THE FITZGERALD FAMILY TEA and DINNER SERVICEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A CHINESE PORCELAIN GREEN ENAMELED DRAGON MOON FLASK BIANHUBerkeley Auction Gallery4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
RARE COVENTRY GLASS WORKS MASONIC FLASKJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
100 Pieces Of Ginori Italian Fruit 1735 ChinaRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Fine 19th C. English 183pc Dinnerware Set by CAULDONPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
HEREND PORCELAIN "FRUITS & FLOWER" DISH SETThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) Space Fruit Cantaloupes IHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
ARTISTIC CARVING CO "CHESAPEAKE" AMERICAN EAGLEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(5) FINE JAPANESE KONOIKE SILVER DRAGON & IRISES TEA & COFFEE SERVICEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
WEDGWOOD Florentine Green Border Dinner PlatesPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Immense 229pc GORHAM Floretine Sterling FlatwarePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Tiffany & Co Sterling Silver Crystal Ewer Pitcher Figural Pair AntiqueHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SoldPRESSED AND CUT PEDESTAL OPEN SALTPRESSED AND CUT PEDESTAL OPEN SALT, deep cobalt blue, boat-form bowl with notch-cut vertical ribs, raised on a lozenge-shape rosette bass, factory polished rim and base. 19th century. 3" H, 2" x 3 7/8See Sold Price
SoldANGLO-IRISH CUT AND PRESSED PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OFANGLO-IRISH CUT AND PRESSED PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OF SIX, colorless, each boat-form bowl raised on a lozenge-shape base, four with oval lemon-squeezer interior, three with wafer construction. MostSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CUT AND PRESSED PEDESTAL MASTER OPEN SALTS,ASSORTED CUT AND PRESSED PEDESTAL MASTER OPEN SALTS, LOT OF FIVE, colorless lead glass, comprising a pair of boat-shape examples raised on lozenge-form bases, a pair of Strawberry Diamond and Fan examSee Sold Price
SoldCUT AND PRESSED PEDESTAL MASTER OPEN SALTS, SET OF FOURCUT AND PRESSED PEDESTAL MASTER OPEN SALTS, SET OF FOUR, colorless lead glass, each notched-rim boat-shape bowl with band of leaves below the rim, raised on a lozenge-shape base with oval lemon-squeezSee Sold Price
SoldCUT AND PRESSED PEDESTAL MASTER OPEN SALTS, SET OF FOURCUT AND PRESSED PEDESTAL MASTER OPEN SALTS, SET OF FOUR, colorless lead glass, each shaped-rim boat-shape bowl with conforming cuts below the rim and a star under each end, raised on a lozenge-shape bSee Sold Price
Sold8 Anglo Irish Cut Glass Master SaltsEight clear glass pedestal open master salts. Pressed, cut and etched. Various patterns. 19th, 20th century. Georgian to Victorian, to 20th century, all in overall good condition, but some with nicksSee Sold Price
SoldCUT OVERLAY PEDESTAL OPEN SALTCUT OVERLAY PEDESTAL OPEN SALT, ruby to colorless boat-form bowl, raised on a cut-panel standard and cut-scallop foot, factory polished rim and base. Together with a pressed glass Neal SN-1c lacy saltSee Sold Price
Sold4 Amber Glass Pedestal Boat Master SaltsFour amber glass pedestal boat form open master salts. Pressed and cut. In good condition, one with scratches under foot and small foot rim flakes. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, Antique, English, BSee Sold Price
Sold5 Cupped Rim Pedestal Open SaltsFive roll-over rim pedestal open salts. Four are pressed glass, in clear, cobalt, ruby and yellow. One cut glass, in amber. Some nicks and chips. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, Pattern GlassSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Pressed Glass Open Salts, Plus Early Pressed Glass Open Salts, Plus Early pressed glass open salts including three early pedestal form open salts, PLUS three cut glass open salts, PLUS cut glass knife rest; tallest ht. 3.5 in.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CUT AND PRESSED CHILDRENASSORTED CUT AND PRESSED CHILDREN'S GLASS TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF 11, colorless and green, including an imitation cut pedestal rose bowl, an imitation cut vase, and two open salts with each having a lateSee Sold Price
SoldPANELLED OVALS PRESSED PEDESTAL OPEN SALTPANELLED OVALS PRESSED PEDESTAL OPEN SALT, colorless lead glass. Maker unverified. Third quarter 19th century. 3 3/4" H, 3 3/8" DOA rim, 2 7/8" D foot.Excellent condition overall with two sliver chipsSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OF 16ASSORTED PRESSED PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OF 16, colorless and various colors, including three marked for Cambridge and two marked "PORTIEUX". Late 19th and 20th century. 1 5/8" to 2 1/2" H.Square-fooSee Sold Price
SoldANGLO-IRISH PATTERN-MOLDED, PRESSED, AND CUT OPEN SALTANGLO-IRISH PATTERN-MOLDED, PRESSED, AND CUT OPEN SALT, colorless lead glass, ovoid bowl with 12 molded flutes, laurel-band below the notched rim, raised on a pressed base featuring a short stem, beadSee Sold Price
Sold90+ pressed & cut glass open saltsA very large group of clear press and cut glass open salts. Assorted patterns and designs. Age and Condition Varies, 19th and 20th Century, American etc. Keywords: Brilliant, heart, club, square, rounSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED HEXAGONAL PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OFASSORTED PRESSED HEXAGONAL PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OF FIVE, medium blue and amethyst, comprising two with a tapered bowl, a socket-form bowl, and two with an ovoid bowl. Various makers. Third quarterSee Sold Price
SoldEUROPEAN CUT GLASS PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OF FOEUROPEAN CUT GLASS PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OF FOUR, colorless, each with a boat-shape bowl, three with lozenge-shape foot. 19th and 20th centuries. 2 1/4" to 3 1/4" h Provenance:Berghold CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED IRISH CUT GLASS PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OFASSORTED IRISH CUT GLASS PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OF FIVE, colorless and cobalt blue, each with an ovoid shell-form bowl raised with varying flaring stems, diamond-form bases. 19th century. 2 7/8" toSee Sold Price
SoldSL-18 SHELL PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALTSL-18 SHELL PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALT, colorless, ornate shaped rim, acorn end panels, raised on a conforming pedestal with scrolling feet, rays to underside. Extremely rare. Possibly Boston & SandwiSee Sold Price
SoldUNLISTED OP OVAL PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALTUNLISTED OP OVAL PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALT, amethyst, shaped rim with two fans suspended above a Strawberry Diamond on each side, flanked by acanthus leaves, pointed oval foot with ringed outer edgeSee Sold Price
SoldOP-15 VARIANT OVAL PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALTOP-15 VARIANT OVAL PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALT, light golden amber, shaped rim and foot, unlisted variation without prisms to interior of foot. Probably extremely rare. Unknown origin. Circa 1830-1850.See Sold Price
SoldSL-18 SHELL PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALTSL-18 SHELL PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALT, colorless, ornate shaped rim, acorn end panels, raised on a conforming pedestal with scrolling feet, rays to underside. Extremely rare. Possibly Boston & SandwiSee Sold Price
SoldUNLISTED OP OVAL PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALTUNLISTED OP OVAL PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALT, colorless, similar to OP-14 with central fan pendant below rim, ribbed lower bowl and top of foot, unpatterned underneath. Probably extremely rare. 1840-18See Sold Price
SoldPP-1 PEACOCK EYE PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALTPP-1 PEACOCK EYE PEDESTAL PRESSED OPEN SALT, colorless, sawtooth rim, bull's eye scallop foot. Very rare. Probably Pittsburgh area. 1830-1845. 2 3/4" H, 2 5/8" x 3 3/4".Literature: Neal - Pressed GlasSee Sold Price