SoldPrimitive African Dogon Tellem Figure Mali WomenMade of wood and features one woman standing on the shoulders of another. It is from the 19th century and is mounted on a museum base.The Dogon attribute them to an earlier population, the Tellem. TheSee Sold Price
SoldTellem figure, MaliAntique Dogon tribe, Tellem figure, Mali. Attached to a base with info underside. Tribal carving of hard wood, dating from early 20th century. 16 inches high.See Sold Price
SoldEx-Segy Dogon Tellem Figure MaliDESCRIPTION: Carved wood Dogon Tellem figure, Mali. Base with pronounced breastplate, elongated arms, and bearded face. On wood base. 19th/20th century. PROVENANCE: From the Saul and Florence PuttermaSee Sold Price
Sold2 Dogon style sculptures. 20th century.A group of 2 Dogon style sculptures. 20th century. ++ Dogon style figure. Mali ++ Dogon tellem style figure. Mali. Provenance: Inventory and Collection from the Estate of Merton D. Simpson.See Sold Price
SoldDogon or Tellem artist, male figureDogon or Tellem artist male figure Malicarved wood60 h × 10 w × 5 d in (152 × 25 × 13 cm) Sold with stand. Sold with a digital copy of the invoice from Archeo Gallery.See Sold Price
Sold5 West African objects. 20th century.A group of 5 West African objects. 20th century. ++ Dogon tellem style standing male figure. Mali,Dogon. 38 1/8”h x 4 1/2”w x 4 1/4”d.++ Bamana style female Chiwara headdress with metal embellisSee Sold Price
SoldTellem-style Dogon fertility figure, MaliTellem-style Dogon fertility figure or "nommo", Mali, representing a plea for rain, the carved wood form with geometric details, standing at a slight angle with raised arms, 24"h x 4"w, overall size iSee Sold Price
SoldDogon Seated Male FigureSeated male figure with raised arms in the Tellem style, possibly a shrine figure. Dogon people, Mali. Splits, weathered. Approx. 38" in height. Provenance: Estate of Thomas McNemar, (1931-2020.) McNeSee Sold Price
A Tellem FigureFigur mit erhobenen Armen Tellem, Mali Mit Sockel / with base Holz. H 32,5 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Ex-Bundespräsident Walter Scheel (1919-2016, Ascona). Die Tellem verehrten Altarfiguren, von denenSee Sold Price
Sold5 West African style figures & stool. 20th centuryA group of 5 West African style figures & stool. 20th century. ++ Dogon style seated hermaphroditic figure. Mali, Dogon. 50 3/4”h x 9 1/2”w x 11 1/2”d.++ Tellem style standing male figure. Mali,See Sold Price
Sold**LARGE AFRICAN FIGURE, DOGON PEOPLE, MALIFrom one of the oldest tribal entities on the continent, Tellem forebears of the Dogon date back many centuries. This exceptionally large and fine ancestral warrior is anvil and hammer wrought, workedSee Sold Price
SoldDogon Tellem style standing female figure.An encrusted Tellum style standing cylindrical female figure with arms raised above the head. Mali, Dogon. 19th/20th century. 12"h. Provenance: Inventory and Collection from the Estate of Merton D. SiSee Sold Price
Mali Beautiful DOGON figure statue Provenance AfricanMALI DOGON Beautiful Dogon statue with a raised hand Cubist architecture and crusty patina A particularity of this statue, which evokes the Tellem style, is the presence of 3 arms, of which only one iSee Sold Price
SoldMali, Dogon/Tellem, a couple of standing ancestralMali, Dogon/Tellem, a couple of standing ancestral figures, both male and female with hands stretched up towards the sky. Weathered but still quite attractive. H: 12.25".See Sold Price
SoldWest African Bozo Fish Figure, MaliWest African Bozo Fish Figure, Mali. Carved wood and pigment. Size: 43'' x 7.5'' x 9'' (109 x 19 x 23 cm). Note: There Are No Hidden or Confidential Reserves in this Auction; All Acceptable Bidding CoSee Sold Price
SoldA Large Dogon Figure Mali, early to mid 20th ceA Large Dogon Figure Mali, early to mid 20th century A highly eroded figure displaying fine old patina. Provenance: Dr. & Mrs. John Finley Height: 29 inches HID03101062020 © 2020 Heritage AucSee Sold Price
SoldBamana / Bambara Maternity Figure, MaliGuandousou carved wood sculpture of a mother breastfeeding her child. The maternal figure has a long, ringed neck, facial and body scarification, a long torso, full breasts and short legs. Sculpture iSee Sold Price
SoldSeated Dogon Statue / Figure, MaliSerene figure, seated, with curved back, elbows bent, hands raised on each side of face. Encrusted surface. Dogon people, Mali. Approx. 28" in height. Provenance: Estate of Thomas McNemar, (1931-2019.See Sold Price
SoldThree African Bamana Sogo Bo Puppet Theater Figures, Mali, Mid 20th C.Three Bamana Sogo Bo Puppet Figures, Mali, Mid 20th C. Including two puppets and one figure of "Misi the Zebu" (Misi the bull). Size: Ranging from 15'' x 20'' x 4'' (38 x 51 x 10 cm) to 23'' x 20'' xSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Equestrian Figure, MaliEquestrian Figure, Mali. Size: 13.5" x 32.5" x 9" (34 x 83 x 23 cm). Provenance: Private Savannah, Georgia collection.See Sold Price
SoldA Carved Wood Bambara Marionette Figure, Mali, 20thA Carved Wood Bambara Marionette Figure, Mali, 20th Century, With cotton and metal decorations. Comes apart into eight pieces. H: 49 W: 19 D: 8 in. 'African Sculptural Traditions,' John J. McDonough MSee Sold Price
SoldOld African Bamana Boli Power Figure, Mali. Early 20thOld African Zoomorphic Power Figure (Boli), Bamana People, Mali. Early 20th C. Wood and sacrificial materials. Size: 14'' x 24'' x 9'' (36 x 61 x 23 cm). Note: There Are No Hidden or Confidential ReseSee Sold Price
SoldA Dogon Figure Mali Height: 56 cm. XIX century orA Dogon Figure Mali Height: 56 cm. (22in.) XIX century or earlier. Provenance: Collection Van Lier , Amsterdam (1910-1995) Sale: Christie's, Amsterdam, African, Oceanic & Indonesian Art from the Van LSee Sold Price
Dogon Granary Door With Carved Ancestral Figures Mali AfricaDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Mbole African Carved Wood Standing Tribal Male Figure Mali w/Trade BeadsArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Ancient Bankoni Civilization Sculpture 15-16th CenturyTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
BAMANA Female Figure wood statue BAMBARA African Tribal Art 0822Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
11th C. African Mali Tellem Quartz Ear Plugs (pr)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
11th C. African Mali Tellem Quartz Ear Plug & Labret, 2Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024