Kabbalah Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1698.Seder Tikunei Shabbat. 26 pages (52 sides). Judaica, Jewish, Kabbala, Kabala, Cabbala, Cabala, Qabalah. 22cm X 16.5cm / 8.66in X 6.5in.See Sold Price
Rare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731Rare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731 Judaica.Silver Binding.Miniature Seder Tefilot book printed in Venice, Italy, dated in Hebrew equivalent to 1731.Repousse silver binding decorated withSee Sold Price
Rare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731 JudaicaRare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731 Judaica. Silver Binding. Miniature Seder Tefilot book printed in Venice, Italy, dated in Hebrew equivalent to 1731. Repousse silver binding decorated wiSee Sold Price
Rare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731 JudaicaSilver Binding. Miniature Seder Tefilot book printed in Venice, Italy, dated in Hebrew equivalent to 1731. Repousse silver binding decorated with scroll ornaments and closes with a clasp. Gilt edges.See Sold Price
Rare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731Rare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731 Judaica. Silver Binding. Miniature Seder Tefilot book printed in Venice, Italy, dated in Hebrew equivalent to 1731. Repousse silver binding decorated wiSee Sold Price
Rare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731Rare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731 Judaica. Silver Binding. Miniature Seder Tefilot book printed in Venice, Italy, dated in Hebrew equivalent to 1731. Repousse silver binding decorated wiSee Sold Price
Rare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731Rare Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Venice, 1731 Judaica. Silver Binding. Miniature Seder Tefilot book printed in Venice, Italy, dated in Hebrew equivalent to 1731. RepousSee Sold Price
SoldMiniature Prayer Book Original Binding Venice 1777Italian Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book - Seder Tefilot, Venice, 1777, Judaica. Original leather binding with gilt ornaments and silver clasp. The silver clasp is marked. Titled spine. Gilt edges. 264 paSee Sold Price
SoldPrayers Book for Hoshana Rabbah, Amsterdam, 1733.Prayers Book for Hoshana Rabbah Kabbalah Hebrew Book, Amsterdam, 1733, Judaica. 36 pages (72 sides). 15.5cm X 10cm / 6.1in X 4in.See Sold Price
SoldTefilat Yesharim, Kabbalah Prayer Book, Amsterdam, 1740Hebrew. Green velvet binding with silver edges and two clasps. Gilt edges. 419 pages (838 sides). The silver clasps are marked with Venetian silver marks of the 18th century. Jewish, Judaica, Kabbala,See Sold Price
SoldSILVER-BOUND PRAYER-BOOKVenice, Bragadin for Gad ben Samuel Foa, 1748. Seder Tephiloth [prayers for entire year]. According to Italian rite. With Ethics of the Fathers. Hebrew with vowel points. On front fly inscription: "ToSee Sold Price
Chemed Elokim. Venice, 1757?Prayers according to Kabbalah for Sukkot, From the book 'Chemdat Yamim'. Original leather binding detached from book. Few worming holes. Aging stains. Fine condition.See Sold Price
Barchi Nafshi - Venice, 1628 ...Barchi Nafshi, prayers, poems and piyyutim by Rabbeinu Bechaye and by other authors, in Hebrew and Italian. Venice: [Giovanni Caleoni] 1628. The book has an Italian translation to three prayers: The TSee Sold Price
SoldShaarei Tziyon, Dyhrenfurth 1792, Unknown EditionPrayers and supplications per the Ar"i's kabbalah, by Rabbi Natan Nota Hanover. Printed by Yechiel Michel Maya; edition unknown in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book. Rabbi Natan Nota Hanover was borSee Sold Price
SoldLot 2 Vintage Siddur Avodat Hebrew Prayer BookInside of cover reads Siddur Avodat Israel with English translation. Lot includes 2 prayer books. Each has silver toned metal binding. One has gold toned detail the other a silver toned detail. Each mSee Sold Price
SoldAntique 1909 Hebrew Prayer BookAntique Hebrew prayer book, publishes 1909 by The Hebrew Publishing Company. Front and back cover are hand carved bone and gilt edges to paper. Approximately 5 inches long and 3 inches and 1.5 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldHebrew Prayer Book Israel 1966 JudaicaBezalel style Hebrew prayer book (Siddur) with a silver plated cover after the original design by Ze'ev Raban, made in Israel by "Sinai Publishing", 1966, Judaica. The cover is decorated with a DecaloSee Sold Price
SoldBeit Israel Hebrew Book, Venice, 1628, Judaica.Beit Israel Hebrew Book, Venice, 1628, Judaica. Part 2. Elaborated title page. 189 pages (378 sides). 30cm X 21cm / 11.8in X 8.26in.See Sold Price
SoldJudaica Hebrew Prayer BookDESCRIPTION: Judaica Hebrew Silver tone Torah book depicting judaic iconography with encrusted stones on cover and adorned with etchings around the edges depicting iconography. CIRCA: 20th Century ORISee Sold Price
Sold18TH/19TH CENTURY HEBREW PRAYER BOOKLeather bound. In fair to poor condition. We believe this book to be around the turn of the 19th century. Leather bound, yellowing, and foxing, around 200 pages. Either a siddur or a haftorah we haveSee Sold Price
SoldHebrew Prayer Book Siddur Tel Aviv IsraelHebrew prayer silver plated book. "Siddur Tel Aviv Israel " measures approx 5 x 3. English translation cover has Turquoise beads.See Sold Price
SoldBeer Esek Hebrew Book, Venice, Italy, 1674.Beer Esek Hebrew Book, Venice, Italy, 1674, Judaica. With marginalia. 134 pages (268 sides). 21.5cm X 16.5cm / 8.46in X 6.5in.See Sold Price
SoldMiniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Vienna, 1835.Miniature Hebrew Prayer Book, Vienna, 1835, Judaica. Original binding, leather on boards. 223 pages (446 sides). 9cm X 5.5cm / 3.54in X 2.16in.See Sold Price
SoldAbudraham Hebrew Prayer Book, Prague, 1784.Abudraham Hebrew Prayer Book, Prague, 1784, Judaica. 118 pages (236 sides). 21cm X 17cm / 8.26in X 6.7in.See Sold Price
1828 GERMAN PRAYER BOOK antique Heilige Anklange Gebete fur katholische ChristenJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1873 GERMAN PRAYER BOOK gebet und erbauungsbuch für katholische christen antiqueJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1856 GERMAN DAILY PRAYERS BOOK By Johann Stark antique AMERICANA PhiladelphiaJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
MELBA NELLIE: (1861-1931)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Prayer & hymn books in silver mounted holder, plus a silver mounted prayer book; together with aFellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Antique Religious Books in GermanRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Collectible Siddur Avodat, Israel, 1969The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024