SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) Mexican (four)BLIND MAN'S BLUFF; NINAS CON SOMBRILLA; NINA DE ROSA; ALGODEONERO, 1984-5, four color lithographs, each signed in pencil, the numbered editions 100, printed by Kyron, Mexico City, sheets 30 x 22 ¼" &See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanMERENGUERO, 1984, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 30 x 22", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanNINAS CON SOMBRILLA, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, the numbered edition 100, printed by Kyron, Mexico City, sheet 30 x 22 ¼", Published by B. Lewin Galleries, Palm Springs.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanUNTITLED, 1962, oil painting on canvas, 79 ½ x 59", signed and dated lower right, small chips and cracking in the center, several small crescent frays with associated media loss, otherwise in good coSee Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) Mexican (four)BLIND MAN'S BLUFF; NINAS CON SOMBRILLA; NINA DE ROSA; ALGODEONERO, 1984-5, four color lithographs, each signed in pencil, the numbered editions 100, printed by Kyron, Mexico City, sheets 30 x 22 ¼" &See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanNINA DE ROSA, 1984, color lithograph, signed in pencil, the numbered edition 100, printed by Kyron, Mexico City, sheet 30 x 22 ¼", Published by B. Lewin Galleries, Palm Springs.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) Mexican (four)BLIND MAN'S BLUFF; NINAS CON SOMBRILLA; NINA DE ROSA; ALGODEONERO, 1984-5, four color lithographs, each signed in pencil, the numbered editions 100, printed by Kyron, Mexico City, sheets 30 x 22 ¼" &See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanALGODEONERO, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, the numbered edition 100, printed by Kyron, Mexico City, sheet 30 x 22 ¼", Published by B. Lewin Galleries, Palm Springs.See Sold Price
Gustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanBLIND MAN'S BLUFF, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 21 ¾ x 30", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanBLIND MAN'S BLUFF, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 21 ¾ x 30", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanMERENGUERO, 1984, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 30 x 22", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp.See Sold Price
Gustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanMERENGUERO, 1984, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 30 x 22", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanMERENGUERO, 1984, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 30 x 22", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp.See Sold Price
Gustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanNINA DE ROSA, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 30 x 21 ¾", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp, framed.See Sold Price
Gustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanBLIND MAN'S BLUFF, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 21 ¾ x 30", printed by Kyron, published Bernard Lewin Galleries, blindstamp.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanBLIND MAN'S BLUFF, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 21 ¾ x 30", printed by Kyron, published Bernard Lewin Galleries, blindstamp.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanNINA DE ROSA, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 30 x 21 ¾", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp, framed.See Sold Price
Gustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanNINAS CON SOMBRILLAS, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 29 x 22", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp, framed.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanALGODONERO, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 30 x 22", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanNINAS CON SOMBRILLAS, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 29 x 22", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp, framed.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanBLIND MAN'S BLUFF, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 21 ¾ x 30", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya (b. 1905) MexicanALGODONERO, 1985, color lithograph, signed in pencil, from the numbered edition 100, sheet 30 x 22", published Bernard Lewin Galleries, printed by Kyron, blindstamp.See Sold Price
SoldGUSTAVO MONTOYA, (MEXICAN B. 1905), SEATED GIRL WGUSTAVO MONTOYA (MEXICAN B. 1905) SEATED GIRL WITH BASKET Signed, oil on canvas 21 3/4 x 17 3/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldGustavo Montoya Mexican, b. 1905 Nina en Azul, 19Gustavo Montoya Mexican, b. 1905 Nina en Azul, 1961 Signed Gustavo Montoya (lr) Oil on canvas 21 5/8 x 17 3/4 inches (55 x 45 cm) Provenance: Galeria Central de Arte Moderno, MisrachiSee Sold Price
Octavio Gonzalez Gutierrez (Mexican, b. 1950), Two Turtle BronzesCopley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Octavio Gonzalez Gutierrez (Mexican, b. 1950), TurtleCopley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Sergio Bustamante Brass Duck Cachepot PlanterEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Gustavo Montoya (Mexican, 1905-2003) - Niña en AzulFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Gustavo Montoya "Silencio Petreo" Signed Lithograph LEMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Gustavo Montoya "Silencio Petreo" Signed Lithograph LEMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024