SoldThree Books by Gershom Scholem - DedicationsThree books by Gershom Scholem. Hanover, Berlin and Jerusalem, 1927-1930. Two of the books bear a handwritten dedication by Scholem to Kitty Marx (Steinschneider): 1. Sefer Ha-Tamar, Das Buch van derSee Sold Price
Books with Dedications Handwritten by Shmuel YosefFour books by Shmuel Yosef Agnon and Gershom Scholem, with handwritten dedications by the authors to Yehudah Even Shmuel (Kaufman), and his son. 1. Vehaya Heakov Lemishor, Shmuel Yosef Agnon. Berlin:See Sold Price
SoldElie Wiesel – Three Books – DedicationsThree books by Eli Wiesel. A dedication by the author appears in two of the books. New-York, 1961-1972. English. 1. Dawn. Translated to English by Frances Frenaye. Hill and Wang publishing house, New-See Sold Price
SoldBibliography of Kabbalah Books - Gershom Scholem -Bibliographia Kabbalistica, die Judische Mystik (Gnosis, Kabbala, Sabbatianismus, Frankismus, Chassidismus) behandelnde Bucher und Aufsatze von Reuchlin bis zur Gegenwart, Gerhard Scholem. Berlin: SchSee Sold Price
SoldThree Books - Dedication and Signatures of Greata. Vayeshev Moshe, part two - commentaries on Talmudic topics and halacha in-depth and on surface level. By Rabbi Moshe Asrusi. Tunisia, 1902. First edition.On the endpaper is a dedication in the authSee Sold Price
SoldThree Books with Dedications by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef* Yechava Da'at responsa, Vol 1. * Taharat Habayit Vol. 1-2. Three books, with nice dedication in the handwriting of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, to the Finance Minister Mr. Yitzchak Moda'i. 1991. Rabbi OvadiaSee Sold Price
SoldThree Books with DedicationsThree books with dedications by rabbis and authors: * Shem Olam, homiletics and explanations of scriptures. By Rabbi Gavriel Ze'ev Margaliot. Vilna, 1905. (Brittle paper and detached leaves). DedicatiSee Sold Price
Three Books with Dedications and Signatures of theA. Stamps of Rabbi Nachman Kahana the Rebbe of Spinka on the book "Chafetz Hashem" by Rabbi Chaim ben Atar.The book "Chafetz Hashem" by Rabbi Chaim ben Atar on the Talmud, 1928. Stamps of the Rebbe ofSee Sold Price
Three books with dedications by the important statesmenThree books with dedications of Authors - the important statesmen of Israel. * The Book of the Second President of the State of Israel Yitzhak Ben Zvi 'Poalei Zion in the Second Aliyah', published bySee Sold Price
Three books with dedications by the Authors - Shimon* Shimon Peres' book 'now Tomorrow' published by Sifri mabat 1978 - Ideas for Renewing Israel's Face. On the leaflet a dedication in the handwriting and signature of Peres: 'To Uriel Abramovich with gSee Sold Price
Volume with Three Important Books - Dedication to theVolume with Three Important Books - Dedication to the Rebbe by the Sanz Hassidim A. Paku'ot Ha'Sadeh. Jerusalem, 1900. First edition.By Rabbi Chaim Chizkiyahu Medini, author of "Sdei Chemed".Rare, impSee Sold Price
SoldThree Books with Important Dedications, 1920s* Shu"t Mili D'Avot, by Rabbi Moshe Leib Tziltz Av Beit Din of Nikolsburg, Bardiyev, 1925. Dedication to Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Weinberger Av Beit Din of Ópályi, with a signature in his handSee Sold Price
Three Books with a Dedication and Glosses in SephardiThree Books with a Dedication and Glosses in Sephardi Handwriting a. Bnei Reuven - novaelle and parperaot on the Torah, based on introductions from the Talmud and the Poskim. By Rabbi Maimon Abu, oneSee Sold Price
Collection of Books by Aharon ShabtaiTwenty three books by Aharon Shabtai. Dedications. For a complete list of books please contact our offices. From the collection of Arnie Druck.See Sold Price
SoldThree Books Printed in Jerusalem - With Dedications byThree books of Rabbi Shneur Zalmam Mendelowitz of Hebron-Jerusalem, with dedications, sent to the Sassoon family in Bombay and in London. * Kol Aryeh, novellae of Talmudic tractates, by Rabbi Aryeh LeSee Sold Price
Three Books of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - With Dedications* Chazon Ovadia [Part 1], Hilchot Seder Lel Pesach, by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. Jerusalem, [1952]. First book written by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, with a dedication in his handwriting and with his signature. * YSee Sold Price
SoldGershom Scholem - Report on Jewish Book Colle...Report by Prof. Gershom Scholem regarding his mission to Europe (in the summer of 1946) concerning the treasures of the Jewish Diaspora. The report is typewritten and stenciled. [Jerusalem?, 1946]. HeSee Sold Price
SoldThree Books about Manuscripts and Early PrintsThree books about manuscripts and early prints: 1. Gershom Soncino's Wanderyears in Italy 1498-1527, Exemplar Judaicae Vitae, Moses Marx. United States: Society of Jewish Bibliophiles, 1969. [3] leaveSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Books by Leah Goldberg – DedicationsThirty three books by Leah Goldberg, seventeen of them with dedications handwritten by Leah Goldberg. For a complete list of books please contact our offices. From the collection of Arnie Druck.See Sold Price
SoldFour Books Published by "Tarshish"Four books published by "Tarshish", Dr. Moshe Spitzer's publishing house: * BeIkvot Mashiach, Gershom Scholem. 1944. Numbered copy 58/112. * Seder Tefilat Azkara LeNishmat Franklin Delano Roosevelt, PSee Sold Price
"Blue-White Eyeglasses" Booklet – Gershom Scholem –Die blauweisse Brille [blue-white eyeglasses], booklet no. 2, 1915. Editors: Gershom Scholem and Erich Brauer. Berlin, 1915. German. The journal "Blue-white eyeglasses" was published three times as anSee Sold Price
Three Books Printed in Jerusalem - Authors' S...Three books printed in Jerusalem with authors' signatures and dedications: * Sha'arei Tzedek L'Zera Yitzchak, the qualities of Eretz Israel and the holy cities, words of mussar and repentance, by R. ASee Sold Price
Four Items from the Estate of Gershom Scholem...Four items from the estate of Gershom Scholem. Jerusalem, New York and Zurich, 1938-1971. Hebrew and English. 1. "Three Types of Jewish Piety", Zurich: Hein, 1971. Printout of an essay by Gershom SchoSee Sold Price
SoldChazon Ish, Vilna 1911 – Author's Dedication to RabbiThree books bound together from the library of "The Gaon Rabbi I.Z. Meltzer". (Handwritten inscription on the leaf before the title page). • Chazon Ish, Orach Chaim, Kodshim Yoreh Deah Hilchot NSee Sold Price
1753 German Protestant BIBLE Devotional Vienna Austria Salzburg PRAYERS HymnsSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1577 DELLA HISTORIA DI MATTEO VILLIANI antique ITALIAN HISTORY 16th CENTURYJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Van Dongen. Les plus beaux contes de KIPLING, 1920. 23 pochoirs in color.TheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
THE MIDNIGHT CLUB (2022) - Set of 10 Paper Cranes, with Three Books, Six License Plates, andPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Books - Master Index Of Brilliant Cut Glass PatternsWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
French Empire Walnut Commode, c. 1840, H.- 36 in., W.- 48 in., D.- 24 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Qing Dynasty silver cylinder history books three volumesJapan Ancient Art Co. LTD4.4(39)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
3 Vintage Lassie Black Beauty Stallion Hardcover BooksRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
EDWARD VIII: (1894-1972) 'Conan Doyle's books are always so good'International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
3 Volumes Episodes Et Portraits Hardcover BooksRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
[WWII] Three signed books of the Flying TigersWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A NESTING SET OF THREE 'BOOKS' TABLES, LATE 20TH CENTURYChiswick Auctions4.3(86)See Sold PriceJun 21, 2024