Sold9 Apollo Guidance & Navigation ReportsPublished by the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory in 1965, this lot is a series of studies of various aspects of Apollo navigation. They each have a blue cover with black binding. Some of the topics incSee Sold Price
Nine Apollo Guidance/Navigation ReportsNine Apollo Guidance/Navigation Reports ublished by the MIT Instrumentation Lab in 1965, this lot is a series of studies of various aspects of Apollo navigation. They each have a blue cover with blackSee Sold Price
SoldApollo GNC Orbital Navigation Report by MITFascinating "Apollo Guidance, Navigation and Control" report from the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, entitled "A New Approach to On-Board Orbit NavigatioSee Sold Price
SoldRare Apollo 11 Guidance & Navigation Wheel andA rare 9.5 “Apollo 11 Mission analyzer Guidance and Navigation wheel by Apollo’s Raytheon Company in 1969 along with a TRW Systems Group Mission information display for Apollo 11’s first Lunar LSee Sold Price
Sold1971, "Apollo Guidance, Navigation and Control"(30pp, report cover) A paper published by MIT exploring the feasibility of satellite-spacecraft navigation. Excellent conditionSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 13 Guidance & Navigation Mission AnalyzerA hard to find two sided Apollo 13 Guidance and Navigation Mission Analyzer from Raytheon. This 9 1/2" diameter analyzer has four rings that can be used to track the mission progress. This item is inSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 14 Guidance & Navigation Mission Analyzer fromA hard to find two sided Apollo 14 Guidance and Navigation Mission Analyzer from Raytheon. This 9 1/2" diameter analyzer has four rings that can be used to track the mission progress. This is in usedSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 11 Mission Analyzer from RaytheonA hard to find Apollo 11 two sided Guidance and Navigation Mission Analyzer from Raytheon. This 9 1/2" diameter analyzer has four rings that can be used to track the mission progress. This item is inSee Sold Price
Sold1972 MISCELLANEOUS 'MISSION ANALYZER'This 9.5" multi-dial device was issued by Raytheon to help explain the Guidance and Navigation systems used on Apollo 17. Like new condition and seldom available.See Sold Price
Sold531: Apollo 8 Mission AnalyzerCircular chart (9.5" diameter) published by Ratheon which affords the user an opporuntiy to ascertain which part of the guidance and navigation system was employed during each phase of the mission. MoSee Sold Price
SoldAPOLLO GUIDANCE & NAVIGATION SYSTEM STUDY GUIDEMulti-hundred page spiral bound soft cover volume that is 1½ thick, master copy of this study guide from KSC SIMCOM Library (1965). This is the Block I (Series 100) G&N System Course. Hundreds of pagSee Sold Price
SoldGene Kranz's Apollo Guidance, Navigation, and ControlGene Kranz's bracket-bound NASA manual entitled "Apollo Guidance, Navigation and Control, Users' Guide to Skylark GN&CS Major Modes and Routines," prepared by the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory at thSee Sold Price
Sold1964 AC SPARK PLUG CERTIFICATE OF TRAININGThis gold, black and white certificate (11x8.5") reads: 'This is to certify that Theodore C. Freeman has satisfactorily completed a 32 hour course in 'Apollo Guidance & Navigation System FamiliarizatiSee Sold Price
Soldc.1963 EQUIP'T ROPE MEMORY MODULE FROM SATURN VAuthentic Rope Memory Module from Block I Apollo Guidance & Navigation Computer. This system was conceived about 1962 to furnish position, velocity & attitude control of the command module using inertSee Sold Price
SoldFour Early Apollo GN&C Manuals From MITFour early Apollo Guidance Navigation & Control manuals from MIT and totaling probably a couple thousand pages concerning mostly Colossus and Luminary, the CM and LM guidance computer programs developSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 14 Guidance, Navigation & Control User's GuideImportant manual from MIT Charles Stark Draper Laboratory entitled "E-2448, Users' Guide to Apollo GN&CS Major Modes and Routines (Rev. 1), July 1970," bound in blue "Apollo Guidance, Navigation and CSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 7 Guidance & Navigation Info BookletApollo 7 Guidance & Navigation Info Booklet by GM AC Electric (6 x 3.5", multifold, 8 pages) featuring a description of the mission, its objectives, key mission events, diagrams of the Saturn rocket aSee Sold Price
SoldApollo Guidance and Navigation System Eyepiece StowageApollo Guidance and Navigation System eyepiece stowage case, measuring approximately 23" x 8" x 12", with an MIT Instrumentation Lab/AC Electronics tag on the top: "Apollo G & N System Eyepiece StowagSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Apollo (1962-1964) Guidance & Navigation TEarly Apollo (1962-1964) Guidance & Navigation Training Courses from M.I.T. and AC Spark Plug/ NASA OrSee Sold Price
SoldApollo CM Guidance & Navigation Computer BufferRare Apollo Command Module Guidance & Navigation Computer Buffer, measuring 6" x 6" x 4", with tags on two sides: one reads, "Unit, Computer Buffer, Guidance 7 Navigation, NAA/s & ID Control No. ME901See Sold Price
SoldApollo 15 Guidance, Navigation & Control User's GuideImportant manual from MIT Charles Stark Draper Laboratory entitled "E-2448, Users' Guide to Apollo GN&CS Major Modes and Routines (Rev. 4), COLOSSUS 3 and LUMINARY IE, April 1972," bound in blue "ApolSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 12 Guidance and Navigation Data Cards BookletA hard to find Apollo 12 Guidance and Navigation booklet of Data Cards from General Motors , AC Electronics division and dated June 1969. This booklet is in great condition with the plastic ring bindeSee Sold Price
SoldApollo CM Guidance and Navigation Computer Buffer UnitsUncommon pair of Apollo CM Guidance and Navigation Computer Buffer Units, one of which is sealed in a Grumman Aerospace inspection bag, both measuring 6 x 4 x 6, with three connection ports labeled ��See Sold Price
SoldApollo 13 Guidance and navigation LGC data cardsAc Electronics Apollo 13 Guidance and navigation LGC data cards, contains verbal codes, checklist codes, option codes and LGC programs and major routines for the Apollo 13 Lunar module. This is in verSee Sold Price
A Chinese Flower Painting On Paper, Hanging Scroll, Wu Changshuo MarkAzaya Art Gallery4.4(25)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
LOWELL NESBITT - LILY - OIL ON CANVAS - IN THE STYLE OFThe Art's World4.3(1)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1865 to 1891 Missouri Agriculture ReportNorth American Artifact Auctions4.6(184)See Sold PriceApr 20, 2024
GIA Certified 3.38ct Natural Orange Sapphire Diamonds Ring 14kt No HeatJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
GIA Certified 3.37ct Natural Purple Pink Sapphire Diamonds Ring 18kt Classic-3Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Apollo by Knowles and Mount Vernon Sterling Silver Salad Serving Set 2pc AS 9"Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lowell Nesbitt - Apollo 11 - 1969 Serigraph - SIGNED 22" x 30"Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024