Sold.800 Silver. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes an .800 silver and cobalt glass swan form vessel, a pair of miniature .800 silver nef ships, an .800 silver teapot and creamer, an Italian sterling cornucopia, an .800 silver underplate, an .See Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes a German .800 silver repousse bowl with flower and cherub design, an .800 silver and enamel compact with gilded interior, a .950 silver box with etched floral design, and a Judaica sterling pSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes a Tiffany & Co. floral bowl; an Elgin 14kt over sterling monogrammed cigarette case; a Georg Jensen acorn pattern knife; a Tiffany & Co. wine coaster; 3 kiddush cups; 3 .800 silver souvenir sSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Large Miscellaneous Hollow Ware GroupingIncludes an Italian .800 silver pedestal ewer; a Samborns Mexican sterling pedestal cocktail pitcher accompanied by matched drink stirrer; an .800 silver covered pedestal bowl with dragon form handlesSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes an .800 silver oval lidded box with decoration of repousse children; a Gorham inkwell with sterling lid; and a beautiful oval footed centerpiece bowl with scroll form handles, repousse work tSee Sold Price
SoldSILVER. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes an .800 silver German cup with monogram; a Russian silver shovel - marked 84; a barrel form Russian silver cup - with monogram and inscription, kokoshnik mark, and unidentified maker; a pairSee Sold Price
SoldSILVER. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes a German .800 silver repousse floral swag decorated napkin holder; a pair of French .800 silver footed bowls with repousse bow swag and portrait design; 2 German .800 silver wine coasters witSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollowware Grouping.Includes Hamilton weighted pedestal sugar and creamer; an .800 silver covered bowl; a Mexican silver grape leaf stand; 2 Gorham nut dishes; a sterling bread plate; a Fiesta sterling repousse bowl; 7 pSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollowware Grouping.Includes Gorham sterling "wishbone" tongs in a fitted box; a pair of .833 silver vases - unidentified maker's mark; .800 silver bowl; .800 silver low bowl with central coin; .900 silver bowl with centSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollowware Grouping.Includes an oval reticulated edge sterling tray, and an .800 silver scalloped edge tray. With a Swedish repousse box - at least .830 silver. Total approximate weight of two trays is 38.34 troy oz. FroSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes a James Howell English silver teapot - stamped, "Howell James & Co/57 & 9 Regent St/London", with a maker's mark of RH, city stamps of London, and a date letter of 1874? With a pair of .800 sSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Large Grouping of Miscellaneous HollowWare. Includes a single sterling nut dish; a Lavorato a mano .800 silver Italian finger bowl; an .800 silver bowl with repousse floral border; an Israeli .935 silver kiddush cup - missing one inlaid sSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING and .800 SILVER. Hollowware Grouping.Includes an .800 silver repousse pierced bowl; 3 gilded .800 silver salts; an etched crystal plate with sterling floral rim; a woman carrying a jug on pedestal; group of six Danish ashtrays in carryinSee Sold Price
SoldSILVER. .800 Silver Hollowware Grouping.Includes an .800 silver handled basket with braided detailing to handle and ruffled edge to bowl. With an .800 silver vase with applied crab and ruffled edge top. Total approximate weight of both itemSee Sold Price
SoldSILVER. Assorted Silver Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes a Continental .800 silver and enamel decorated mirrored compact, stamped, "Made Italy"; a German silver mounted etched glass jug with depictiong of people and courting couples - staSee Sold Price
SoldSILVER. Assorted Silver Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes a Continental .800 silver and enamel decorated mirrored compact, stamped, "Made Italy"; a German silver mounted etched glass jug with depictiong of people and courting couples - staSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes 2 monogrammed Gorham silver overlay decanters - one stopper as is; 4 Tiffany & Co footed salts with gilded interiors; 4 demitasse cups with Shenango porcelain liners and 5 N.S. Co saucers; onSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware and Flatware.Includes a sterling Gorham martini spike; a boxed set of 12 .900 silver Brazilian demitasse spoons; 2 .800 silver hors d'oeuvres forks; 2 pair of weighted candlesticks; Tiffany & Co. creamer and sugarSee Sold Price
SoldSILVER. German Silver Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes a pair of German .800 silver figural cherub candlesticks with upraised arms grasping floral wreaths beneath candlecups, on plinth bases - stamped, "800" with German reischmark, an uSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes a boxed set of 6 Boardman vodka cups; pair of weight sterling Fisher candlesticks; a Sanborns Mexican silver scalloped edge center bowl with handles; and a Graff, Washbourne, & Dunn round scaSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes an Ellmore Silver Co. sterling bowl, a sterling low bowl with reticulated edge, a sterling lidded vanity jar, a monogrammed sterling handled cup, a Shreve & Co. sterling lidded jar, 2 sterlinSee Sold Price
SoldSILVER. Continental Silver Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes a German .800 silver reticulated vase with bowl form floral swag decoration - maker's mark of SR representing Simon Rosenau. Accompanied by a German .800 silver reticulated handled basket witSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes an N.S. Co sterling coffee pot, a P.S. Co sterling teapot, a sterling vase, and an International Silver Co. sterling pedestal trophy with inscription. Total approx. weight of 4 sterling itemsSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING. Miscellaneous Hollow Ware Grouping.Includes a Gorham pedestal bowl; a French silver cup with floral decoration to rim - signed Gerbe D'or Paris; Sciarotta leaf form footed bowl; a Birks sterling egg cup with etched floral design; a BanSee Sold Price
INTERNATIONAL SILVER TRAYS BY ALPHONSE LA PAGLIAThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Sterling Silver Etched Shoe Cigarette AshtrayThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1810 Italian 800 Silver Flatware Set for 12 Service 77 pieces fitted box DinnerMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Fiddle Shell German 800 Silver Dinner Knife 10 1/4" Blunt Vintage FlatwareMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Fiddle Thread by Unknown German .800 Silver Regular Knife 8 1/4" FlatwareMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Empire by Unknown .800 Silver Pastry Tongs Hollow Handle WS 8 1/2"Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Austrian Sterling by Unknown .800 Silver Master Butter hollow handle BC 7 7/8"Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Austrian Sterling by Unknown .800 Silver Fish Set 14 piece HH AS 7 8/8"Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Edwardian silver cigarette case; plus an 800 standard card case. (2).Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
4 Frank Whiting Sterling Silver Coffee Service 58oztThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
JEWELRY. Assorted Silver and Gem Jewelry Grouping.Clarke Auction Gallery4.5(551)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024