GSB" enamel beneath crown. SidSee Sold Price
SoldRegimental Infantry stein 79 unit in HildesheimRegimental Stein 1/2L Pottery. “Komp. Inft. Regt. Voigts Phetz 3 Hannov. No 79 Hildesheim 1907-09, Reservist Kappe.” Two side scenes. Rear roster. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldHanging Guard Star Pendant Regimental SteinRegimental Stein 1/2L Porcelain. "8. Kompagnie Kaiser Alexander Garde Grenadier Regiment No 1 Berlin 1912-1914, Reservist Bison." Busy Four side scenes show Miter Helmet, Zepplin balloon, etc. See othSee Sold Price
SoldCrown Finial Regimental Stein Inft Regt IngolstadtRegimental Stein 1/2L Porcelain. “Masch. Gew. Kp. 10. (k. Bayer.) Inft. Regt. Konig Ludwiug III. Ingolstadt 1912-14, Fahrer Gefr. Hertlein.” Four side scenes. Small crown finial.See Sold Price
SoldMettlach Regimental Inft Nr 79 Hannover SteinMettlach #2140/877 PUG 1/2L. “Inf. Regt. Von Voigts Rhetz (3. Hannov.) Nr 79.”See Sold Price
Sold3 Inft Regt Crown on Pillow Finial Regimental StenRegimental Stein 1/2L Porcelain. “3. Inft. Regt. Prinz Carl von Bayern 8. Comp. Augsburg 1905-1907, Johann Schukmann.” Four side scenes. Rear roster. Crown on pillow finial. Mint.See Sold Price
Screw Off Finial Regimental Stein 3 Inft Bayern 7Regimental Stein 1/2L Porcelain. “3. Inft. Regt. Prinz Carl von Bayern 7. Comp. Augsburg 1910-1912, Gefreiter Ambros Schmid.” Four side scenes. Rear roster. Screw off finial lid. Mint.See Sold Price
Sold4 Inft Metz 4 Scene Lion Finial Regimental SteinRegimental Stein 1/2L Porcelain. "4 Inft. Regt. Konig Wilhelm v. Wurttemberg 4. Comp. Metz 1908-10, Reservist Boller." Four side scenes. Rear roster. Soldier & lion finial. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldUlan Regimental Stein w Hanging Guard StarRegimental Stein 1/2L Porcelain. “3 Garde Ulanen Regt. Potsdam 1901.” Guard star hangs from eagle thumblift. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldMachine Gun Stacked Bullet Finial Regimental SteinRegimental Stein 1/2L Porcelain. “Masch. Gew. Cp. Kgl. Bayr. 4. Inft. Regt. Konig Wilh. v. Wurttemberg Metz 1910-12, Resv. Gfr. Muller.” Two machine gun side scenes. Stacked bullet with crew top mSee Sold Price
SoldRare Soldier Shooting Finial Regimental Stein½ L. Porcelain Regimental. "kgl. Bayr. 2. Inft. Regt. Kronprinz 9 Comp. Muenchen 1904-06, Josef Falhkauser. "Two side scenes. Rear roster. Large kneeling soldier with long rifle thumblift, shooting tSee Sold Price
SoldGarde Star Dragoon Regimental 1/2L SteinRegimental Stein 1/2L Pottery. "5 Esk. 2 Garde Drag. Regt. Kaiserin Alexandra Berlin 1910-13, Gefr. Edwin Wolf." Four side scenes. Rear roster. Guard star hangs from eagle thumblift. Large horse and rSee Sold Price
SoldMettlach Regimental Eisenbahn Nr 3 SteinMettlach #2140/786 PUG 1/2L. “Eisenbahn Regiment Nr. 3.” Relief guard star pewter lid. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldGarde Schutzen Regimental Mettlach Stein Star LidMettlach #2140/731 PUG 1/2L. "Garde Schutzen Bataillon." Relief guard star lid. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldGarde Gren No 2 Regimental Stein w Star PendentRegimental Stein 1/2L Porcelain. “7. Comp. Kais. Franz Garde Gren. Regt. No. 2. Berlin 1905-07, Res. Hornist Eduard Wintenberger.” Two side scenes. Guard star pendent on thumblift. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldMettlach Regimental Garde Train Batallion SteinMettlach #2140/801 PUG 1/2 L. "Garde-Train Batallion" Guard star relief pewter lid. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldMettlach Regimental Garde PUG Stein Relief LidMettlach #2140/451 PUG 1/2 L. "Garde-Regiment zu Fuss." Guard star relief pewter lid. Mint.See Sold Price
Porcelain 4th Garde Zu Fuss Regimental 1/2L SteinRegimental Stein 1/2L Porcelain. "2 Komp. 4 Garde Regiment zu Fuss in Berlin 1910-12, Res. Gefr. Topp." Four side scenes. Rear roster. Guard star hangs from eagle thumblift. MintSee Sold Price
12th Infantry Unit w/ Crown Finial Regimental SteinRegimental Stein 1/2L Porcelain. “12. Inft. Regt. Prinz Arnulf 12. Comp. Neu Ulm 1901-1903, Unteroffizier Joh. Leinfelder.” Four side scenes. Rear roster. Small crown finial. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldReservistenkrug Um 1904/1906. - B. d. 4. Comp...Reservistenkrug Um 1904/1906. - B. d. 4. Comp. Inft. Rgt. v. Voigts-Rhetz. 3. Hann. No. 79. Hildesheim.- Res. Horn. Haarnagell. 1904-06. - Farbloses Glas, facettiert, z. T. mattiert. Polychrome EmailbSee Sold Price
House Order of the Sultan of Foumban, Mfon of BamounLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Khazar Iron Sabre with Gilt Bronze Cross GuardTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Itzik Benshalom (1945-2018), "First Love," 1979John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
The Immortal Guard of Imperial Iran Commemorative Wall Plate, SignedFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
3PC Kenner Star Wars ESB 42 Back MOSC Figure GroupBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
3 Kenner Star Wars ROTJ 77 Back MOSC Figure GroupBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE (1993-1999) - Bajoran Phaser ReplicaPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024