SoldDutch walnut bombe marquetry cabinetDutch walnut bombe marquetry cabinet with a serpentine shaped molded crown, carved pediment above divided glazed doors, and sides, over a lower bombe section having a pair of short drawers over two loSee Sold Price
SoldA Dutch walnut bombe marquetry cabinetwith a serpentine shaped molded crown, carved pediment above divided glazed doors, and sides, over a lower bombe section having a pair of short drawers over two long drawers, supported by large hairySee Sold Price
SoldA fine Dutch walnut and marquetry bombe display cabinetA fine Dutch walnut and marquetry bombe display cabinet, circa 1800, the ogee cornice with carved surmounts and floral marquetry frieze, over a pair of shaped six-plane doors enclosing three serpentinSee Sold Price
SoldEXCEPTIONAL QUALITY INTRICATELY INLAID DUTCH MARQEXCEPTIONAL QUALITY INTRICATELY INLAID DUTCH MARQUETRY WALNUT BOMBE' CABINET-OVER-CHEST, having a shaped and marquetry inlaid domed cornice, over a pair of shaped panel upper doors and sides with cantSee Sold Price
A fine Dutch walnut and marquetry bombe displayA fine Dutch walnut and marquetry bombe display cabinet, circa 1800, the ogee cornice with carved surmounts and floral marquetry frieze, over a pair of shaped six-plane doors enclosing three serpentinSee Sold Price
Antique Dutch Marquetry Walnut Display Cabinet c.1800A stunning antique Dutch marquetry walnut bombe display cabinet, circa 1800. It features the most wonderful hand cut floral marquetry. The central glass upper door opens to reveal two full width shelvSee Sold Price
SoldDutch style marquetry inlaid walnut bombe cabinet,20th century; scrolled molded cornice with acanthus leaf carving, compartment with glass shelving enclosed by beveled glazed paneled doors, lower case with curved paneled inlay doors, floral and foliaSee Sold Price
SoldA Dutch walnut and marquetry side cabinet, 19th cA Dutch walnut and marquetry side cabinet, 19th century, of bombe form with shaped marble top, above a drawer and door, each with hunting scenes, 119cm high, 110cm wide, 40cm deepSee Sold Price
SoldA DUTCH WALNUT AND MARQUETRY BIJOUTERIE CABINET, of squA DUTCH WALNUT AND MARQUETRY BIJOUTERIE CABINET, of square shaped form with a variegated marble top above downswept marquetry panels and glazed sides above a bombe base with conforming marquetry, withSee Sold Price
SoldAN EARLY 18TH CENTURY DUTCH FIGURED WALNUT AND FLORALAN EARLY 18TH CENTURY DUTCH FIGURED WALNUT AND FLORAL MARQUETRY DISPLAY CABINET with shaped glazed hinged doors and silk lined shelved interior, above a bombe shaped base with three full length drawerSee Sold Price
SoldDutch Marquetry and Walnut Display Cabinet Dutch Marquetry and Walnut Display Cabinet Continental, 19th century. A walnut display cabinet on bombé chest, the whole decorated with lightwood floral inlay, the broken-arch cornice featuring aSee Sold Price
SoldDutch Walnut and Marquetry BureauDutch Walnut and Marquetry Bureau mid-19th century, the rectangular top above a slant front opening to a central arched cupboard flanked to either side by three short drawers, over a lower bombe sectiSee Sold Price
SoldDUTCH FRUITWOOD MARQUETRY BOMBE CUPBOARDDUTCH FRUITWOOD MARQUETRY BOMBE CUPBOARD, H 94", W 64", D 23":Walnut and satinwood with inset floral and vase motif, top section having double doors, Bombe lower section with a single drawer above a pSee Sold Price
SoldDUTCH FRUITWOOD MARQUETRY BOMBE CUPBOARD, H 94"DUTCH FRUITWOOD MARQUETRY BOMBE CUPBOARD, H 94", W 64", D 23"Walnut and satinwood with inset floral and vase motif, top section having double doors, Bombe lower section with a single drawer above a paSee Sold Price
A DUTCH WALNUT MARQUETRY CABINET, 19th cA DUTCH WALNUT MARQUETRY CABINET, 19th century. In two parts: The upper with molded scrolled arched pediment centering a carved shell above a pair of six-pane glazed doors, the canted sides also glazeSee Sold Price
Monumental Dutch burl walnut bombe cabinet, 101"hMonumental Dutch Rococo style burl walnut bombe' cabinet, 19th century, having a wave-shaped cornice centered by a carved foliate crest above two glazed doors, opening to three shaped shelves, and flaSee Sold Price
SoldFine Dutch walnut bombe display cabinet with scrolFine Dutch walnut bombe display cabinet with scroll and floral carved bonnet top shelf with carved apron and claw feet, c.1900, 62" wide, 22" deep, 87" highSee Sold Price
SoldAN 18TH CENTURY DUTCH WALNUT AND MARQUETRY CABINET withAN 18TH CENTURY DUTCH WALNUT AND MARQUETRY CABINET with a double arched top with a moulded cornice and twin glazed doors with all over foliate and scrolling marquetry, the lower section with twin paneSee Sold Price
A Dutch Walnut Bombe Secretary Cabinet, 19thA Dutch Walnut Bombe Secretary Cabinet, 19th Century, With double dome top. Dimensions: h: 78 1/2 x w: 36 1/4 x d: 20 1/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldA 19th century Dutch walnut marquetry wall cabinet, an inlaid mahogany salt box and a mahogany c...A 19th century Dutch walnut marquetry wall cabinet, an inlaid mahogany salt box and a mahogany cutlery tray The wall cabinet, with floral marquetry decoration and glazed front, 47cm high, 35cm wide, 8See Sold Price
SoldAN 19TH CENTURY DUTCH WALNUT MARQUETRY DISPLAY CABAn 19th century Dutch walnut marquetry display cabinet, the upper section with moulded cornice above a pair of glazed doors enclosing shaped shelves, the lower section fitted with a pair of panelled cSee Sold Price
A Dutch Walnut Bombé Secretary Cabinet, 19th Century,A Dutch Walnut Bombé Secretary Cabinet, 19th Century,With double dome top. Dimensions: h: 78 1/2 x w: 36 1/4 x d: 20 1/4 in.See Sold Price
A Dutch Walnut Bombé Secretary Cabinet, 19th Century,A Dutch Walnut Bombé Secretary Cabinet, 19th Century, With double dome top. Dimensions: h: 78 1/2 x w: 36 1/4 x d: 201/4 in.See Sold Price
A Dutch Walnut Bombé Secretary Cabinet, 19th Century,A Dutch Walnut Bombé Secretary Cabinet, 19th Century, With double dome top. Dimensions: h: 78 1/2 x w: 36 1/4 x d: 20 1/4 in. Other Notes: *** Please inquire for shipping estimate prior to bidding. SSee Sold Price
FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MARQUETRY CABINETAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
French Carved Walnut Cabinet, early 19th c., H.- 77 1/2 in., W.- 84 in., D.- 18 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
French Louis XV Style Ormolu Mounted Carved Marquetry Inlaid Walnut Marble Top Bombe Sideboard, 20thCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Dutch 18th Century Rococo Walnut, Mother-of-Pearl and Marquetry Inlay Slant-Front DeskCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
18th C. Queen Anne Walnut and Burl Walnut Cabinet on StandNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Period Early 19Th C. Dutch Marquetry Game TableRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Exceptional Dutch Marquetry Gentlemen'S Chest/WardrobeRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A pair of early / mid 18thC Dutch side chairs with profusely inlaid walnut frames, the satinwoodClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
19TH CENTURY DUTCH MARQUETRY INLAID SIDE CHAIRRedlands Antique Auction4.8(851)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair of American Renaissance Parcel Gilt and Ebonized Walnut and Marquetry Parlor CabinetsBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Louis XV Style Ormolu Mounted Marble Top Inlaid Walnut Bombe Commode, 20th c., H.- 36 in., W.- 50Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
French Louis XVI Style Carved Walnut Cabinet, 20th c., H.- 63 1/2 in., W.- 30 in., D.- 15 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Antique Continental Inlaid 2 Door Walnut CabinetClarke Auction Gallery4.5(551)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024