SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK DRESSER, American, c. 1890. TheLATE VICTORIAN OAK DRESSER, American, c. 1890. The low two-drawer base is surmounted with a small cabinet to the right of an attached tall mirror. Dimensions: 79.75"H x 44.75"W x 19.75"D.See Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN OAK WASHSTAND, American, c. 1890, havinVICTORIAN OAK WASHSTAND, American, c. 1890, having an attached towel bar raised above a rectangular oak top, the front featuring one large and two small drawers adjacent to a single cabinet door. DimeSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK DRESSER, American, c. 1890-190LATE VICTORIAN OAK DRESSER, American, c. 1890-1900, the low four-drawer chest with oval tilt mirror attached above. Dimensions: 69"H x 44.5"W x 21"D.See Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK SIDEBOARD, American, c. 1890-1LATE VICTORIAN OAK SIDEBOARD, American, c. 1890-1900, the front with two curved drawers overhanging a large drawer and a pair of paneled cabinet doors with applied carvings, the D-shaped oak top surmoSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK SIDEBOARD, American, c. 1890-190LATE VICTORIAN OAK SIDEBOARD, American, c. 1890-1900. The top section has a rectangular beveled mirror centered under a carved bonnet top and between a pair of bracket shelves; the base section with tSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK PARTNER'S DESK, American, c. 19LATE VICTORIAN OAK PARTNER'S DESK, American, c. 1900, having a flat, rectangular top spanning two pedestals, one side of the desk with two sets of eight drawers, the other with one set of four drawersSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK SECRETARY BOOKCASE, American, cLATE VICTORIAN OAK SECRETARY BOOKCASE, American, c. 1890-1900. The left half is a full-length bookcase with shelves behind a glazed door; right half with demilune mirror over a slant-front writing desSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK SECRETARY BOOKCASE, American,LATE VICTORIAN OAK SECRETARY BOOKCASE, American, c. 1890-1900. The left half is a narrow, vertical bookcase with shelves visible behind a curved glass door; the right half a writing desk with slant drSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK DRESSING TABLE, American, c. 1LATE VICTORIAN OAK DRESSING TABLE, American, c. 1890, having an oak top over two carved serpentine-shaped front drawers, the top raised on two rectangular and two spiral-turned legs with stretchers. DSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK PETITE BUFFET, American, c. 18LATE VICTORIAN OAK PETITE BUFFET, American, c. 1890-1900, having an attached oak framed mirror over a buffet with three drawers and two plain cabinet doors, the whole raised on four legs, square in baSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK CENTER TABLE, American, c. 189LATE VICTORIAN OAK CENTER TABLE, American, c. 1890-1900, having a rectangular oak top overhanging a carved and reeded apron, the four round, ring-turned splay legs secured with crossed stretchers thatSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK ROCKING ARMCHAIR, American, c.LATE VICTORIAN OAK ROCKING ARMCHAIR, American, c. 1890, the back with shaped splat over 10 turned spindles and contoured oak seat.See Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK SETTLE HALLSTAND, American, c. 1LATE VICTORIAN OAK SETTLE HALLSTAND, American, c. 1890. The hallstand has a settle base with storage compartment under the oak lift seat flanked by open arms, the mirror-paneled back rising to a carveSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK CABINET BOOKCASE, American, c.1LATE VICTORIAN OAK CABINET BOOKCASE, American, c.1890, having four adjustable wood shelves visible through a long pair of glazed panel doors, the base fitted with two aligned drawers. Dimensions: : 77See Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK ARMCHAIR HALLSTAND, American, c.LATE VICTORIAN OAK ARMCHAIR HALLSTAND, American, c. 1890-1900, the armchair base having a lift oak seat, the back rising to a small square mirror surrounded by three pair of garment hooks with copperSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK LAMP STAND, American, c. 1890-1LATE VICTORIAN OAK LAMP STAND, American, c. 1890-1900, a two-tier design with square oak top raised on four S-curve legs the stadle a smaller square undertier. Width 20-1/4 inches.See Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK LAMP TABLE, American, c. 1890-19LATE VICTORIAN OAK LAMP TABLE, American, c. 1890-1900, the square top having a press-carved serpentine-shaped border and stands on four turned and reeded legs with undertier. Height 29-1/4 in., top wiSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK LAMP TABLE, American, c. 1890-1LATE VICTORIAN OAK LAMP TABLE, American, c. 1890-1900, having a round oak top on four ring-turned legs that straddle a shaped under tier and end with glass ball and stylized cast iron claw feet. DimenSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK ROCKING ARMCHAIRLATE VICTORIAN OAK ROCKING ARMCHAIR, American, c. 1890, having a wide splat back with carved crest rail, the S-shaped arms over turned spindles flanking a padded seat.See Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK CHEST OF DRAWERS, American, c.LATE VICTORIAN OAK CHEST OF DRAWERS, American, c. 1890-1900, the front with a rank of five large drawers. Dimensions: 51.75"H x 34.75"W x 17.5"D.See Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK EXTENSION DINING TABLE, AmericLATE VICTORIAN OAK EXTENSION DINING TABLE, American, c. 1890-1900, having a square top on five plain cylindrical oak legs with casters. Dimensions: 30.5"H x 45"W x 45"L.See Sold Price
SoldA LATE VICTORIAN OAK DRESSER WITH TILT MIRROR, AmeA LATE VICTORIAN OAK DRESSER WITH TILT MIRROR, American, c. 1890. The dresser's serpentine-shaped front has two small over two large drawers with ornate brass bail handles, the oak framed mirror aboveSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK FALL-FRONT BOOKCASE/DESK, AmerLATE VICTORIAN OAK FALL-FRONT BOOKCASE/DESK, American, c. 1890. The desk has a carved panel front that falls forward to a fitted interior, the desk portion raised above a 2-shelf open bookcase base. DSee Sold Price
SoldLATE VICTORIAN OAK SLANT-FRONT WRITING DESK, AmerLATE VICTORIAN OAK SLANT-FRONT WRITING DESK, American, c. 1890-1900. The slant front is centered over a single drawer and opens to a fitted interior, the whole raised on four shaped legs straddling anSee Sold Price
19th C. Carved Oak Curved Glass China CabinetPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
19th C American Walnut Marble Top Wash StandPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
19th C. American Stick and Ball 2 Panel ScreenPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Late 19thc Victorian Bronze Figure, Squire, Country GentlemanConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
FRENCH RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK BOOKCASEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK HALL BENCHAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
AMERICAN NEW HAVEN CLOCK COMPANY FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCKAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ANTIQUE 19 C FRENCH BELLE EPOCH BRONZE DORE CLOCKAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
ANTIQUE 19 C FRENCH PARIAN PORCELAIN FIGURAL VASEAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
American Carved Oak Oval Overmantel Mirror, late 19th c., with a leaf and bead carved crest over anCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
19TH C. AMERICAN VICTORIAN MARBLE TOP WASH STANDLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
R.C. Gorman Signed Print on Paper Mother and ChildConcept Art Gallery4.7(509)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Victorian Hand Carved Oak American War Eagle Wall Shelf SconceBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Antique English Signed Oil River Cottage Sunset Scene Figure in Wooden Punt c. 1900'sJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
19th C. American Victorian Eastlake Walnut DresserPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024