Sold4V LITERATURE & LINGUISTICS Asia/Orient KorkutThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Ku-Wen Yuan-Chien by Gimm - Dated 1969 by Harrassowitz - German/Manchurian text, softbound - The Mongol Chronicle altan Tobci by Bawden -See Sold Price
Sold4V Classics ANCIENT LITERATURE Linguistics GreekThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Classics in Translation by F. Seymour Smith - Dated 1930 by Charles Scribner's Sons - Phrasikleia: An Anthropology of Reading in AncieSee Sold Price
Sold4V Old English LINGUISTICS Middle English GawainThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - A Guide to Old English by Bruce Mitchell - Dated 1965 by Basil Blackwell - dustjacket - Essays on Middle English Literature by Dorothy EvSee Sold Price
Sold4V Literature LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB JACK LONDON AND4V Literature LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB JACK LONDON AND JULES VERNE Signed Decorative Illustrated Slipcase Around the World in Eighty Days Edward A Wilson Ray Bradbury Introduction From the Earth to the MSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS ETHIOPIA & ASSYRIA Budge LittmannThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Gods and Heroes by Shack - Dated 1974 by Oxford U. - Bibliotheca Abessinica by Littmann - Dated 1904 by Princeton U. - softbound, torn coSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS BABYLONIA Finkelstein HilbrechtThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Neo-Babylonian Letters from Erech by Clay - Dated 1909 by Yale U. - oversized - Miscellaneous Inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian CollectiSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS LANGUAGE & WRITING BabylonianThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Personal Names from Cuneiform Inscriptions of the Cassite Period by Clay - Dated 1912 by Yale U. - Historical Texts by Poebel - Dated 191See Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS TURKISH & ARMENIAN French & GermanThis boxlot includes the group of books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling from this library, we will be offering thousands of bulk buy opportunities suchSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS IRISH Bhaldraithe Macalister LaneThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Lane's English-Irish Dictionary by Lane - Dated 1904 by Walker - English-Irish Dictionary by Bhaldraithe - Dated 1959 by Tsolathair - TSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS BABYLONIA Finkelstein Hilbrecht"This auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Neo-Babylonian Letters from Erech by Clay - Dated 1909 by Yale U. - oversized - Miscellaneous Inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian CollectSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS HEBREW Suphim Williams MilgromThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Studies in Levitical Terminology by Milgrom - Dated 1970 by U. of California - softbound - Hebrew Syntax by Williams - Dated 1978 by U. oSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS HEBREW Kennett Davis Wickes CameroThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - a First Hebrew Reader by Cameron - Dated 1919 by Clark - A Treatise on the Accentuation of Psalms, Proverbs, and Job by Wickes - Dated 18See Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS HEBREW Gibbs Parkhurst KalischThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - A Hebrew Grammar by Kalisch - Dated 1863 by Longman - 2 Vol. - Hebrew and English Lexicon Without Points by Parkhurst - Dated 1813 by RivSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS - EASTERN EUROPE Soden SlovnikThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Grundriss der Akkakischen Grammatik by Soden - Dated 1952 by Pontifictum Institutum Biblicum - German text, library binding - Y A-T-IL unSee Sold Price
Sold3V Etymological LITERATURE LINGUISTICS CummingsThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Etymological Dictionary To The Russian Language by Columbia Slavic Studies - Dated 1914 by Columbia - Him by Cummings - Dated 1927 by LivSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS AFRICA Zulu Hausa tucker GallawayThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Eastern Sudanic Languages by Tucker - Dated 1967 by African Institute - Nursery Tales Traditions, and Histories of the Zulus by CallaSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS HISTORY OF ENGLISH Scragg MatthewsThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Rhetoric of Blair, Campbell, and Whately by Golden - Dated 1968 by Winston - softbound - English Pronunciation and Shorthand in the EaSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS THEORY Fisher Patte Harris Akin"This auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Language Behavior by Akin - Dated 1970 by Mouton - The Linguistics Wars by Harris - Dated 1993 by Oxford U. - Human Communication asSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS THEORY Fisher Patte Harris AkinThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Language Behavior by Akin - Dated 1970 by Mouton - The Linguistics Wars by Harris - Dated 1993 by Oxford U. - Human Communication as NaSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS Epistolary Novel Hoenigswald JoosThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Readings in Linguistics I by Joos - Dated 1971 by U. of Chicago - Current Trends in Linguistics by Sebeok - Dated 1970 by Mouton - TheSee Sold Price
SoldMoliere Irving LITERATURE LINGUISTICS EpsteinThis boxlot includes the group of literature & linguistics books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling at this auction, we will be offering a number of bulkSee Sold Price
Sold4V LITERATURE OF ROCK Hoffman 1954-1990This auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Literature of Rock, II by Hoffman - Dated 1986 by Scarecrow - 2 Vols. - The Literature of Rock III by Hoffman - Dated 1995 by ScarecrSee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS GESTURES Eco Bremmer McNeillThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Search for the Perfect Language by Eco - Dated 1994 by Blackwell - A Cultural History of Gesture by Bremmer - Dated 1991 by Cornell USee Sold Price
Sold4V LINGUISTICS White Davidson WheelwrightThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - When Words Lose Their Meaning by White - Dated 1984 by U. of Chicago - Semantics of Natural Language by Davidson - Dated 1972 by Reidel -See Sold Price
1770 Sticotti Dictionary of the World Witchcraft ART Electricity Philosophy 4vSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1861 Mythical Folklore Fairy Tale Monsters German Literature Musaus MermaidsSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Sweet Lassy Feeds Lighted Literature Rack SignMatthews Auctions, LLC4.6(134)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
16 lots, Turkmen specialist literature, good conditionHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
14 lots of specialist literature, good conditionHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
11 lots of specialist literature, good conditionHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
16 lots of specialist literature Anatolian KilimsHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
18 lots of specialist literature China, Turkmen andHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
15 lots of specialist literature from South Persia, goodHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
19 lots of specialist literature on Anatolia. RugsHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
20 lots of carpet literature Anatolia, good conditionHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
24 lots of specialist literature carpets. RugsHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
20 lots of specialist literature, good conditionHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
34 lots of specialist literature, good conditionHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
1924 Winnie the Pooh 1st edition LOT AA Milne Children Literature 3 Books!Schilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
[LITERATURE]. HURSTON, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Philadelphia: J.B. LippincottFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024