SoldNear East, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. a small ducNear East, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. a small duck-billed bronze axe head. L: 3.5", H: 1.75". This shape, scarce this nice! Very attractive mottled deep green patina. Rare! Joel L. Malter Collection.See Sold Price
SoldNear East, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. A lot of 3Western Iran, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. A lot of 3 fine bronze daggers. First is 9 ¼" long. The heavy blade has an elegant shape, perforated tang and is in excellent condition, with nice patina andSee Sold Price
SoldNear East, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. A group ofNear East, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. A group of three (3) fine bronze daggers, 9 ¼", 9 ¼" and 8 ½" in length. The heavy blades all have strong mineral encrustation. Nice examples.See Sold Price
SoldA Lot of 2 Nice Luristan Bronze BowlsNear East, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. A lot of 2 metal bowls. The first is a fine silver bowl with two bands of incised circular designs, 5 ¾" diameter, 3 ½" deep. The second piece is a nicely formSee Sold Price
SoldNear East, Luristan, a small and fine bronze castiNear East, Luristan, c. 1200 – 1000 BC. A small and fine bronze casting of an ibex with extremely long horns. Standing on all fours with nice light green patina. H: 1.25".See Sold Price
Pair of bronze daggers, Luristan & Near EastA pair of bronze daggers. The first is a Luristan votive dagger, c. 1000 - 800 BC, the handle and blade cast as one piece, the handle flanged for inlay, L: 8 1/2" (21.6 cm); the second is Near EasternSee Sold Price
SoldIran, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. a small duck-biIran, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. a small duck-billed bronze axe head. L: 3.5", H: 1.75". This shape, scarce this nice! Very attractive mottled deep green patina. Rare! Joel L. Malter Collection, ROA-See Sold Price
SoldA Luristan Bronze Axe HeadFrom the ancient Near East, Luristan, ca. 1000 - 800 BC. Solid bronze socketed weapon which allowed a wooden shaft to fit snugly in antiquity, Fine green patina. 6"L blade length x about 2-1/2"H fromSee Sold Price
SoldNear East, a pair of silver anklets with stylizedNear East, c.1000 – 800 BC. A pair of silver anklets with stylized animal head terminals. Intact with good surfaces and some areas of deposits. Diameter 3 ¾" for both. See Moorey, Catalogue of TheSee Sold Price
SoldNear East, Luristan, c. 1200 BC. A small axe headNear East, Luristan, c. 1200 BC. A small axe head in bronze with nice patination. See Godard XV, 45. Ex Malter auction Dec. 4, 05, lot 1276. Attractive brown-green patina. Ex. Joel L. Malter CollectioSee Sold Price
Sold200. A CHOICE LURISTAN BRONZE MINIATURE GOAT200. Western Iran, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. A very ornate small bronze standing goat. Goat is well detailed with long torso and long curved and pointed horns. Back 2/3 of torso enlarges into a thicSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Iran, Luristan, 5 BRONZE ARROWS!!!Western Iran, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. A lot of small bronze arrows along with a larger spear point that has interesting and seldom seen "XXX" design on both sides of blade just above tang. 3 of thSee Sold Price
Luristan, Persia. Nice lot of 3 bronze itemsA lot of bronze items from Western Iran, Luristan, c.1000 - 800 BC, which include a small footed cup, a base of a finial and a ring with loops of chain. An interesting mix of items, all nicely patinatSee Sold Price
SoldHoly Land Iron Age ChaliceNear East Holyland Terracotta Chalice, Iron Age c. 1000-800 BC. 8.5 inches high. Repaired base with minor chipping. - 215mm,755gr - ca.1000-800BC - Ex private Houston TX collection. - All items come wSee Sold Price
SoldBronze horse bit, Luristan PersiaA bronze horse bit with rectangular cheek pieces, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC, each cheek piece with four small spikes on its inner surface. There is a straight square section mouthpiece which passes tSee Sold Price
A Near Eastern bronze braceletA Near Eastern bronze bracelet, c. 1000-800 BC, terminating with small snake heads on either side, D: 2 1/3 in (6cm). Ex collection of Eric DeKolb, NY.See Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Axe head c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Axe head c.1000 BC. Size 7 inches length. Unusual Type Luristan bronze Axe head, ancient near east Luristan. Condition: surface incrustation otherwise perfect. Provenance: EX CSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Axe With Lion Head c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Axe With Lion Head c.1000 BC. Size 6 1/2 inches length. Rare Type Luristan Bronze Axe with Lion head, ancient near east Luristan. Condition:minor ware otherwise perfect. ProvenSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Axe head c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Axe head c.1000 BC. Size 4 3/4 inches length. A Heavy cast bronze Luristan Tool Axe head, ancient near east Luristan. Condition:minor chip with surface incrustation otherwise pSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Axe head c.1000 BCAncient Luristan Bronze Axe head c.1000 BC. Size 7 1/4 inches length. A heavy Bronze Axe head ancient near east Luristan. Condition: Surface roughness otherwise perfect. Provenance: From Private New YSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Ancient Luristan Bronze Spear Point c.1000 BCLot of 2 Ancient Luristan Bronze Spear Point c.1000 BC. Size 16 1/4 - 17 1/2 inches length. Great Type heavy Luristan Bronze Spear point ancient near east Luristan. Condition:ware and losses otherwiseSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Ancient Luristan Bronze Spear Point c.1000 BC.Lot of 3 Ancient Luristan Bronze Spear Point c.1000 BC. Size 9- 9 3/4 - 10 1/2 inches length. Great Type of Luristan Bronze Spear points ancient near east Luristan. Condition:ware and losses otherwiseSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Ancient Luristan Bronze Spear Point c.1000 BC.Lot of 3 Ancient Luristan Bronze Spear Point c.1000 BC. Size 8 5/8- 9 3/4 - 11 inches length. Great Type of Luristan Bronze Spear points and a Dagger (handle damaged) ancient near east Luristan. CondiSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Iran, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. 2 items!Western Iran, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. A lot of 2 pieces. The first is a silver finial in the form of a boar forepart, a horned goat head before and small loop below, H: 2" and nicely mounted on LuSee Sold Price
A Bronze Luristan Spearhead, Early Iron Age, ca. 1000-650 B.C.ThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Bronze Ornamental Arch, Likely Near Eastern, 1st Millennium B.C.ThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Artifact Bundle - Roman, Chinese, Sumerian, LuristanArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Luristan / Marlik Bronze Spearhead Type III, ex-PiscopoArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Ancient Copper Axe Heads - 1 Bactrian & 3 LuristanArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024