SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #11704 Southern Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11704 Southern Freight Runner Service Station Special Set that Lionel made circa 1987. This Set includes the #18602 Southern GP-9 Diesel with DuSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #11704 Southern Freight SSS SetPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11704 Southern Freight Runner Service Station Special Set that Lionel made circa 1987. This Set includes the Southern GP-9 Diesel with Dual MotoSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #11704 Southern Freight RunnerPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11704 Southern Freight Runner Service Station Special Set that Lionel made circa 1987. This Set includes the #18602 Southern GP-9 Diesel with DuSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Lionel #11704 Southern Freight Runner Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11704 Southern Freight Runner Service Station Special Set that Lionel made circa 1987. This Set includes the #18602 Southern GP-9 Diesel with DuSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #11704 Southern Fgt SSS Set/ OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11704 Southern Freight Runner Service Station Special Set that Lionel made circa 1987. This Set includes the #18602 Southern GP-9 Diesel with DuSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #31938 Southern Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #31938 Southern Diesel Freight Set that Lionel made a few years ago. This Set includes a Southern GP Diesel with Dual Motors and Horn, a CentralSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Mint Lionel #11704 Southern SSS Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11704 Southern Freight Runner Service Station Special Set that Lionel made circa 1987. This Set includes the #18602 Southern GP-9 Diesel with DuSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #1970 SP Limited Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #1970 Southern Pacific Limited Freight Set that Lionel made circa 1979. This Set includes the #8960 Southern Pacific U36C Powered Diesel LocomotiSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #11718 NS Intermodal Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11718 Norfolk Southern Intermodal Unit Freight Train Set that Lionel made in the 1990s. This Set features the #18207 Norfolk Southern Dash-8 DieSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #1970 SP Limited Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #1970 Southern Pacific Limited Freight Set that Lionel made circa 1979. This Set includes the #8960 Southern Pacific U36C Powered Diesel LocomotiSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #1970 SP Limited Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #1970 Southern Pacific Limited Freight Set that Lionel made circa 1979. This Set includes the #8960 Southern Pacific U36C Powered Diesel LocomotiSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #1970 SP Limited Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #1970 Southern Pacific Limited Freight Set that Lionel made circa 1979. This Set includes the #8960 Southern Pacific U36C Powered Diesel LocomotiSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Mint/Sealed Lionel #11704 Southern Freight RunPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11704 Southern Freight Runner Service Station Special Set that Lionel made circa 1987. This Set includes the #18602 Southern GP-9 Diesel with DuSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Lionel #31938 Southern Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #31938 Southern Diesel Freight Set that Lionel made a few years ago. This Set includes a Southern GP Diesel with Dual Motors and Horn, a CentralSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #11906 Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11906 Lionel Lines Freight Set that Lionel made circa 1995. Our Opinion is that it is generally in Mint Condition, no signs of use, still sealedSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Great Lionel #11704 Southern Freight Runner SSPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11704 Southern Freight Runner Service Station Special Set that Lionel made circa 1987. This Set includes the #18602 Southern GP-9 Diesel with DuSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #11814 Ford Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11814 Six Piece Ford Uncatalogued Set that Lionel made in the 1990s as a promotional item for Ford. Scarce. Our Opinion is that it is generallySee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #1433 Coca-Cola Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #1433 Coca-Cola Coke Set that Lionel made in the middle 1970s. This Set includes the #8473 Coke Switcher, the #9743 Sprite Box Car, the #9745 FanSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #1552 BN Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #1552 Burlington Northern Limited Freight Set that Lionel made in the 1980s. Includes the Burlington Northern Dash 8 Diesel with dual motors, fivSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #1552 BN Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #1552 Burlington Northern Limited Freight Set that Lionel made in the 1980s. Includes the Burlington Northern Dash 8 Diesel with dual motors, fivSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #11713 SF Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #11713 Santa Fe Limited Freight Set that Lionel made in the later 1980s. This Set features the 18206 Santa Fe Dash 8 40B Diesel with Dual Motors,See Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #1552 BN Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #1552 Burlington Northern Standard O Freight Set that Lionel made circa 1985. This Set includes the #8585 Burlington Northern SD-40 Diesel with DSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #1260 N&W Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #1260 Norfolk & Western Continental Limited Freight Set that Lionel made circa 1982. This Set includes the #8266 Norfolk and Western SD-24 DieselSee Sold Price
SoldABT: Sealed Lionel #1260 N&W Freight Set/OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #1260 Norfolk & Western Continental Limited Freight Set that Lionel made circa 1982. This Set includes the #8266 Norfolk and Western SD-24 DieselSee Sold Price
Lionel O27 Fairbanks-Morse Southern Pacific Dual Motor Diesel EngineBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Great group of five Lionel postwar O freight and work carsToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lionel prewar 163 freight station set in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024