SoldRoseville items, lot of fiveRoseville Apple Blossom vase, double handled form in blue, 5.5"w x 8.25"h; with a Roseville Florentine bowl and flower frog, double handled form in brown, 7"w x 2.5"h, minor chips to flower frog; RoseSee Sold Price
Sold5 Piece ESTATE LOT of Roseville Art Pottery ItemsEstate lot of five pieces of Roseville American art pottery. This lot features two small jardinieres, one vase, one rectangular planter, and one double handled bowl. All feature Roseville marks. MeasuSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 5 Vintage Pottery & Art Glass ItemsLot of five vintage pottery and art glass table items including an American Roseville vase, 5" W x 4 1/2" D x 8 1/4" H, amethyst art glass vase, 5" W x 14" H. Also included are Chinese painted porcelaSee Sold Price
SoldRoseville art pottery Dahlrose(lot of 5) Group of five Roseville art pottery items in the pre-1928 Dahlrose pattern consisting of a console set and two unmarked 8'' wall pocket vases, the oval centerpiece bowl with two candle holdSee Sold Price
Sold8 pc silver flatware inc. MD Coin forksLot of 8 Silver Flatware Items. 1ST ITEM: Lot five (5) coin silver forks in the Kings pattern, marked A. E. Warner and 10.15 (Andrew E. Warner, Baltimore, MD, circa 1830). Monogrammed with script "R"See Sold Price
SoldCONTINENTAL PORCELAIN ITEMS, LOT OF FIVECONTINENTAL PORCELAIN ITEMS, LOT OF FIVE, including examples from Nyons, Meissen, etc. The Nyons cup and saucer with low globular form and simple c-form handle, painted with gilt dentil rim above giltSee Sold Price
SoldCHILDREN'S / TOY ENAMELWARE KITCHEN ITEMS, LOT OF FIVECHILDREN'S / TOY ENAMELWARE KITCHEN ITEMS, LOT OF FIVE, blue and white, comprising a wall rack with hanging bar, dipper, strainer, two-handle colander, and egg strainer. Late 19th/first quarter 20th cSee Sold Price
SoldCountry Store Merchandising Items, Lot of FiveFive Country Store Merchandising Items: Mountain Dew "Filled by Jane and Fred" bottle; White Rock grape soda can; Fatima porcelain match holder; Lancaster, Pennsylvannia hardware store & Reading, PennSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED TOBACCO ADVERTISING ITEMS, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED TOBACCO ADVERTISING ITEMS, LOT OF FIVE, comprising a Hiawatha Fine Cut Tobacco circular tin, Gath and Vanko cigar tins, a Copenhagen tin dispenser, and a Hambone 5 cent Cigars lithographed faSee Sold Price
SoldSterling Items, Lot of Five.Approximately 5.4 t. oz. Includes cigarette case, swordfish pen. Minor imperfections. Provenance: from the James & Judy (Jones) Preston home.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED EQUESTRIAN TACK AND RELATED ITEMS, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED EQUESTRIAN TACK AND RELATED ITEMS, LOT OF FIVE, including brasses. 20th century. Various sizes.Very good overall condition.Provenance: Collection of Mary Lou and Laura Esterline, Columbus, OHSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN INDIAN ITEMS -- LOT OF FIVEAMERICAN INDIAN ITEMS -- LOT OF FIVE To include: candle holder, figurine (signed SVS), one plaque (signed Dez), and two wooden figurines (Sundancer and Roadrunner). Shipping / Pickup: We Can Ship ThisSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN 800 SILVER ITEMS LOT OF FIVEESTATE LOT OF GERMAN 800 SILVER: Five pieces to include, reticulated stand marked Friedlaender, please note no insert, stylized monogram to one side, overall 8 1/2" x 4 x 5 1/4"h; gravy boat with an eSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE / VINTAGE GOLFING NOVELTY ITEMS, LOT OF FIVEANTIQUE / VINTAGE GOLFING NOVELTY ITEMS, LOT OF FIVE, comprising a marked sterling silver napkin ring with repousse decoration, an unmarked silver golf bag retaining two club-form picks, an English siSee Sold Price
SoldWWI US SOLDIER PERSONAL ITEM LOT OF FIVELot contains five personal items of a US WWI soldier. Includes a US collar badge, a 1918 marked New Testament, a WWI Victory Medal, a small US badge, and a coin version of the French Verdun medal.See Sold Price
SoldSEVEN HALLOWEEN ITEMS18. SEVEN HALLOWEEN ITEMS | Lot includes five lanterns, one whistle and a witch on a pumpkin. Provenance: The Karyl Newman Christmas Collection. 4" h. to 10" h. | (VG Cond.) | $200 - $400See Sold Price
SoldBlack Americana Nodder Ashtrays and Desk Items. Lot ofBlack Americana Nodder Ashtrays and Desk Items. Lot of Five. Three nodder ashtrays depicting boys with cigars; a cast iron Johnny Griffin desk/wall clip; and figural cast iron dish. Each approx. 4RSee Sold Price
SoldNathan Bedford Forrest Family and U.C.V. ItemsNATHAN BEDFORD FORREST FAMILY AND U.C.V. ITEMS Lot of five interesting post-war items related to C.S.A. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, includes: a sterling silver keepsake spoon picturing Forrest with "See Sold Price
KISS CONCERT SIGNED BOOK W/ FIVE CD'S & LETTERKiss collectors items. Lot features five CD's with a total of 100 songs, a signed picture book, a handwritten note to the owner, all in a hard leather instrument case. All five CD's are in very good cSee Sold Price
SoldWORCESTER PORCELAIN 18TH CENTURY IMARI ITEMS, LOT OF FIWORCESTER PORCELAIN 18TH CENTURY IMARI ITEMS, LOT OF FIVE, including a cup and saucer in "Rich Queen's" pattern; a cup and saucer in "Royal Lily" pattern; and a Kakiemon-decorated cup, pseudo-ChineseSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN AND / OR EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURAL ITEMS, LOT OFAMERICAN AND / OR EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURAL ITEMS, LOT OF FIVE, including a gilt-painted wall shelf and two carved finials. Late 19th/early 20th century. 5" HOA, 3" WOA (smallest) to 19" HOA, 13" WOA, 7"See Sold Price
SoldFRATERNAL AND OTHER PRESSED GLASS SOUVENIR ITEMS, LOTFRATERNAL AND OTHER PRESSED GLASS SOUVENIR ITEMS, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, including Pittsburgh, PA Shriners' three-handled glass and a plate with enamel-decoration, and two pictorial glass with one shSee Sold Price
Collectible Dice & Winchester Bullet Lighters (4)Mid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(5) Antique Sterling Silver & Cobalt Glass CellarsNapoleon's Fine Art4.4(75)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
5 pc Lot Emilio Pucci Beach Towel, Boots, Bag, Umbrella, ShoesHughes Auctions4.4(165)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
HO Gauge Central Valley five T-25 T31 222 passenger NOSElliott Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Vintage Clothing Dealer's Lot. Purses, Umbrella, GlovesMid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A lot of five contemporary and vintage ceramic items to include an Otagiri hen teapot, an ItalianJoshua Kodner4.2(387)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Lot of Five Native American Turquoise & Sterling Silver RingsMarket Auctions4.5(134)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
SILVER BEAD AND PENDANT NECKLACES AMBER MOONSTONEAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024