SoldOggetti d'arteCoppia di candelieri in bronzo, base quadrangolare, fusto a colonna con sfingi alate, prima meta' del secolo XIX, H cm 27See Sold Price
SoldOggetti d'arteCofanetto in legno e applicazioni in avorio scolpito con angeli e figure, secolo XIX costituito da elementi antichi, H 18.5x16.5x11 cmSee Sold Price
Oggetti d'arteCalamaio in bronzo dorato e laccato a cineseria con scena fluviale, Francia, XVIII secolo, H 17.5x34x28 cmSee Sold Price
SoldOggetti d'arteVassoio in metallo decorato a paesaggio con tralci di uva e fogli di vite dorate, secolo XIX, cm 65.5 x50See Sold Price
SoldOggetti d'artePiccola bilancia da tavolo in legno ebanizzato e avorio scolpito con cassettino, manifattura orientale, secolo XIX, H cm 19.5x14.5x9 cmSee Sold Price
Oggetti d'arteVassoio in legno intagliato, laccato e dipinto, di forma sagomata, al centro scena galante. Venezia sec. XVIII, cm 74x47 (mancanze)See Sold Price
Oggetti d'artePiatto di forma circolare in legno, laccato a fondo verde con applicazioni di cartine floreali e fogliacee, al centro soggetto mitologico con amorini. Venezia, secolo XVIII, diametro cm 50.5 (piccoliSee Sold Price
Oggetti d'arteCoppia di candelieri a cinque luci cadauno, base in marmo bianco, sormontata da putto in bronzo dorato, secolo XIX, H cm 45.5See Sold Price
SoldOggetti d'arteModello di tavolo a vela in legno di noce e radica, prima meta' del secolo XIX, H cm 14, diametro cm 24See Sold Price
Oggetti d'artePlacchetta in marmo con micromosaico a fondo nero con colombe, inizio del secolo XIX, H cm 8x15.5 (piccoli difetti)See Sold Price
Oggetti d'arteModello di como' lastronato in noce e filettato in legni vari, fine del XVIII sec. - inizio del XIX sec., H cm 21.5x39x16See Sold Price
SoldGIOVANNI BATTISTA PIRANESI. VIEWS OF ROME Rome, 18thNice group of six etchings in late edition, in different sizes, with the classical views of the eternal city. Light browning and small worm holes. Various measures. - Tags: Arredi e oggetti d'arte - fSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF CORINTHIAN CAPITALS Rome, 18th CenturyIn carved and gilt-wood. Some losses, damages to the gilding. 20.9 x 22.4 x 24.8 in. - Tags: Arredi e oggetti d'arte - furniture and works of art -See Sold Price
SoldFOUR DIFFERENT CHALICES Venice, end of 19th CenturyIn colored blown glass, on a tall elaborate stem, one in the form of a snake, one with a central mask and two with flowers. The taller 13.77 in. - Tags: Arredi e oggetti d'arte - furniture and works oSee Sold Price
SoldSIX WOODEN BOXES Italy, 20th CenturyNice group of turned boxes in different shapes and essences, all with tall knobs. The higher 8.7 in. - Tags: Arredi e oggetti d'arte - furniture and works of art -See Sold Price
SoldGILT-WOOD MIRROR FRAME Probably Venice, 18th CenturyRectangular, with gilt glass scrolled elements applied and two wooden friezes fitted on top and at the base. Damages and losses. 44.9 x 31.5 in. - Tags: Arredi e oggetti d'arte - furniture and works oSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF SMALL ORMOLU-MOUNTED VASES 19th CenturyIn engraved glass, with a leaf decoration, on a bronze tripod base in the form of a trunk with flowers. 3.9 x 2.8 in. - Tags: Arredi e oggetti d'arte - furniture and works of art -See Sold Price
A Venetian Baroque Arte Povera Fall-Front Secretary,A Venetian Baroque Arte Povera Fall-Front Secretary 18th century H: 43 1/2, W: 44, D: 20 1/2 in. PROVENANCE: Christie's Milan, Arredi, Maioliche, Porcellane, Oggetti d'Arte, June 6, 2005, lot 534. ProSee Sold Price
SoldItalian Baroque Walnut and Fruitwood Marquetry andItalian Baroque Walnut and Fruitwood Marquetry and Penwork Chest of Drawers With a paper label on the back: 'Magazzino D'Antichita, Oggetti D'Arte e Curiosita, Carlo Guarducci, Firenze, Via Maggio, N.See Sold Price
SoldITALIAN SCHOOL - LA LOGGIA DEI LANZI A FIRENZE XXOil on cardboard, within a beautiful molded frame of the 19th Century, in carved and gilt-wood with scrolls. 3.5 x 4.5 in. - Tags: Arredi e oggetti d'arte - furniture and works of art -See Sold Price
SoldTABLE BOOK STAND Rome, 18th CenturyIn carved and gilt-wood, with twisted ribbon rims and wide foliate scrolls band. Damages and lacks. 10 x 15.4 x 12 in.  - Tags: Arredi e oggetti d'arte - furniture and works of art -See Sold Price
SoldFROM GARIBOLDI. LAGO MAGGIORE Lombardy, 1850 circaAquatint with gouache. Beautiful and rare bird’s eye view of Lake Maggiore inspired by the famous composition of Gariboldi. 10.4 x 24.8 in. - Tags: Arredi e oggetti d'arte - furniture and worksSee Sold Price
SoldST. MICHAEL ARCHANGEL Rome, 18th CenturyCarved and gilt-wood sculpture. Damages. 30.1 x 11.8 x 5.7 in. - Tags: Arredi e oggetti d'arte - furniture and works of art -See Sold Price
SoldG. Serraglini Oggetti Italian Porcelain MaskOggetti hand painted 3-D porcelain sculpture wall mask made in Italy and signed by G. Danti. Label on verso 'G. Serraglini Oggetti D'Arte Firenze Lungarno Acciaivoli 56r'. Male face with beard, mustacSee Sold Price