SoldFertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, brown patina, typical abstract form with "split" crested coiffure, white glass bead necklace, min. dam., small missing parts, slight traces of abrasion H: 12,5 cm, H: 4,9 inch Provenance: PeterSee Sold Price
SoldFertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, brown patina, strings of glass beads, typical abstract form with "split" crested coiffure, drilled holes, min. dam., slight traces of abrasion H: 11 cm Provenance: Eduard Hess, Oberwil, SwitzerlSee Sold Price
Fertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, dark brown patina, drilled holes, min. dam., slight traces of abrasion, small missing parts H: 15 cm, H: 5,9 inch Provenance: Fred & Jens Jahn, Munich, Germany Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldFertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, dark brown patina, strings of glass beads, drilled holes on the stomach, min. dam., cracks, slight traces of abrasion H: 14 cm, H: 5,5 inch Provenance: Fred & Jens Jahn, Munich, Germany PublisheSee Sold Price
Fertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, brown patina, pokerwork, typical abstract form with "split" crested coiffure, min. dam., missing parts (left side of the head, base), slight traces of abrasion H: 14,5 cm Provenance: Ingo Evers,See Sold Price
SoldFertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, dark brown patina, remains of pigments, crested coiffure, drilled holes, min. dam., small missing parts, cracks, base H 12,5 cm, H 4,9 inch Provenance: Fred & Jens Jahn, Munich, Germany ContinenSee Sold Price
SoldFertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, middle brown patina, strings of glass beads, pokerwork, typical abstract form with "split" crested coiffure, collection number "a 316" at the back, min. dam., small missing parts, slight tracesSee Sold Price
SoldFertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, shiny brown patina, typical form with indicated breasts and navel, min. dam., small missing parts, fine cracks H: 16,5 cm, H: 6,5 inch Provenance: Hermann auf der Heide (1934-2003), Northern GerSee Sold Price
Fertility doll " mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, brown patina, typical form with "split" crested coiffure, min. dam., cracks, small missing parts H: 13,5 cm, H: 5,3 inch Provenance: Marc Leo Felix, Brussels, Belgium Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldFertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, brown patina, of typical abstract form with "split" coiffure, adorned with several strings of miniature glass beads, min. dam., small missing parts; Zaramo female initiates keep such figures durSee Sold Price
Fertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, brown patina, pokerwork, typical abstract form with "split" crested coiffure, min. dam., slight traces of abrasion H: 14,5 cm, H: 5,7 inch Provenance: Karl-Ferdinand Schädler, Munich, Germany CSee Sold Price
SoldThree fertility dolls "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Zaramowood, brown patina, typical abstract form with "split" crested coiffure, min. dam., small missing parts, slight traces of abrasion H: 14,5 cm - 17,5 cm, H: 5,7 inch - 6,9 inch Provenance: Hans ReinmöSee Sold Price
Zaramo, Fertility Doll ‘Mwana Hiti’, TanzaniaWood Zaramo peoples, Tanzania Of typically abstracted form Slightly tapering cylindrical torso on a flared base with protruding breasts and navel Atop the featureless head a crested coiffure with centSee Sold Price
SoldFertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Kwerewood, matt, spotty patina, remains of pigments, abstract form, split crested coiffure, min. dam., traces of abrasion; Zaramo female initiates keep such figures during their period of seclusion and comSee Sold Price
Cute rare African wooden spoon Mwana Hiti Zaramo KwereDescription en français ci-dessous - French description below TANZANIA ZARAMO - KWERE Spoon The top of the spoon represents a "Mwana Hiti" fertility doll CHARACTERISTICS : TYPE OF OBJECT : Spoon ETHNSee Sold Price
Cute & rare African wooden spoon Mwana Hiti ZaramoTitle: Cute & rare African wooden spoon Mwana Hiti Zaramo Kwere Tanzania Tribal Art Description: TANZANIA ZARAMO - KWERE Spoon The top of the spoon represents a "Mwana Hiti" fertility doll CHARACTERISSee Sold Price
Cute rare African wooden spoon Mwana Hiti Zaramo KwereDescription en français ci-dessous - French description below TANZANIA ZARAMO - KWERE Spoon The top of the spoon represents a "Mwana Hiti" fertility doll CHARACTERISTICS : TYPE OF OBJECT : Spoon ETHNSee Sold Price
SoldCute rare African wooden spoon Mwana Hiti Zaramo KwereDescription en français ci-dessous - French description below TANZANIA ZARAMO - KWERE Spoon The top of the spoon represents a "Mwana Hiti" fertility doll CHARACTERISTICS : TYPE OF OBJECT : Spoon ETHNSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Zaramo Mwana Hiti Figures, Tanzania, 2Two African Zaramo Mwana Hiti carved wood fertility dolls / figures, Tanzania. Larger: 7.75" H x 2" diameter.See Sold Price
SoldZaramo Fertlity Doll Mwana Hiti Ex Duperrier Paris 1994This is a very fine old carved wooden "Mwana Hiti" or Fertility doll from Tanzania, Africa. (mwana hiti, meaning “child of wood") is used in initiation ceremonies of the Kwere, Zaramo, Luguru, and GSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Zaramo Doll Ex Galerie Robert Duperrier, ParisThis is a very fine old carved wooden "Mwana Hiti" or Fertility doll from Tanzania, Africa. (mwana hiti, meaning “child of wood") is used in initiation ceremonies of the Kwere, Zaramo, Luguru, andSee Sold Price
Four African Fertility Type DollsTwo with similarities to Zaramo Mwana Hiti Kwere dolls, Tanzania, their crested heads visible, their bodies tightly encased in finely woven fiber garments. The larger of these two dolls with a vesselSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Zaramo Mwana Hiti staff, African ArtA carved wooden staff with a Mawana Hiti or fertility doll image on top and a well handled surface patina. Zaramo peoples, Tanzania. The Staff measures 18.5 inches ( 21 inches tall on professional cusSee Sold Price
SoldFertility doll "mwana hiti" - Tanzania, Kwerewood, middle brown patina, pokerwork, of typical form with bipartite coiffure, min. dam., slight traces of abrasion H: 11,5 cm, H: 4,5 inch Provenance: Fred & Jens Jahn, Munich, Germany Published in:See Sold Price
Antique Bisque Sleepy Eye Doll German #167 A 4Cowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
QUEEN ANNE DOLL & HEAD and SHOULDER PLATEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Burkina Faso African Carved Wood Mossi Biiga African Fertility Doll Tribal StatueArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
African Tribal Ashanti Aku-ba Fertility Dolls.Judd's Auction Gallery, Inc. 4.6(166)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ethnographic / Native / Tribal: Two African Ashanti / Asante carved Akuada fertility dolls. LargestClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Fine Old Kwere Medicine Gourd Ex Karl Zabel CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
African Namji Wood Fertility Doll w/ Leather ClothingArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Early African Namji Wood Fertility Doll, ex-ArnovickArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Fertility Doll - Terracotta, Beads - Chiki chiki - CameroonJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Vintage Carved Wood African Tribal Akuba Fertility DollLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceJun 28, 2024