SoldSmall standing male figure "mukuya" - D. R. Congo,wood, brown patina, blackened in parts, holding a horn with the left and a ceremonial knife with the right hand, eyes with white porcelain inlay, typical body scarifications, cavity (crypto fetish), mSee Sold Price
SoldStanding male figure "mukuya" - D. R. Congo, Bembewood, white porcelain inlay, fabric, rest. Extremely finely worked representation of a male dignitary with a long beard and insignia of rule (knife and horn) in both hands. H: 14,3 cm, H: 5,6 inch ProSee Sold Price
SoldStanding male figure "mukuya" - D. R. Congo, Bembewood, partly shiny brown patina, paint remains, raised scarification marks, eyes with white porcelain inlay, both hands holding a rattle, drilled hole (crypto fetish), min. dam., slight traces of abraSee Sold Price
Standing male figure "mukuya" - D. R. Congo, Bembewood, brown patina, blackened in parts, raised scarification marks, eyes with white porcelain inlay, with both hands holding a calabash, drilled hole (crypto fetish), min. dam., fine cracks at the bacSee Sold Price
Standing male figure "mukuya" - D. R. Congo, Bembewood, porcelain, fabric, base H: 25 cm, H: 9,8 inch Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Standing male figure "mukuya" - D. R. Congo, Bembewood, pigments, glass beads, H: 16,5 cm, H: 6,5 inch Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Small standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, softly luminous brown patina, carved with european peaked cap/tropical hat, short arms, slightly dam. (mouth, ears, rim of the cap), crack, traces of insect caused damage (base) H: 16,5 cm, H: 6See Sold Price
Small male figure "mukuya" - D. R. Congo, Bembewood, porcelain, H: 13,5 cm, H: 5,3 inch Provenance: Belgian Private Collection Lit.: Clarke, Christa, African Art in the Barnes Foundation, New York 2015, p. 230 f. Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldStanding male figure "mukuya" - D. R. Congo, Bembewood, porcelain, crypto power figure The most striking feature of Bembe statuettes is their lengthened body which is richly decorated with tattoos, marking the identity of the depicted person as wellSee Sold Price
Small fetish figureSongye, D. R. Congo. Small standing male fetish figure. Bent arms, hands on the left and right of the navel. Magical load and horn missing. Light wood, slighty shimmering patination. H. c17.7 cm.See Sold Price
SoldMale figure "mukuya" - D. R. Congo, Bembewood, dark brown patina, white miniature glass beads, remains of a package with magical mass on the backside, raised scarification marks, min. dam., small missing parts, fine cracks, base H: 17 cm, H:See Sold Price
Standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Basikasingowood, dark brown patina, remains of pigments, triangular facial plane with elongated chin and beard, cloth belt around the hips, min. dam., small missing parts (right foot tip), cracks, slight tracesSee Sold Price
Standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Pendelight wood, polychrome paint, pokerwork, strong body with broad square shoulders, face with tribe-typical facial features and scarifications, dam., small missing parts, traces of insect caused damage,See Sold Price
Standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Songewood, middle brown patina, remains of pigments, the hands resting on the bulging belly, face with tribe-typical facial features and decoration tags, min. dam., small missing parts (base, decoration taSee Sold Price
Standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Sukuwood, brown patina, remains of red paint, the face dominated by small slit eyes and voluminous cheeks, delicate coiffure with raised middle ridge, dam., missing parts, traces of insect caused damage aSee Sold Price
Standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Luntuwood, brown patina, remains of pigments, striking big head with pointed chin and almond-shaped eyes, min. dam., cracks, small missing parts (right foot tip), sligth traces of abrasion, base; the LuntuSee Sold Price
Standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Bwakawood, brown patina, remains of red and white pigment, string of red glass beads, min. dam., small missing parts (toes), cracks, base. Bwaka sculptures are found almost in every home as well as in manySee Sold Price
Standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Mbalawood, encrusted reddish brown patina, cavities at the bottom (crypto fetish) and in the area of the head, raised middle crest and neck lobe, min. dam., small missing parts (foot tips), cracks, slightSee Sold Price
Standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Kuyuwood, matt patina, polychrome paint, bulky body, face with tribe-typical characteristics, min. dam., small missing parts (toes), fine cracks, traces of abrasion, base; the western Kuyu compare their cSee Sold Price
Standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Togbowood, slightly encrusted patina, remains of pigments, plant fibre, handwritten collection number "FC 9090" at the left foot, min. dam., small chips (toes), cracks, base. Probably the male part of a "ySee Sold Price
Standing male figure "biteki" - D. R. Congo, Tekewood, partly encrusted brown patina, small cavity with remains of magical mass in the upper part of the body , min. dam., missing parts through insect caused damage, cracks, base; such protective andSee Sold Price
Standing male power figure - D. R. Congo, Tetela/Songewood, greyish brown patina, remains of black paint and red pigment (back of the head), large cavity in the head and small drillings in ears and navel, each for insertion of magical substances, slightlSee Sold Price
Standing male power figure "nkisi" - D. R. Congo, Songewood, greyish brown patina, rich black patina (head, front of the body), animal horn in the parting, cowrie shell eyes, drilled holes in both arms where originally paraphernalia were attached, small oSee Sold Price
Standing male ancestor figure "singiti" - D. R. Congo,wood, greyish brown patina, encrusted in some areas, powerful appearance with broad square-edged shoulders, strong arms and extremely massive neck, the bearded head rather small in contrast, providedSee Sold Price
Mbole African Carved Wood Standing Tribal Male Figure Mali w/Trade BeadsArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
LUBA male figure statue sculpture Congo African Tribal Art 1561Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Murano Vintage Sommerso Pink Gold Flecks Italian Art Glass SculpturesCoral Gables Auction4.5(511)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
20th C. Yoruba Wood Eshu Shrine Figure, Standing MaleArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024