SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group Steam WagonsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of Steam Wagons. (1) Y19 Fowler Showman's Engine "Billy Smarts Amusements" (limited to 3500), (2) Y27 Foden Steam Wagon "MICA", (3) Y21 Aveling & Porter Road RollerSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group Steam WagonsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of Steam Wagons, (1) Y37 1929 Garrett Steam Wagon "Pickfords", (2) Y19 Fowler Showman's Engine "Billy Smarts Amusements", (3) Y21 Aveling & Porter Road Roller "FredSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Steam WagonsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear Steam group - Y-27 Foden set plus other Foden, Atkinson and Yorkshire Steam Wagons - overall models are Mint in Excellent to Near Mint boxes. (13)See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Y27 Foden Steam WagonsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a group of No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagons. 2 x "Pickfords" (1) type 3 strengthened body casting, light grey cab roof and rear canopy, rear tow hook, (2) as (1) but darker greySee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - Group of Special Limited EditionsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a group of special limited editions which includes No.YY018 Steam Wagon "FC Conybeare" - cream, red, gold trim, No.YY062 Ford Pick-up "Happy Holidays from Clayton" - greeSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - Group of Commercial VehiclesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a large mixed group of Commercial Vehicles. To include No.Y27 Foden C Type Steam Wagon and Trailer "Fraziers", No.Y33 1930 MACK AC Van "Goodyear", No.Y5 1927 Talbot Van "See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - Code 1 Limited EditionsMatchbox MOY - group of Code 1 Limited Edition models. (1) Y27 Foden Steam Wagon "Brennstoffhandel Obdrmaas" - Near Mint (couple of paint chips to one rear wheel arch) in Mint lift off lid card box, (See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Steam WagonsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a small mixed group of Steam Wagons. To include No.Y27 Foden Steam Lorry "Guinness", No.Y27 Foden Steam Lorry "Pickfords", No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon and Trailer "Fraisers"See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of CommericalsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear - a group of 1980s Issue Commercial Vehicles including 12 x various Steam Wagons (all different apart from 2 x Y27 Tate & Lyles), 5 x straw boxed models including Coca CoSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - a groupMatchbox Models of Yesteryear - a group of maroon and straw boxed Cars and Commercials including Pickfords and Hovis Steam Wagons, No.Y10 Rolls Royce with yellow seats, 3 model gift pack, Renault AmbuSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - a group of 3 Limited EditionsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a group of 3 Limited Editions. Consisting of YY908 Yorkshire Steam Wagon, YY942 Leyland Titan TD1 and Preston Tram Car "Swan Vestas" all of which are contained in wood anSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of 18Matchbox Models of Yesteryears modern issue 1930 Model A Ford Van 4X, 1932 Model A Ford Carlsberg, 1980 Atkinson Steam Wagon Swan, 1929 Morris Light Van Fullers, 1926 Model TT Ford Van Becks. The lotSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of 10 x 1st IssuesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear - group of 10 x 1st issues to include, No.1 Alchin Traction Engine, No.4 Shand Mason Horsedrawn Fire Engine, No.4 Sentinel Steam Wagon, No.9 Fowler Showman's Engine, plusSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Cars & CommercialsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a large mixed group of later issue Cars & Commercials. To include No.Y20 Mercedes Benz 540K, No.Y17 Hispano Suiza, No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon and Trailer "Frasers", No.Y7 FSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Limited EditionsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a group of Limited Edition items. To include Preston Tramcar contained in wooden and glass wall mounted display case, 2 x No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon and Trailer "Fraisers",See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of 4Matchbox Models of Yesteryear - group of 4 to include, (1) No.4 Sentinel Steam Wagon "Sand & Gravel Supplies" - blue, black, chassis, metal wheels - Excellent Plus in Good Plus box, (2) No.Y4 Shand MaSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of 1st IssuesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of 1st issues to include No.6 AEC Openback Truck, No.3 Tram, No.7 Leyland Truck, No.4 Sentinel Steam Wagon and No.2 London Bus - conditions are generally Fair in FaSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of UnboxedMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a quantity of unboxed early models including Y1 Alchin Traction Engine, Y2 B type London Bus, Y3 Tramcar, Y4 Sentinel Steam Wagon, Y5 Le Mans Bentley, Y6 AEC Y type LorrySee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of CommercialsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a large mixed group of Commercials. To include No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon and Trailer "Frasers", No.Y3 Ford Model T Tanker "Express Dairy", No.Y5 1927 Talbot Van "Ever ReadSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Code 2 ModelsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of Code 2 models (1) YPP02 Morris Van "4th MICA Australian Convention", (2) Y37 Garrett Steam Wagon "MICA Year 10", (3) Y19 Morris Van "Vitakraft", (4) YPP02/SB MorSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of 1st IssuesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a group of 1st issues to include, No.Y9 Fowler Showman's Engine, No.Y1 Alchin Traction Engine, No.Y4 Sentinel Steam Wagon, No.Y11 Aveling & Porter Steam Roller, plus otheSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of mainly 1st SeriesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a group of mainly 1st Series which includes No.3 Tram Car "News of the World" - red, white roof and lifeguards, black base and plastic wheels, No.4 Sentinel Steam Wagon "See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of UnboxedMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of unboxed mainly 1st Series which includes, 2 x Fowler Showman's Engine, Sentinel Steam Wagon, Aveling and Barford Road Roller, plus 2 x plated Souvenir Series - cSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of 4Matchbox Models of Yesteryear - No.Y4 Sentinel Steam Wagon - metal wheels, No.Y3 London Tram - grey lifeguards, black base, metal wheels, No.Y2 London Bus - black driver, black metal wheels and No.Y5See Sold Price
Eight Steam Locomotive Related Operation Manuals - 1921 to 1944Rail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Group of Twelve Monon Steam and Diesel locomotive Builder Specification Cards - Alco and EMDRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
10 Railroad Steam Locomotive Manuals - Worthington, Elsco, Franklin, Locomotive Stoker Company, etc.Rail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Group Lot of Antique and Vintage Miniature Toy WagonsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Paul Frankl, Johnson Furniture, Station Wagon Bench, Rock Maple, Fabric, 1950sJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Paul Frankl, John Stuart, Station Wagon High Dresser, Rock Maple, Brass, LeatherJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024