SoldSymonds (R.W.) Furniture-makingSymonds (R.W.) Furniture-making in 17th and 18th century England, 1955 § Gilbert (Christopher) Furniture at Temple Newsam House and Lotherton Hall, 3 vol., 1978-98 § Russell (Francis) John, 3rSee Sold Price
Symonds (R.W.) Furniture Making..., 1955Symonds (R.W.) Furniture Making in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century England,1955 Chinnery (V.) Oak Furniture: The British Tradition, Woodbridge, 1979 Wainwright (Clive) George Bullock: CabSee Sold Price
SoldFurniture.- Symonds (R.W.) Furniture Making inNO RESERVE Furniture.- Symonds (R.W.) Furniture Making in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century England, bound in half green morocco, by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, 1955 § Kikham (Pat) The London FurnituSee Sold Price
SoldSYMONDS, R.W. FURNITURE-MAKING IN 17TH AND 18TH CESYMONDS, R.W. Furniture-Making in 17th and 18th Century England, London 1955, folio, well illustrated, in damaged and faded dust wrapperSee Sold Price
Symonds (R.W.) Furniture Making in Seventeenth andSymonds (R.W.) Furniture Making in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century England,1955 § Bell (J.Munro) and Arthur Hayden. The Furniture Designs of Chippendale, Hepplewhite and Sheraton, 1910, plaSee Sold Price
SoldSymonds (R.W.) Furniture Making in Seventeenth andSymonds (R.W.) Furniture Making in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century England,1955 § Macquoid (Percy) A History of English Furniture, 4 vol., 1904-08 § Lenygon (Francis) Furniture in England fSee Sold Price
SoldJacobean Oak Flip-Top Credence TableEnglish, mid-17th C. Literature: Symonds, R.W., Furniture Making in 17th and 18th Century England, London, 1955, illus. fig. 75, pg 52. 29-1/2"h x 44"w x 21-1/2"d Provenance: Alistair Sampson AntiquesSee Sold Price
Furniture Making in seventeenth and eighteenth CenturyMöbel Symonds, R.W Furniture Making in seventeenth and eighteenth Century England. An Outline for Collectors. Mit 363 Abb. London, The Connoisseur, 1955. xiv, 238 S. Fol. Blaue Lwd. mit goldgepr. RTiSee Sold Price
SoldSymonds (R.W.) English Furniture from Charles IISymonds (R.W.) English Furniture from Charles II to George II, limited edition, 1929; Furniture Making in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century England, 1955 ? Jourdain (M.) and F.Rose. English FSee Sold Price
Sold4 Books - Furniture-making in 17th and 18th centur4 Books - Furniture-making in 17th and 18th century England by R.W. Symonds 1954 Hardback, 3 copies of Masterpieces of English furniture and clocks by R.W.Symonds 1940 Hardback.See Sold Price
SoldSymonds (R.W.) English FurnitureSymonds (R.W.) English Furniture from Charles II to George II,one of 1000 copies, list of subscribers, illustrations, spine faded, 1929; Masterpieces of English Furniture and Clocks, one of 12See Sold Price
SoldSymonds (R.W.) English Furniture from Charles II tSymonds (R.W.) English Furniture from Charles II to George II,number 144 of 1000 copies, 1929; Masterpieces of English Furniture and Clocks, one of 750 copies for Great Britain, 1940, plates aSee Sold Price
SoldBooks: Pugin, Augustus. Examples of Gothic ArchiteBooks: Pugin, Augustus. Examples of Gothic Architecture., Edinburgh, 1895, 3 vols., 4to.; together with Symonds, R.W. English Furniture. New York, 1929, blue cloth, one of 500 copies, folio ProvenanceSee Sold Price
SoldAdam (Robert & James) - The Decorative Work...,original cloth-backed boards, damp-stained, [c.1900] § Symonds ( R.W.) English Furniture from Charles II to George II, original cloth, 1929 § Blanc (Louis) Le Fer Forgé en France aux XVIe etSee Sold Price
SoldFurniture.- Symonds (R.W.) Old English Walnut & LacquerNO RESERVE Furniture.- Symonds (R.W.) Old English Walnut & Lacquer Furniture, signed presentation copy from the author to Frank Partridge, 1923 § Wood (Lucy) Catalogue of Commodes, 1994 § GiSee Sold Price
SoldSymonds R W, 'Furniture Making in Seventeenth andSymonds R W, 'Furniture Making in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century England', Limited Edition, No. 90, signed by the author, published by The Connoisseur 1945, cloth and parchment bound, and Lee, RonSee Sold Price
SoldSYMONDS, R. W. Furniture Making in Seventeenth andSYMONDS, R. W. Furniture Making in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century England. An Outline for Collectors. London: The Connoisseur, 1955. Folio, original blue cloth boards with gilt-stamped sun designSee Sold Price
Symonds (R.W.) - Masterpieces of English Furniture andone of 750 copies, 1940 § Edwards (Ralph) and Margaret Jourdain. Georgian Cabinet-makers, dust-jacket, slightly folded , 1946 § Palardy (Jean) The Early Oak Furniture of French Canada, ToronSee Sold Price
SoldClocks.- Penfold (John B.) The Clockmakers ofNO RESERVE Clocks.- Penfold (John B.) The Clockmakers of Cumberland, second edition, original rexine, gilt, Ashford, 1977 § Symonds (R.W.) Masterpieces of English Furniture and Clocks, one of 750See Sold Price
Sold118D: Symonds.M'pieces..English Furniture/ClocksSymonds (R.W.) Masterpieces of English Furniture and Clocks,limited edition, 1940; The Present State of Old English Furniture, reprint, 1927 Cescinsky (Herbert) The Old-World House: Its FurnSee Sold Price
SoldSymonds (R.W.) Masterpieces of EnglishSymonds (R.W.) Masterpieces of English Furniture and Clocks,limited edition, signed presentation copy from the author, plates and illustrations, some in colour, half-title, original cloth, gilSee Sold Price
SoldSYMONDS, R.W. AND B.B. WHINERAY. VICTORIAN FURNITUSYMONDS, R.W. and B.B. WHINERAY. Victorian Furniture, London 1962, in dust wrapper; PAYNE, Christopher. Nineteenth Century European Furniture, 1985; and 7 other soft backed books on English and ContinSee Sold Price
SoldSYMONDS, R.W. THE ORNAMENTAL DESIGNS OFSYMONDS, R.W. The Ornamental Designs of Chippendale, London: Alec Tiranti 1968; FASTNEDGE, R. Shearer Furniture Designs, London: Alec Tiranti 1962 and 8 others on English Furniture Design (10)See Sold Price
SoldEDWARDS, RALPH AND MARGARET JOURDAIN. GEORGIAN CABEDWARDS, Ralph and Margaret JOURDAIN. Georgian Cabinet Makers, London 1944, cloth; AVRAY TIPPING, H. English Furniture of the Cabriole Period, London: Jonathan Cape 1922, cloth; SYMONDS, R.W. The PresSee Sold Price
Large Meissen Porcelain Figure Of A Cherub MakingWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Royal Vienna Plate Titled "The Decoration Of Cupid"World of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Royal Vienna Plate Titled "The Rape Of Europa"World of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
AN EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY SINGLE DOOR BOOKCASE, C.1900 BY THE WOODWORKERS LTD, KILKENNY of uprightAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
18th Century French Maple Wooden Bread Making Table - Made in 1751 - Rare Find!Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Mid-Century Danish rosewood sideboard designed by Svend EllekjærMagic Hill, LLC4.5(34)See Sold PriceMar 27, 2024
This beautiful teak sideboard is a stunning example of mid-century modern design. The piece featuresMagic Hill, LLC4.5(34)See Sold PriceMar 27, 2024
TOMMY SIMPSON (America, 1939-), Kore, 2014., Poplar, basswood, acrylic and glass, height 30". BaseEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Adams Always Table Circa 1930'sRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024