SoldRoman Bronze Spatha Sword Scabbard Chape3rd century AD. A hollow-cast chape with openwork volute scrolls and notched lobe to the upper edge on each face, slightly flared body; one face with raised heart-shaped panel indicating the outline oSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Spatha Sword Scabbard Chape3rd century AD. A hollow-cast chape with openwork volute scrolls to the upper edge on each face, slightly flared body; one face with raised heart-shaped panel indicating the outline of the sword's tipSee Sold Price
SoldRoman - Group of Ten Bronze Military ItemsCirca 1st to 3rd century AD. A mixed group of ten bronze military items, including: two harness pendants (silvered, 1 with free-swinging central element); a sword scabbard chape; a pendant with male pSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Cavalry Spatha ScabbardRoman Bronze Cavalry Spatha Scabbard, c. 2nd-3rd Century A.D. Several elements that would cover the wooden or leather scabbard of a cavalry "Spatha" sword. Reset on modern wood. Size: 50 cm. - 19" - LSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Seventh Thracian Cohort Spatha Chape2nd-4th century AD. A hollow-formed bronze chape for a scabbard, D-shaped with slightly convex obverse, scooped upper edge with incised detailing and fixing pin to the rear; to the obverse possibly laSee Sold Price
Viking Age Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape Collection10th-12th century A.D. Comprising: a small and narrow type (Paulsen's Gruppe I 2, Untergruppe d) with an openwork panel to each face filled by a cross-shaped motif with curved cross-bar, and a dentillSee Sold Price
Viking Age Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape Collection10th-11th century A.D. Comprising: a long and narrow tongue-shaped type (Paulsen's Gruppe V 2A, Untergruppe C) with scooped upper edge and palmette motif to the centre, spurs to the a vertical band ofSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN LEGIONARY BRONZE CHAPE FROM GLADIUSC. 100-300 AD. Roman. Bronze scabbard chape (or bottom) with pelta-shaped body surmounted by a stylised budding flower motif. Chapes serve to reinforce leather or fabric scabbards to prevent the pointSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN BRONZE GLADIUS SCABBARD FITTING WITH INSCRIPTIONC. 100-300 AD. Roman. Bronze scabbard chape (or bottom) with U-shaped body, openwork pelta ornament and projecting pelta ornament at the top. The body bears an inscription “COH[ORS] ITER HONORI LEONSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN BRONZE GLADIUS SCABBARD CHAPECa. 100 – 300 AD. Ancient Legionary cast open-work scabbard fitting with floral decoration and zoomorphic terminals. Classical example of this type. 60mm; 38 grams. Provenance: From an old British cSee Sold Price
SoldBronze Age Halstatt Sword Scabbard Chape800-600 BC. A cast bronze scabbard chape in the form of a cockerel with central sleeve, triangular beaked head to one side and curled tail to the other; large pelta-shaped plaque below; the outer edgeSee Sold Price
Viking Bronze Borre Style Sword Scabbard Chape10th century AD. A cast bifacial scabbard chape of Paulsen's Borre Style type B, D-shaped with triangular upper edge, knop to the base; to each face an openwork design of a human mask with large pelleSee Sold Price
Viking Bronze 'Birka Falcon' Sword Scabbard Chape9th-10th century AD. A cast bifacial scabbard chape, D-shaped with scooped upper edge; the openwork centre of each face formed with a stylised bird with wings extended to the frame; the apex to one faSee Sold Price
Viking Bronze Valleberga Type Sword Scabbard Chape10th century AD. A cast bifacial Borre style scabbard chape of Paulsen's Valleberga type, D-shaped with triangular upper edge; the openwork centre of each face with bird and mask motifs, the wings plaSee Sold Price
Viking Bronze 'Birka Falcon' Sword Scabbard Chape9th-10th century AD. A cast bifacial scabbard chape, D-shaped with triangular upper edge; the openwork centre of each face formed with a stylised bird with wings extended to the frame, bird's head inSee Sold Price
SoldViking Scabbard Chape with Fleur-De-Lis10th-12th century AD. A bronze sword or dagger scabbard chape, conical with extended lateral trefoil arms, scooped upper edges, reserved trefoil and tendril motifs to each face. Cf. Paulsen, P. SchwerSee Sold Price
SoldViking Age Bronze Birka Falcon Type Sword Scabbard Chape9th-10th century A.D. Of openwork form, collared knop to tip and collared projections to apex. Cf. Paulsen, P., Schwertortbänder der Wikingerzeit, Stuttgart, 1953, in relation to the trading centre oSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Figural Military Short Sword Scabbard Moun2nd-3rd century AD . A sheet scabbard mount, D-shaped with lateral extensions, flange to upper edge; the embossed motif a horseman in a pointed cap with bird behind, right arm extended, left arm withSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Figural Military Short Sword Scabbard Moun2nd-3rd century AD. A sheet scabbard mount, D-shaped with lateral extensions, flange to upper edge; the embossed motif a horseman in a pointed cap with bird behind, right arm extended, left arm with cSee Sold Price
Rare Vintage Set Of 2 Bronze Stamp Dyes Sword/DaggerTitle: Rare Vintage Set Of 2 Bronze Stamp Dyes Sword/Dagger Scabbard Chape. G46-226 USDate/Period: 1900-1950 Origin: India Rare Vintage Set Of 2 Bronze Stamp Dyes Sword/Dagger Scabbard Chape. G46-226See Sold Price
ROMAN BRONZE LEGIONARY GLADIUS SCABBARD FITTINGC. 100-300 AD. Roman. Bronze scabbard fitting, perhaps part of a chape, which features abstract openwork decorative motifs. Chapes serve to reinforce leather or fabric scabbards to prevent the point oSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN BRONZE GLADIUS SCABBARD FITTINGCa. 100 – 300 AD. Ancient Legionary cast lunar-shaped scabbard chape with coiled open-work terminals. Classical example of this type. 60mm; 38 grams. Provenance: From an old British collection, acquSee Sold Price
Holyland Byzantine Iron / Bronze Spatha SwordNear East / Holy Land, Byzantine Empire, ca. 7th to 10th century CE. A handsome, large, iron-bladed sword, known as a spatha. The spatha was originally used in the early Roman Empire, inspired by theSee Sold Price
LATE ROMAN IRON SPATHA SWORD WITH BRONZE POMMELCa. 200-400 AD. Late Roman. A beautiful legionary sword of the 'spatha' type. This broad parallel-sided spatha has a convergent tip and a rectangular-section guard. The hilt ends in a bronze pommel. ASee Sold Price
Rare 19c  Roman Soldier French Bronze Sculpture dated 1850 and numberedSan Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Tall Blind Justice Graduation Lawyer Bronze SculptureHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Migration Period Iron Sword with Garnet and Shell Cross Guard with Gold and Amber Sword BeadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Viking Age Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Viking Age Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Viking Age Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Knights Templar Crusader Warrior Knight Bronze Statue Sculpture Figure 36" x 12"Weatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024