SoldPhilipp Ferdinand De Hamilton (Bruxelles 1664 - Viennaolio su tela, cm 173x118, firmato e datato 1739See Sold Price
Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton: A pair of hunting stillA pair of hunting still lifes with game. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 91.5×69 cm each. (2). Artist: Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton (b. Brussels c. 1664, d. Vienna 1750)See Sold Price
SoldPhilipp Ferdinand de Hamilton, Attr., Bello, 1st H.Oil on canvas, relined Austria, 1st half 18th century Attributed to Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton (1664-1750) – Animal and still life painter from Brussels Titled lower center ‘Bello’ DimensionsSee Sold Price
Philipp Ferdinand DE HAMILTON (1664-1750)Philipp Ferdinand DE HAMILTON (1664-1750) Hunting Still-Life with Birds. Oil on canvas, Signed (lower left) Size: 32 X 26 in., frame 42 X36 in.See Sold Price
SoldPhilipp Ferdinand de Hamilton (c. 1664 –Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton (c. 1664 – 1750)-attributed, Deer in the forest; oil on canvas, in a carved 19th Century frame. Dimensions: 58x40cmSee Sold Price
Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton (c. 1664 Ð 1750)-schoolPhilipp Ferdinand de Hamilton (c. 1664 Ð 1750)-school, Austrian noble man with his horse in landscape, oil on canvas, framed. Dimensions: 50x40cmSee Sold Price
SoldPhilipp Ferdinand de Hamilton (c. 1664 Ð 1750)-schoolPhilipp Ferdinand de Hamilton (c. 1664 Ð 1750)-school, Austrian noble man with his horse in landscape, oil on canvas, framed. Dimensions: 50x40cmSee Sold Price
SoldAttrib. Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton PaintingPAINTING. Attributed to Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton (Flemish, 1664 - 1750), still life of a parrot, 2 rabbits, a goose and a dog in a landscape, inscribed verso: 'Hamilton' and artist's monogram witSee Sold Price
SoldPhilipp Ferdinand de Hamilton(1664 Brüssel - 1750 Wien) attr.; Wasservögel in Landschaft Naturgetreue, lebendige Darstellung einer Gruppe unterschiedlicher Wasservögel in einer Flusslandschaft. In Motiv und Stil f&See Sold Price
SoldPhilipp Ferdinand de Hamilton(1664 Brüssel - 1750 Wien) attr.; Zwei Reiher in Flusslandschaft Naturgetreue, lebendige Darstellung zweier Reiher unterschiedlicher Arten (u.a. ein Nachtreiher). In Motiv und Stil für das OSee Sold Price
[RED-LEGGED or FRENCH PARTRIDGE, original oil studies]Phillipp Ferdinand de HAMILTON (1664-1750). [RED-LEGGED or FRENCH PARTRIDGE, original oil studies] Phillipp Ferdinand de HAMILTON (1664-1750). [Red-legged or French Partridge, original oil studies] [NSee Sold Price
SoldIn the manner of Phillip Ferdinand de Hamiltonoil painting on canvas still life with game animals. Site: 25.5"H x 31.5"W; Frame: 32.5"H x 38.5"W. Phillip Ferdinand de Hamilton (Flemish 1664-1750) was noted for his still life paintings. Circa - LaSee Sold Price
SoldHamilton, Philipp Ferdinand de - zugeschrieben: Stillebzugeschrieben. Stilleben mit erlegtem Rebhuhn und anderem Federwild.Öl auf Holz, parkettiert. 45 x 32 cm.See Sold Price
Philipp Ferdinand Hamilton, Circle ofPHILIPP FERDINAND HAMILTONBrussels 1664 - 1750 ViennaCircle of18th centuryNoble rider in the levadeOil on canvas, doubled62,5 x 50,5 cmSee Sold Price
Hamilton, Philipp Ferdinand(Brüssel 1664–1750 Wien) Gegenstücke: Liegende Jagdhunde. 1732. Öl auf Weissblech. Eines u.l. monogrammiert PH und datiert. 15,2x19 cm. - Kleine Pigmentausbrüche, v.a. im Randbereich.See Sold Price
SoldHamilton, Philipp Ferdinand(Brüssel 1664–1750 Wien) Gegenstücke: Liegende Jagdhunde. 1732. Öl auf Weissblech. Eines u.l. monogrammiert PH und datiert. 15,2x19 cm. - Kleine Pigmentausbrüche, v.a. im Randbereich.See Sold Price
Hamilton, Philipp Ferdinand - in der Art des, PaarHamilton, Philipp Ferdinand - in the style of : Pair of hunting still lifes 18th c. Still lifes of hunted songbirds and wild birds in front of a landscape background. Oil/canvas, relined. 34,5 x 44 cmSee Sold Price
SoldHeroes of History Royal Bengals CardsGrouping of (6) Different Includes Robert E. Lee, Betsey Ross, Captain John Smith, Alexander Hamilton, Ferdinand De Lesseps, and Robert Emmet Great Colorful AssortmentSee Sold Price
SoldAttributed to Phillipp Ferdinand de Hamiliton, (FAttributed to Phillipp Ferdinand de Hamiliton (Flemish, 1664-1750) A Pair of Paintings, each depicting a pair of partridges oil on canvas each signed indistinctly (lower edge) 18 x 15 inches.See Sold Price
SoldREINSBERG-DÜRINGSFELD, baron de - Traditions et léREINSBERG-DÜRINGSFELD, baron de - Traditions et légendes de la Belgique. Bruxelles, Ferdinand Claassen, 1870. 2 tomes in-8 reliés en un volume, demi-chagrin brun, dos à quatre nerfs. Joints, reliSee Sold Price
SoldJohann Philipp Ferdinand PreissJohann Philipp Ferdinand Preiss. (Alemania, 1882-1943). "Afrodita" circa 1930, escultura crisoelefantina en marfil tallado y bronce dorado con detalle de ópalo y dos perlas de rÃo, 20x6x8 cm. SiSee Sold Price
Johann Georg de Hamilton (1672Johann Georg de Hamilton (1672-1737), important animal and still life painter of Scottish origin. In the 1690s he came to the court of Charles VI. to Vienna, where he was appointed court and valet inSee Sold Price
Johann Philipp Ferdinand PreissJohann Philipp Ferdinand Preiss (Alemania, 1882-1943). "Aphrodite", escultura criselefantina en marfil tallado y bronce dorado, 22,5 cm. alt. Sobre peana de mármol. Se adjunta documento de peritaciSee Sold Price
(Congresso di Vienna - Impero) la Garde,(Congresso di Vienna - Impero) la Garde, Souvenirs du Congrès de Vienne, Bruxelles, Société typographique belge, 1843, 4 tomi (243, 238, 249, 238 pp.) in 2 voll., in-8° mezzo vitelloSee Sold Price
Ferdinand De Braekeleer Jr (NY,Belgium,1828-1857) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Spanish school of the 19th century. Following models of FRANCISCO DE ZURBAR?N (Fuente de Cantos,Setdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Spanish school of the second half of the seventeenth century. Following models of FRANCISCO DESetdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Numismatic Books - Miscellanea Numismatique 1872-1891TimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
[STODARE]. Explication Scientifique du Sphinx et Du Panier ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Walter Tittle. 11 etchings and lithographs. Portraits of notables: Nancy Astor, William Archer,Tremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A brown patinated bronze bust "Suzon" by Auguste Rodin (1840-1917)Ostantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Leger Fernand. La Fin du Monde Filmee par L'Ange N.D, 1919.TheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Ferdinand Bac - Histoire d’un Fils de Famille XVI, Le pigeon plume, 1905 - Hand signedNCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Ferdinand Bac - Les Maitres de l'Affiche : Yvette Guilbert, 1898NCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
LAM WIFREDO: (1902-1982)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
LEOPOLD II OF BELGIUM: (1835-1909)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
MARCHETTI, PIETRO. 1589-1673. Observationum medico-chirurgicarum rariorum sylloge. Padua: Matteo...Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceJun 18, 2024