Sold240. Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1880-A finely carved horn hand240. Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1880-A finely carved horn handle with a silver cartouche, push button working mechanism with a 4 sided 27” bladed, hardwood shaft and a unique brass ferrule-H. 3 ¾” x 5��See Sold Price
Sold95. Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1880-A finely carved horn95. Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1880-A finely carved horn handle with a silver cartouche, push button working mechanism with a 4 sided 27” bladed, hardwood shaft and a unique brass ferrule.-H. 3 ¾” x 5��See Sold Price
Sold236.Ivory And Horn Sword Cane- Ca.1880-A carved horn236.Ivory And Horn Sword Cane- Ca.1880-A carved horn handle of an eagle with two colored glass eyes, bone cylinder support ornate brass collar 13” push and pull ornate blade, push button mechaniSee Sold Price
Sold67. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1880- A horn mounted wizard67. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1880- A horn mounted wizard handle which appears to be rhino with various inlaid stars, ornate gold metal collar, push button 12” four sided etched dagger in fine condition,See Sold Price
Sold23. Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1900-Carved horn handle, ornate23. Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1900-Carved horn handle, ornate silver collar, a signed 18” Coulaux & Co. blade with a push button working mechanism, exotic wood shaft and a brass ferrule-H. 4” x 2 ¾”,See Sold Price
48. Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1935-Carved horn handle,48. Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1935-Carved horn handle, probably a monkey, 10 ½” push-pull blade, segmented horn shaft and a metal ferrule-H. 4 ½” x 3”, O.L. 37”See Sold Price
Sold10. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1880- A polished horn handle,10. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1880- A polished horn handle, ornate sterling collar, silver metal lower collar, malacca shaft, brass ferrule, 226 ½” four sided blade with push and pull mechanism. H- 2 ½See Sold Price
Sold26. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1850- A carved horn handle26. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1850- A carved horn handle which has a small break at the tip of the horn, brass belt buckle upper collar, ornate silver metal double lower collar, exotic wood shaft, brass feSee Sold Price
Sold73. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1880- A dark horn handle with73. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1880- A dark horn handle with a blank silver cartouche, bone push button and probably missing a small collar, stepped bamboo shaft, iron ferrule with rubber stopper, four-sideSee Sold Price
SoldHorn Sword Cane-Ca. 1880Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1880-An ergonomic horn handle with thumb rests, hallmarked British silver collar with dents, twist and lock sword mechanism with 20” blade, malacca shaft and a metal ferrule-H. 4See Sold Price
Sold152. Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1880-An ergonomic horn handle152. Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1880-An ergonomic horn handle with thumb rests, hallmarked British silver collar with dents, twist and lock sword mechanism with 20” blade, malacca shaft and a metal ferruleSee Sold Price
Sold7. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1880- A molded twigspur horn7. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1880- A molded twigspur horn handle, ornate gold metal collar, malacca shaft, no ferrule, 12 ½” blade inscribed “Espada Toledo 1800” with what looks like a “D” andSee Sold Price
Sold66. English Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1890- A carved black66. English Horn Sword Cane-Ca. 1890- A carved black horn handle with twigspurs, silver belt buckle collar, twigspur ebony shaft, no ferrule, 10 ½” two-sided blade engraved “London” with push/pSee Sold Price
Sold71. Bird Horned Dress Cane- Ca. 1880- Carved horn bird71. Bird Horned Dress Cane- Ca. 1880- Carved horn bird with black glass eyes, gold filled collar with unreadable hallmarks, bamboo shaft and a metal ferrule. H.- 4“ x 1 ¼“ O.L. 34“ $100-$150See Sold Price
Sold207. Horn Horse Cane-Ca. 1880-A carved American buffalo207. Horn Horse Cane-Ca. 1880-A carved American buffalo horn handle with two color glass eyes, very ornate gold-filled Victorian collar, exotic wood shaft and a horn ferrule-H. 4 ¼” x 2 ¼”, O.L.See Sold Price
46. Stag horn Satirical Cane -Ca. 1880-A carved46. Stag horn Satirical Cane -Ca. 1880-A carved portrait stag horn handle of a man with a long nose out of proportions liven up with two inset glass eyes, coco palm wood shaft with a plain metal collaSee Sold Price
Sold15. Johnny Winter Sword Cane- Ca. 1880- A horn handle15. Johnny Winter Sword Cane- Ca. 1880- A horn handle with a gold filled ornate collar, a 26” French gilded blade which attached to a push button lock mechanism, briarwood shaft and a brass ferruleSee Sold Price
Sold20. Ivory and Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1870-A carved ivory20. Ivory and Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1870-A carved ivory head which is inlaid into a large piece of buffalo horn, silver metal collar, engraved 14” blade natural twig spur shaft and a brass ferrule.�See Sold Price
Sold185. Superb Toledo Sword Cane-Ca. 1880-A twisted horn185. Superb Toledo Sword Cane-Ca. 1880-A twisted horn crook handle, braided silver collar, 27” Toledo blade with blood grooves and elaborate etching, push and lock mechanism, rich malacca shaft andSee Sold Price
Sold52. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1900- A brown and blonde horn52. Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1900- A brown and blonde horn handle with a carved horn disc atop, faux snakewood hardwood shaft, silver metal collar, metal ferrule, 26” black etched, two-sided blade withSee Sold Price
Sold27. Buffalo Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1865- A carved27. Buffalo Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1865- A carved twigspur and molded buffalo handle, initialed but unsigned gold collar, malacca shaft, copper ferrule, 19 ½” two-sided, etched blade engraved “W.M.See Sold Price
Sold30. Victorian Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1865- A well formed30. Victorian Horn Sword Cane- Ca. 1865- A well formed horn with carved twig spurs which have German silver cartouches, beaded silver metal collar, oak shaft, metal ferrule, 11” three-sided blade enSee Sold Price
Sold71. Ivory Boar and Hound Cane-Ca. 1880-A massive finely71. Ivory Boar and Hound Cane-Ca. 1880-A massive finely carved handle of two dogs attacking a ferocious wild boar, ornate silver collar, 1 ¼” malacca shaft and a horn ferrule, former Stuart White CSee Sold Price
SoldHorn Sword CaneCa. 1880- A twigspur black horn handle, engraved 18” blade with the name “W.M. Crausion” engraved on the blade, blade also has makers mark of “C C,” twist and lock working mechanism, gold coSee Sold Price
Lot 3 Horn Necklace, Silver Necklace, MoreThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Scottish Silver Antler Horn Mounted Citrine Marble Inkstand circa 1880Taylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
A Vintage Goat's Horn & Sterling Silver Carved Decoration Cigar CutterNeo FineArts Inc4.4(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Cartier Designer Frames Eyeglasses Sunglasses LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Three early 20thC walking sticks / canes to include one with a horn handle, and one carved with aClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Three assorted Victorian and later walking sticks / canes, one with a horn handle and silver collarClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
An early 20thC Indian sword stick with horn handle with brass lion mask pommel, the ebonised shaftClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Louis XV Style, Ten Dining Chairs, Gold Gilt, Cane, Red Fabric, France, 1960sJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Chinese Carved Horn Libation Cup, 19th c., H.- 3 in., W.- 4 1/2 in., D.- 3 7/8 in., Wt.- 4.875Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Carved & Decorated Animal Horn Ex Endicott CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY MIDDLE EASTERN CARVED HORN OR AMBER HANDLED HORSE HOOF WALKING CANE. 90 cm long.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A VICTORIAN SILVER MOUNTED CARVED RHINOCEROS HORN DOG HEAD WALKING CANE. 88 cm long.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A pair of horn handled walking canes with carved Thistle on the handle 103 cm (2).Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Georges Pierre (Parisian) Carved Horn Brooch, European Hornet, Ca. 1920, H 2" W 2.25" 6gDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024