SoldHomonoid idolGreen granite stone. Mezcala, Guerrero Region, Mexico, 300 BC - 300 AC. 15,5x6,2x3,5cmSee Sold Price
SoldRare Ancient Pre-Inca Stone Idol Bolivia collected 1915A very rare carved stone idol with exaggerated features and inset cavities filled with Gold. This stone idol was reportedly excavated by a Mr Raymond Burns near Tiwanaku , Bolivia in 1915. This stoneSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Shrine Idol Maximon Saint of Drinking & SmokinAntique carved wooden Cult idol of Maximon, The Patron Saint of DRinking and smoking ,also called San Simón,who originally was a Mayan deity and folk saint. Maximón is said to represent both light aSee Sold Price
SoldA Very Rare Luba Kalanga Shrine Idol Ex Kahan GalleryA Fine carved wooden sculpture with highly stylized facial features and a undeniable well handled surface patina. Luba / Kalanga peoples, DRC/ Congo, Africa. Provenance: Ex Leonard Kahan Gallery, NY,See Sold Price
SoldAncient Greece Cycladic Marble Head of Idol c.2500 BCAncient Cycladic Marble Head ca. 2500-2400 BC. Size of the head without the stand 1 7/8 inches high. The lyre-shaped, slightly convex head has broad cheeks, a long aquiline nose set high up, a roundedSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Mezcala Stone Idol 300 BC MexicoAncient carved stone idol or "Axe God" from a grey stone. Such idols were originally made from old celts or axes and evolved into this stylized anthropomorphic form over many centuries. The idol measuSee Sold Price
Sold3rd to 13th century Bura Stone IdolThis is a very rare relic from Southwest Niger, Western Africa. This stone was carved by the Bura Asinda-Sikka culture, ca. 3rd to 13th centuries CE.An anthropomorphic head atop a stone torso , perhapSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Wurkun Shrine Idol, African ArtA tall carved wooden shrine idol with highly stylized form and encrusted surface suggesting ritual use. The abstraction is so extensive that the body is reduced to a cylindrical trunk. This type of obSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Indus Valley Bull IdolAncient Indus Valley Bull Idol Ca. 3300 - 2000 BC Indus Valley Terracotta Bull Figurine. Professionally cleaned an polished to show original details. Terracotta Obtained from an old Austrian CollectioSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Boeatian Terracotta Plank Idol, ca 650 BCA very rare Boeatian Terracotta Plank Idol, Ancient Greece ca 650 BC. A hand painted terracotta idol, Boeotian plank figurines were dubbed 'Papades' (priests) by the Boeotian villagers, who were the fSee Sold Price
SoldFine Neolithic Pottery IdolMesopotamia, Halaf Culture, ca. 6000-5100 BC. Modeled from clay and painted, this female figurine with exaggerated curves is typical of the Neolithic culture of Halaf. The figurine is depicted naked,See Sold Price
Sold25000 + - BC Neolithic Iberian idol, private collection25000 + - BC Neolithic Iberian Fertility Goddess idol from private collection Carved marble stone figure Neolithic Iberian idol from around 25,000 years ago. Very Rare ---- Low Reserve!!!See Sold Price
SoldAncient Indus Valley Terracotta Bull IdolDate: Circa 3300-2000 BC Material: terracotta Provenance: Obtained from an old German collection, purchased in Munich Dimension: 88mm; 96.8grams Ancient Indus Valley Terracotta Bull Idol. Nicely decorSee Sold Price
SoldJALISCO POTTERY IDOLprehistoric seated female with painted design in as found condition, 11" x 7" x 6" Shipping charge are for the United States. The shipping on this lot is $20.00. Outside the United States there will bSee Sold Price
SoldSyro Hytite Terracotta Standing Male Idol / FigurineDate: C. 5th - 4th Millenium BC Material: Terracotta Provenance: Obtained from an old British collection, purchased from a private collector in London, acquired between 1960 - 1990. Dimensions: 147mm;See Sold Price
SoldAncient Indus Valley Seated Female IdolAncient Indus Valley Seated Female Idol Ca. 3300 - 2000 BC A seated Indus Valley figure of a female, possibly a goddess, with applied bands to the top of the head for hair, large pinched nose with pieSee Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY IDOLprehistoric has repair on neck and arm, 9" tall Shipping charge are for the United States. The shipping on this lot is $10.00. Outside the United States there will be additional shipping fees.See Sold Price
SoldAncient Indus Valley Terracotta Bull IdolDate: Circa 3300-2000 BC Material: terracotta Provenance: Obtained from an old German collection, purchased in Munich Dimension: 81mm; 76.1grams Ancient Indus Valley Terracotta Bull Idol. Nicely decorSee Sold Price
SoldRare Sweating Toma Female Shrine Idol Ex Allan StoneA carved wooden female effigy with thick encrusted sacrificial surface patina that sweats in the sunlight, suggesting years of ritual applications or offerings. Such images of female ancestral spiritsSee Sold Price
SoldVery Fine Old Igbo Alusi Shrine Idol Ex~ SothebysThis is a very fine and rare Old Alusi Shrine idol figure from the Igbo peoples, Nigeria, Africa. A carved wooden figure with tall central crest, accented with a yellow mineral pigment , the face is nSee Sold Price
SoldPrecolumbian Aztec Terracotta Skeleton Idol 900 ADA terracotta skeleton idol attributed to the Aztec culture and possibly an effigy to Mictlantecuhtli, Aztec god of the dead. This God ruled Mictlan, the underworld. The souls of those whose manner ofSee Sold Price
SoldRare Ancient Komaland terracotta idol 14th-16th CenturyThis is a rare and fascinating ancient terracotta clay relic from the kOMALAND culture, present day Ghana, Africa. The Komaland culture is mysterious and not much is known other than the clay idols thSee Sold Price
Large Amlash Style Steatopygous Terracotta IdolTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
South Pacific Island Malekula Vanuatu Stone IdolTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Pigmentation on Cork, The Idol, by Jamali, c. 1988The Scanlan Collection4.4(22)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN MESOPOTAMIAN CARVED EYE IDOLAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Lobi Bateba Protection from Magic Idol Ex Becker CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lot of 12 Anatolian Stone & Pottery Idol FragmentsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Miniature Montol Divination Idol Ex Endicott CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
ANCIENT LATE NEOLITHIC ANATOLIAN CERAMIC BIRD IDOLAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
122 Year Old American Bison Buffalo Skull From The Last Wild Herd From The Dick Idol MuseumCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024