SoldFour silver items, comprising an unmarked rectangFour silver items, comprising an unmarked rectangular photo frame, a twin-divisional card box with hinged lid, square cigarette box and a salt with blue glass liner, various assay marksSee Sold Price
Four Sterling Silver Dresser Items and Two 84 SilverFour Sterling Silver Dresser Items: Comprising a Saart Bros. hand mirror {length 14 inches}, and hair brush; Wallace hand mirror; and an unmarked comb; together with two 84 Standard Silver knives (6)See Sold Price
SoldA group of American and European silver items19th-20th century The cups and salt cellars stamped for sterling, all other pieces unmarked Comprising three julep cups, four christening cups, a bowl stand, and two salt cellars with glass linings, 1See Sold Price
SoldA group of Graziella Laffi silver jewelry itemsSecond-quarter 20th Century; Peru Each stamped: Laffi / Peru / 925; Four further stamped: k18; The chain apparently unmarked but likely Laffi Comprising a mixed-metal gold and silver pendant (1.75"See Sold Price
SoldSix Silver Dolphin and Shell Tableware ItemsFour silver-plated master salt cellars and two condiment servers, all in the form of cockle shells and Florentine dolphins, comprising a finely cast six-piece matching set. Unmarked, circa 1900, likelSee Sold Price
SoldFour silver and metal compactsThree stamped: 800 Comprising an 800 silver and enamel compact with scene of a resting Selene, and 800 silver and blue glass case, an 800 silver and enamel case with gold wash, and an unmarked compacSee Sold Price
Four Continental Silver Table ArticlesFour Continental Silver Table Articles 19th Century comprising a Polish silver teapot and chamberstick, a Danish hot water kettle and an unmarked caster. Polish items marked '12,' Danish item marked oSee Sold Price
Collection of Sterling and Sterling Plated PersonalCollection of Sterling and Sterling Plated Personal Articles, Comprising an English sterling box with cedar liner {width 3 5/8 inches}, a four piece English silver plated brush set, an unmarked Art NoSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED EXPOSITION / WORLD'S FAIR SOUVENIR ARTICLES,ASSORTED EXPOSITION / WORLD'S FAIR SOUVENIR ARTICLES, LOT OF TEN, comprising 1892 Chicago World's Columbian unmarked silver, probably Sterling stamp case and four stereoviews; 1904 St. Louis LouisianaSee Sold Price
SoldSix Silver or Silvered Metal Mounted Perfume Bottles,Six Silver or Silvered Metal Mounted Perfume Bottles, comprising four cut glass spherical examples with English silver mounts, an American faceted example, apparently unmarked and a Continental ruby sSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED SILVER ARTICLES, LOT OF 13ASSORTED SILVER ARTICLES, LOT OF 13, comprising 12 pieces marked sterling and a pill box marked .800. Together with four unmarked pieces of unknown fineness. Weight: 11.40 silver only. Fourth quarterSee Sold Price
SoldFour silver items, comprising: an Edwardian taperedFour silver items, comprising: an Edwardian tapered sugar basket, with a rope twist swing handle and rims, pierced with flowers, foliage and a vacant shield, 10cm (4in) high, with a blue glass liner;See Sold Price
SoldFour silver items comprising a cylindrical sugarFour silver items comprising a cylindrical sugar sifter, two handled sugar bowl, bun shaped pill box and a cheroot holder, various assay marksSee Sold Price
SoldFour silver items comprising an unusual cylindricaFour silver items comprising an unusual cylindrical torch, a mother of pearl handled fruit knife, whisky decanter label with gadrooned border and propelling pencil with engine turned decoration, varioSee Sold Price
SoldFour silver items, comprising: a Victorian pedestalFour silver items, comprising: a Victorian pedestal christening mug by Henry Wilkinson & Co., Sheffield 1888, foliate swag engraved, the interior gilt, 10.5cm (4 1/4in) high; an circular capstan inkweSee Sold Price
SoldSilver Leaf Motif Dish & Others, Group of 4Group of four silver items, comprising a leaf dish, marked: "0.900 / Plata Fina / Chile," a 1867 Coin ashtray, marked: "833," a small footed bowl, marked: "Sterling," and a small shaped bowl, marked:See Sold Price
SoldFour .800 Silver Items, comprising three boxes, variousFour .800 Silver Items, comprising three boxes, various floral and leaf repousse decoration, largest being 2 3/8" long, approx. 4.2 troy ozs. and a locket, 1 1/8" dia.See Sold Price
SoldFour silver hallmarked items, comprising a tray ofFour silver hallmarked items, comprising a tray of oblong form with frilled edge, having central engraved cartouche and high relief decoration depicting two doves with foliate scroll surround, hallmarSee Sold Price
SoldFour silver mounted items, comprising: a late VictorianFour silver mounted items, comprising: a late Victorian shaped rectangular and embossed photograph frame by H. Matthews, Birmingham 1899; a capstan inkwell, Birmingham 1905, engraved Happy Birthday 19See Sold Price
SoldFour silver plated items comprising two cut glassFour silver plated items comprising two cut glass biscuit barrels with plated mounts, a pair of Edwardian square based candlesticks cast in relief with swags and bows and a rectangular entree dish andSee Sold Price
SoldFour silver plated items comprising a coffeepot, hFour silver plated items comprising a coffeepot, hot water pot, a leather and glass hip flask and a sugar bowl with hinged lid, largest 24cmSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Four Sterling Silver PiecesCollection of Four Sterling Silver Items: Comprising a Frank Smith floral repousse creamer; a monogrammed William B. Kerr engine turned cigarette case {length 5 inches}; a Shreve & Co. silver mountedSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 4 Sterling Items with Tiffany PenA group of four sterling silver items comprising of a Tiffany & Co. (American/ New York, 1837- ) "1837" retractable ballpoint pen, inscribed on clip "T & Co, 925, 1837", on barrel "Tiffany & Co., 925,See Sold Price
Sold4 Silverplate Items, Napkin Rings & FigurineCollection of four silver plated items comprising of two James W. Tufts (Boston, founded 1875) figural napkin rings of matching form depicting a man in cap, jacket and trousers carrying a large barrelSee Sold Price
An Art Deco silver four piece cruet set comprising two salts, a pepper and a mustard pot, hallmarkedClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A silver four piece tea set comprising teapot, hot water pot, sugar bowl and milk jug, hallmarkedClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A cased four piece dressing table set comprising silver hand mirror, brushes and comb. HallmarkedClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A cased four piece dressing table set comprising silver hand mirror, brushes and comb. HallmarkedClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Matched Victorian silver communion set in leather carry case.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Six assorted spoons to include Russian examples; plus six silver plated spoons.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Silver tea strainer, mustard spoon, cased spoons, open salt, napkin rings, etc.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Silver plated four piece tea service; plus a large gallery rim.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Six assorted Chinese silver jewelry items, 19th centuryOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Two Navajo sterling silver jewelry itemsJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024