SoldROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Harmony" HROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Harmony" HN 2824, blue/gray gown, 8 in. ht. Marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Lydia",A ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Lydia", HN 1908, issued 1939-1995, red dress, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Jersey MiROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Jersey Milkmaid", HN 2057, blue, white and red costume, 1950-1959, 6-1/2 in. ht.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE: "FortuneA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE: "Fortune Teller", HN 2159, 6-1/2 in., green, brown costume, issued 1955-67, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Once UpoA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Once Upon a Time", HN2047, 4-1/4 in., pink dress, issued 1949-55, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Rosebud"A ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Rosebud", HN 1983, 7-1/2 in., pink dress with red cloak, issued 1945-52, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Maureen"A ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Maureen", HN 1770, pink dress, issued 1936-59, 7-1/2 in. ht.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Town CriA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Town Crier", HN 2119, 8-1/2 in., purple, green and yellow costume, issued 1953-76, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Dorcas",A ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Dorcas", HN 1558, 6-3/4 in. ht., purple dress shading to pink, issued 1933-52, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "The WizarROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "The Wizard", HN 2877, 9-3/4" H., blue costume with owl perched on his shoulder and black cat at his feet. Marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "The OldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "The Old Balloon Seller", HN 1315, 7-1/2 in., purple and white dress, issued 1929-98, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "SouthernA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Southern Bell", HN 2229, 8 in. ht., red and cream dress, issued 1958-1997, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldAN ENGLISH ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGUREAN ENGLISH ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Autumn Breezes", a fine lady in red costume with ermine muff, HN 1934, dated (19)95, 7-3/4 in. ht. Marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "MargaretA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Margaret of Anjou", HN 2012, 9-1/4 in., green/yellow gown, issued 1948-53, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "The FiddA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "The Fiddler", HN 2171, 8-3/4 in., green, cream and red costume, issued 1956-62. Marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Easter DA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Easter Day", HN 1976,, 7-1/4 in., white/lilac/green dress, issued 1945-51. Marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "HenriettA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Henrietta Maria", HN 2005, 9-1/2 in., yellow flowered dress, issued 1948-53, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "JacqueliA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Jacqueline", HN 2001, 7-1/4 in., pink dress, issued 1947-51, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "PriscillA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Priscilla", HN 1340, red/purple dress, issued 1940-59, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Cerise",A ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Cerise", HN 1607, 5-1/4 in., flowered dress, issued 1933-49, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE: "A VictorA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE: "A Victorian Lady", HN 728, pink dress, purple shawl, 7-3/4 in., issued 1925-52, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Bonnie LA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Bonnie Lassie", HN 1626, 5-1/4 in., red dress, issued 1934-53, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "MargaretA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Margaret", HN 1989, 7-1/4 in. ht., red and green dress, issued 1947-1954, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
SoldA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Honey", HA ROYAL DOULTON GLAZED PORCELAIN FIGURE, "Honey", HN 1909, 7 in., pink dress, issued 1939-49, marked with the Royal Doulton trademark underfoot.See Sold Price
An art deco style Bohemian Royal Dux polychromed and cobalt blue porcelain figure ofa ladyOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Royal Doulton Flambe Figurine, Tiger Stalking HN1082Lion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Royal Doulton Archives Burslem Blue Flambe, Hebei Goat BA36Lion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Royal Doulton Flambe Figure, Gift Of Life, Mare & FoalLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Royal Doulton Flambe Figurine, Nestling Down, Swans HN3538Lion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Royal Doulton Charles Noke Flambe Figurine, Seated Cat HN109Lion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Elephant Trunk Salute HN891 Flambe - Royal Doulton FigurineLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Royal Doulton Fine Porcelain Signed Ballerina FigurePassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Royal Doulton Fine Porcelain Signed Ballerina FigurePassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Royal Doulton Balloon Seller Fine Porcelain FigurePassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Large Lot of Royal Doulton Figures & OthersWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024