Chaim Soutine (Belarusian/French, 1893-1943) - La Petite Fille dans la VerdureFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Elisabeth Frink (British, 1930-1993) - Harbinger Bird IFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AMERICAN SEASCAPE PAINTING BY ROSS EMBROSE MOFFETTAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CHARLES HENRY GIFFORD (Massachusetts, 1839-1904), Luminist view of three sailboats in a quietEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Estate Fresh Civil War Cavalry C. Roby 1863 With ScabbardRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ABSTRACT ARAB LEBANESE OIL PAINTING BY ETEL ADNANAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CDV Officer Uniform Photograph Civil WarCDV of Union officer in full uniform. Officer poses from the bust-up with disheveled hair and a glazed expression. Minor staining on soldier's face and along bottom of card slightly affects the image.See Sold Price
CDV Officer Uniform Photograph Civil WarCDV of Union officer in full uniform. Officer poses from the bust-up with disheveled hair and a glazed expression. Minor staining on soldier's face and along bottom of card slightly affects the image.See Sold Price
CDV Officer Uniform Photograph Civil WarCDV of Union officer in full uniform. Officer poses from the bust-up with disheveled hair and a glazed expression. Minor staining on soldier's face and along bottom of card slightly affects the image.See Sold Price
Lot Civil War CDV Officer Uniform Photograph PictTwo Civil War CDV's of a bearded officer in uniform with two military stripes. One features a full-figure image of the officer standing next to a podium draped in floral pattern. The other Carte de ViSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Officer Uniform Photograph PictureCivil War CDV of Massachusetts officer in uniform, wearing a thick goatee with hair pulled back. Handwritten on verso, "From collection of Cyrus Dallin. 1882-1942." Backmark reads, "Knowlton's PhotogrSee Sold Price
CDV Officers Uniform Soldier Civil War PhotographFour original CDVs from the 1860's. Some are officers. One soldier in uniform has a fur hat and is being held by the arm by the other man. One of the other officers has his gloves in one hand and eithSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War CDV Officer Uniform Sword Photograph PiCivil War CDV of Pennsylvania officer in uniform. Nice dashing pose of officer with sash, high boots, sword, and a beautiful Hardee hat resting beside him. Carte de Visite contains rare dental advertiSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War CDV Officer Uniform Soldier PhotographCW CDV features a portrait of a officer, kind of sloppily-attired in his Union uniform and posing, full figure, next to a column. Card is not matted nor framed. No backmark. A few areas of discoloratiSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Union Officer Uniform Photograph PiCDV of Union officer in full uniform. Officer poses from the bust-up with disheveled hair and a glazed expression. Minor staining on soldier's face and along bottom of card slightly affects the image.See Sold Price
Civil War CDV Union Officer Uniform Photograph PiCivil War CDV photograph of identified Union officer in uniform. Bearded subject is wearing his uniform jacket with Union officer's shoulderboards and crossbelt and a slouch hat. Chest-up view in contSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Union Officer Uniform Photograph PiCivil War CDV of Union soldier. Subject is shown in bust view with contrast fading to a white background. He wears the uniform of a Union officer with shoulder boards visible in the image. Backmark beSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War CDV Uniform Officer Photograph Pic CWCW CDV of a uniformed seated clean-shaven officer with sleepy expression and watch chain. Tax stamp on back, also the studio "Lincoln, Artist, Congress Avenue (Boston)." Some toning around the clippedSee Sold Price
CW CDV Union Officer Wife Uniform Photograph PicCivil War CDV of the Union officer with wife standing. Uniformed soldier sits cross-legged. Wife, in dress, stands nearby. Backmark: "A.C. Townsend, Photographer, Enterprise Gallery." Excellent rare iSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War CDV 3rd PA Officer Uniform Photograph PCivil War CDV of Union officer in uniform. The sepia hued image photographs Lt. W. Bickley standing in full view. He poses before a studio background wearing his officer's frock coat and sky blue trouSee Sold Price
SoldCDV Civil War Uniform Officer Photograph PictureCDV of officer standing regally in a Napoleonic pose with his right hand tucked into his coat. Soldier stands slightly to the left, wearing his uniform embellished with officer's bars and piping on hiSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Union Uniform Officer Photograph PiCivil War CDV shows portrait of Union Army M.D. Frederick Maryland in Union uniform with mustache and receding hairline. The 2.5" x 4" Carte de Visite bears the backmark "Photographed by J. Byerly & SSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Uniform Union Officer Photograph PiCivil War CDV portrait of bearded Union officer in uniform framed in oval. Light bluish tint outside oval. Backmark: "W.C. Foote, Photographer, Saginaw and Union Streets, Flint, Michigan." The 2.5" xSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Uniformed Officer Photograph PhotoCW CDV of officer in uniform. A bust view of soldier in a stately pose, diffusing into white background. Some stains do not interfere with portrait. Nice clean image with good contrast. Edges have beeSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Uniformed Officer Photograph PhotoCW CDV of officer in uniform. A bust view of soldier in a stately pose, diffusing into white background. Some stains do not interfere with portrait. Nice clean image with good contrast. Edges have beeSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Uniformed Officer Photograph PhotoCW CDV of officer in uniform. A bust view of soldier in a stately pose, diffusing into white background. Some stains do not interfere with portrait. Nice clean image with good contrast. Edges have beeSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Union Officer Photograph PicCivil War CDV photograph of identified Union officer in uniform. Bearded subject is wearing his uniform jacket with Union officer's shoulderboards and crossbelt and a slouch hat. Chest-up view in contSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Union Officer Photograph PicCivil War CDV photograph of identified Union officer in uniform. Bearded subject is wearing his uniform jacket with Union officer's shoulderboards and crossbelt and a slouch hat. Chest-up view in contSee Sold Price
Civil War CDV Union Officer Photograph PicCivil War CDV photograph of identified Union officer in uniform. Bearded subject is wearing his uniform jacket with Union officer's shoulderboards and crossbelt and a slouch hat. Chest-up view in contSee Sold Price
SoldCDV Mass Second Lieutenant Civil War PhotographCDV bust image of handsome Massachusetts officer in Union uniform. Sepia-hued portrait shows clean-shaven officer with a focused gaze. His uniform has second lieutenant stripes on each shoulder. SomeSee Sold Price
[BASEBALL CARTE DE VISITE]. Carte de Visite Photograph of a...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Cabinet card featuring an African American in uniform, possibly a Civil War veteran.Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Fayetteville Armory Civil War Officers Confederate CS SwordJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024