SoldAntilopen-Tanzaufsatz "tjiwara" Mali, Bamana. Holz.Antilopen-Tanzaufsatz "tjiwara" Mali, Bamana. Holz. Bruchstellen. H 63 cm.See Sold Price
SoldKopfaufsatz, "tjiwara"5 Kopfaufsatz, "tjiwara" Bamana, Mali Gesockelt (base included) Holz. H 86 cm. Provenienz: Schweizer Privatsammlung. Das Kitz auf dem Rücken der Antilope ist nicht das Original. Das Original ist irgeSee Sold Price
Kopfaufsatz, "tjiwara" / Bamana Mask / Tribal Art2 Kopfaufsatz, "tjiwara" Bamana, Mali Gesockelt (base included) Holz. H 86 cm. Provenienz: Schweizer Privatsammlung. Das Kitz auf dem Rücken der Antilope ist nicht das Original. Das Original ist irgeSee Sold Price
Kopfaufsatz, "tjiwara"5 Kopfaufsatz, "tjiwara" Bamana, Mali Gesockelt (base included) Holz. H 86 cm. Provenienz: Schweizer Privatsammlung. Das Kitz auf dem Rücken der Antilope ist nicht das Original. Das Original ist irgeSee Sold Price
SoldA Bamana Headdress, "tjiwara"Kopfaufsatz, "tjiwara" Bamana, Mali Ohne Sockel / without base Holz, Glasperlen, Kaurischnecken, Raphia. H 66,5 cm (76 cm mit Korb) Provenienz: Helmut und Marianne Zimmer, Zürich. Die bekanntesten BaSee Sold Price
A Bamana Headdress, "tjiwara"Kopfaufsatz, "tjiwara" Bamana, Mali Ohne Sockel / without base Holz, Glasperlen, Kaurischnecken, Raphia. H 66,5 cm (76 cm mit Korb) Provenienz: Helmut und Marianne Zimmer, Zürich. Die bekanntesten BaSee Sold Price
SoldAntilopen-Darstellung11 Antilopen-Darstellung Bamana, Mali Ohne Sockel (without base) Holz. H 74,5 cm. Provenienz: - Nachlass Barbara Goldsmith, NYC. Old collection #7G5-40-125, vor 1980. - Howard S. Rose Gallery, New YorSee Sold Price
SoldAntilopen-Darstellung9 Antilopen-Darstellung Bamana, Mali Gesockelt / with custom base Holz. H 74,5 cm. Provenienz: - Nachlass Barbara Goldsmith, NYC. Old collection #7G5-40-125, vor 1980. - Howard S. Rose Gallery, New YoSee Sold Price
Sold"Tschiwara"-Tanzaufsatz Bamana. Mali. Holz, dunkle"Tschiwara"-Tanzaufsatz Bamana. Mali. Holz, dunkle Patina. Tanzaufsatz in Form einer stilisierten Antilope. Solche Antilopenskulpturen wurden verwendet um die notwendige Kraft und Ausdauer, ein erfolgSee Sold Price
Sold1 Paar "chiwara"-Kopfaufsätze Bamana. Mali. Holz,1 Paar "chiwara"-Kopfaufsätze Bamana. Mali. Holz, dunkle Patina, Leder, Pflanzenfaser und Metallring. Kopfaufsatz in Form von Antilopen. H 25 und 25,5 cm. - Repariert.See Sold Price
DEKORATIVER TANZAUFSATZ Im Stile der Bamana, Mali,DEKORATIVER TANZAUFSATZ Im Stile der Bamana, Mali, Afrika, 2. Hälfte 20. Jh. Holz. H: 103 cm. Min. rest. Provenienz: Privatsammlung Ruhrgebiet.See Sold Price
SoldAntelope dance crest "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanawood, cotton thread, rest., base This "tjiwara" - headdress shows a combination of aardvark and roan antelope. H: 52 cm, H: 20,5 inch Provenance: German Private Collection Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Antelope dance crest "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanalight wood, greyish brown patina, small remains of black paint, metal tag eyes, elongated head with long horns widely projecting to the back, rising from rectangular plate, slightly dam. (horn tips),See Sold Price
SoldAntelope dance crest "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanalight brown wood, dark brown patina, vertical type, carrying a fawn on its back, min. dam., rep. (breakages: neck, both tail tips, snout); the "tjiwara" masquerades were performed at the beginning andSee Sold Price
SoldAntelope dance crest "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanawood, brown patina, remains of pigments, vertical type, metal earrings, min. dam., slight traces of abrasion, base H: 48,5 cm, H: 19,1 inch Provenance: Kegel-Konietzko, Hamburg, Germany Friedrich SpenSee Sold Price
SoldAntelope dance crest "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanawood, dark brown patina, remains of cord, stylized body of the roan antelope with vertical projecting horns, nose and ears pierced, min. dam., missing parts through insect caused damage, small missingSee Sold Price
Antelope dance crest "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanawood, dark brown patina, eyes an cuff around the neck from silver metal sheet, elongated head with long pointed backswept horns, incised ornaments, rep. (breakage base), traces of insect caused damageSee Sold Price
SoldMaske "ntomo" Mali, Bamana. Holz, braune, leichtMaske "ntomo" Mali, Bamana. Holz, braune, leicht krustierte Patina, typische Formbegung, bekrönt von fünf nebeneinander gereihten senkrechten Hörnern. Das mittlere Horn repariert, Schadstellen durcSee Sold Price
Antelope dance crest "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanawood, dark brown patina, animal skin (horn tips), vertical type, carrying a fawn, ear ornament (missing on the left), min. dam., insect caused damage, base. "tijwara" masks are danced in male-female pSee Sold Price
Zoomorphe Helmmaske Mali, Bamana. Holz, tw. krustierteZoomorphe Helmmaske Mali, Bamana. Holz, tw. krustierte braune Patina. Gehörntes Mischwesen, langgezogene Form mit geöffnetem Maul und sichtbaren Zahnreihen. Rückseitig Inschrift "Nr 128 Bambara". BSee Sold Price
Antelope dance crest "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanalight brown wood, dark brown patina, vertical (male) type with high towering horns rep. (breakage right ear), slight traces of abrasion H: 47 cm, H: 18,5 inch Provenance: Alfons Bermel, Berlin, GermanSee Sold Price
SoldAntelope headdress "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanawood, brass, insect caused damage, rest., baseThe "tjiwara" society members use a headdress representing, in the form of an antelope, the mythical being who taught men how to farm. The word "tji" meanSee Sold Price
Antelope dance crest "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanawood, dark brown patina, antelope head with curved horns widely projecting to the back, broad cuff from sheet metal around the neck, rising from the back of a quadruped with short legs and tail rolledSee Sold Price
Antelope dance crest "tjiwara" - Mali, Bamanawood, dark brown patina, black paint, vertical (male) type, with stylized body, combining various animal species, crowned by a seated female figure, min. dam., fine cracks, slight traces of abrasion,See Sold Price
African Bamana, Mali, Chiwara Antelope Headdress 53" tallSuccetti Gallery4.6(84)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
African Bamana Chiwara Mother and Child Headdress 42" tallSuccetti Gallery4.6(84)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Dogon Granary Door With Carved Ancestral Figures Mali AfricaDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Mbole African Carved Wood Standing Tribal Male Figure Mali w/Trade BeadsArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Old Bambara Carved Wood Statue of an African Male Tribal Warrior MaliArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Dogon Tribal Kanaga African Carved and Painted Wood Mask Mali #1Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Dogon Tribal Kanaga African Carved and Painted Wood Mask Mali #2Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Bamana Tribal Carved Wood Marionette Figurine with Smaller Heads Segou Mali African StatueArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Ancient Bankoni Civilization Sculpture 15-16th CenturyTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
BAMANA Female Figure wood statue BAMBARA African Tribal Art 0822Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024