SoldKarl von Rydingsvard Theodore Swann stoolKarl von Rydingsvard (1863-1941), Theodore Swann stool, New York, NY and Boston, MA, carved weathered oak, unsigned, 20.25"w x 14"d x 19.25"h, Catalogue Note: This stool was part of a large commissionSee Sold Price
SoldKarl von RydingsvardTheodore Swann hinged-lid stoolKarl von Rydingsvard (1863-1941), Theodore Swann hinged-lid stool, New York, NY and Boston, MA, carved weathered oak, original iron, polychrome paint, unsigned, 20.25"w x 14"d x 19.25"h, Catalogue NotSee Sold Price
SoldKARL VON RYDINGSVARD Carved wood hinged and liddedKARL VON RYDINGSVARD Carved wood hinged and lidded box in red, blue and gold, 1902. (Rydingsvard came to this country from Sweden and established two schools of Arts & Crafts woodcarving, in ManchesteSee Sold Price
SoldKarl von Rydingsvard Robert Van Vorst Sewell chestKarl von Rydingsvard (1863-1941), Robert Van Vorst Sewell chest, New York, NY and Boston, MA, carved white oak, wrought iron, unsigned, 56"w x 21"d x 25.5"h, Catalogue Note: Von Rydingsvard worked forSee Sold Price
SoldKarl von Rydingsvard picture frameKarl von Rydingsvard (1863-1941), picture frame, New York, NY and Boston, MA, carved oak, carved signature, set with a Douglas Volk (American 1856-1935) portrait of Frances Lyle, oak frame: 19"h x 15"See Sold Price
SoldKarl von Rydingsvard Hand carved All-Over Merchant'sKarl von Rydingsvard Hand carved All-Over Merchant's Chest, several compartments in interior, dovetail construction, incised signature, the underside of the lid has the dates 1840 and 1935 carved intoSee Sold Price
Karl von Rydingsvard Handcarved All-Over Merchant'sKarl von Rydingsvard Handcarved All-Over Merchant's Chest, several compartments in interior, dovetail construction, incised signature, the underside of the lid has the dates 1840 and 1935 carved intoSee Sold Price
Karl von Rydingsvard stagecoach chestKarl von Rydingsvard (1863-1941), stagecoach chest, New York, NY and Boston, MA, circa, 1935, carved yellow pine, pewter, script signature, 37.75"w x 16"d x 21.5"h. From the Estate of Robert Edwards,See Sold Price
Karl von Rydingsvard Stagecoach ChestKarl von Rydingsvard (1863-1941) stagecoach chest, New York, NY and Boston, MA, circa, 1935, carved yellow pine, pewter, script signature. Provenance: ex Robert Edwards Collection, Swarthmore, PA; PriSee Sold Price
SoldKarl von Rydingsvard Douglas VolkKarl von Rydingsvard (Swedish/American 1863-1941), fine and important carved picture frame, signed: "K.v.R.," set with a Douglas Volk (American 1856-1935) portrait of Frances Lyle, oil on canvas, signSee Sold Price
SoldKarl von Rydingsvard Stagecoach ChestKarl von Rydingsvard (1863-1941) stagecoach chest, New York, NY and Boston, MA, circa, 1935, carved yellow pine, pewter, script signature. Provenance: ex Robert Edwards Collection, Swarthmore, PA; PriSee Sold Price
SoldA Carved Walnut LecternA Carved Walnut Lectern Karl Von Rydingsvard, circa 1900. The adjustable book rest with carved inscription 'I am not here to join in hating but love'. Provenance: Phillips New York, 19th and 20th CentSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
Master Wood-CarverKarl von Rydingsvard - A pioneer in "legitimate" wood carving is Mr. Karl von Rydingsvard, a Swede, who had been a teacher of and lecturer on carving in New York. He spent his summers in Maine, an appSee Sold Price
SoldAttrib., K. Arthur von Rydingsvärd library tableAttributed to Karl Arthur von Rydingsvärd (1863-1941) library table with a blind drawer USA oak unmarked Celtic/Norse carving throughout with legs terminating in heavily carved dolphin feet 66"wSee Sold Price
Herta Czoernig "Mozart's Study" Signed Aquatint Colored EtchingMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
FRANCO ALOY (1894-1961) BITTER CANETTA. Circa 1925.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
D'APRÈS KARL FRIEDRICH "FRITZ" BOEHLE (1873-1916) IN DEO GRATIA. 1915.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
KARL SCHMOLL VON EISENWERTH (1879-1948) [GOLDENE BRÜCKE] & [GOLDENE FRÜCHTE]. Two posters.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
CHRISTIAN (DATES UNKNOWN) SHE MAY BE . . A BAG OF TROUBLE / SYPHILIS - GONORRHEA. 1940.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
PAUL THEODORE ETBAUER (1892-1975) HAPAG WELTREISE / HAMBURG - AMERIKA LINIE. 1928.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
LUDWIG VON HOFMANN (1861-1945) DEUTSCHE KUNST AUSSTELLUNG DER BERLINER SECESSION. 1899.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
LUDWIG HOHLWEIN (1874-1949) MÜNCHENER KÜNSTLER FARBEN FABRIK / DR KARL FIEDLER. 1907.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ALBERT WEISGERBER (1878-1915) PRESSE FEST. 1913.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
KARL STEINER (1902-1981) WEIHNACHTSGESCHENKE / DROGERIE LOIS FELLNER. Gouache maquette. Circa 1928.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ADOLPHE MOURON CASSANDRE (1901-1968) CYCLES BRILLANT. 1925.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
WES WILSON (1937-2020) [FILLMORE AUDITORIUM / PSYCHEDELIC]. Group of 4 posters. 1966.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ANDY WARHOL (1928-1987) [CELEBRITIES]. Group of 4 posters. 1960s-80s.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
5 Sheets Of US Postal Stamps Space & RocketsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Christian von Boetticher, Sitting/standing object 'Saddle stool desk - model Adhock', c. 1979Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH4.3(63)See Sold PriceMar 19, 2024
Prinz Friedrich Karl Von Preußen - Denkwürdigkeiten Aus Seinem Leben 1866-1885 Vol.IIRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Herta Czoernig "Mozart's Study" Signed Aquatint Colored EtchingMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024