SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. SAMURAI SWORDGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. SAMURAI SWORD Japanese katana sword kept by Gen. Robert C. Richardson as a souvenir of his service in the Pacific, 36 3/4" overall, 27" blade (to hilt), the blade bearinSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON SAMURAI SWORDGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON SAMURAI SWORD Japanese katana sword kept by Gen. Robert C. Richardson as a souvenir of his service in the Pacific, 38 1/2" overall, 28 1/4" blade (to hilt), the blade faultleSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. CHEST RIBBONS, INSIGNIA,GEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. CHEST RIBBONS, INSIGNIA, AND HAT BANDS Fine lot of about fifty items owned and likely worn by Gen. Richardson at some point in his military career, includes about 25 comSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. MEDALS AND RIBBONSGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. MEDALS AND RIBBONS Excellent lot of nine medals given to Lt. Gen. Robert Richardson, most in recognition of his service during World War II. Included is his Legion of MeSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. FOUR-STAR GENERAL'S FLAGGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. FOUR-STAR GENERAL'S FLAG Four-star full-general's flag, 38" x 51", a two-sided hanging banner with gold fringe, each side bearing four large stars sewn thereto. Fine conSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. GOLD SILK DRESS BELTGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. GOLD SILK DRESS BELT Gold silk dress belt worn by Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr. with his dress uniform, most likely pre-war, 36" long", 2 3/4" wide, bearing two fringedSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. HAWAII MILITIARY GUESTGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. HAWAII MILITIARY GUEST BOOK Lot of approx. 120 disbound pages of signatures from guest books kept by Gen. Robert C. Richardson while serving at Commander of Army ForcesSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. WARTIME UNIFORM FROMGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. WARTIME UNIFORM FROM HAWAII Summer army uniform worn by Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr. during his service in Hawaii as Commander of U.S. Army Forces in the Pacific and MSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON JR. WINTER UNIFORMS ANDGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON JR. WINTER UNIFORMS AND TRENCH COAT Pair of regulation Army winter uniforms and pants owned and worn by Gen. Robert C. Richardson during his service in Hawaii as Commander ofSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON JR. LATE WAR/POST WAR SUMMERGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON JR. LATE WAR/POST WAR SUMMER UNIFORM Summer uniform owned by Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr., certainly worn by him postwar but possibly worn near war's end as well. A U.S. ArSee Sold Price
GEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. WORLD WAR I DIARYGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. WORLD WAR I DIARY TRANSCRIPT Revealing T.Ms. (unsigned), 47pp. [n.p., n.d., ca. 1940], being Major Richardson's typed transcript of his diary entries from the time of hiSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. SUMMER WHITE JACKETS ANDGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. SUMMER WHITE JACKETS AND PANTS Fine lot of six white summer informal jackets and two pairs of cavalry pants owned and used by Gen. Robert C. Richardson, some while he waSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON JR. - HAWAII PUBLICGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON JR. - HAWAII PUBLIC PROCLAMATION NO. ONE Scarce imprint: "Executive Order No. 9489 of the President of the United States Letter of the Secretary of War Public Proclamation NuSee Sold Price
GEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. DRESS MESS JACKET WITHGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. DRESS MESS JACKET WITH TAILS AND PANTS Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr.'s dress mess coat with tails, dark blue wool with four buttons plus chained two-button closure, golSee Sold Price
GEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. HAWAIIAN HEADQUARTERSGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. HAWAIIAN HEADQUARTERS FLAG Large wool 48-star American flag flown at the headquarters of the U.S. Army commander of American Forces in the Pacific, Gen. Robert C. RicharSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. WORLD WAR I DIARYGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. WORLD WAR I DIARY TRANSCRIPT Revealing T.Ms. (unsigned), 47pp. [n.p., n.d., ca. 1940], being then-Major Richardson's typed transcript of his diary entries from the timeSee Sold Price
SoldBRIGADIER GENERAL COMMISSION OF GEN. ROBERT C.BRIGADIER GENERAL COMMISSION OF GEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. (1882-1954) American Army general, Commanding General of the Hawaiian Department, Military Governor of Hawaii,See Sold Price
GEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON JR.'S LIEUTENANT GENERAL'SGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON JR.'S LIEUTENANT GENERAL'S THREE-STAR BANNER Red silk banner with three white stars, 40" x 52" overall, three sides trimmed in yellow cloth fringe, with the top looped to proSee Sold Price
SoldWAR GAMES MAP OF GETTYSBURGWAR GAMES MAP OF GETTYSBURG Huge 6' x 6' topographical map of the region around and including Gettysburg, ca. 1915, produced by the War Dept. and used by Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr. in his trainingSee Sold Price
SoldGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON TOKYO BAY JAPANESE SURRENDERGEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON TOKYO BAY JAPANESE SURRENDER GROUPING Historic grouping of items from the Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr. estate concerning the formal Japanese ceremonies aboard the USS MISSOSee Sold Price
SoldWORLD WAR I CAVALRY CAMPAIGN HAT OF GEN. ROBERT C.WORLD WAR I CAVALRY CAMPAIGN HAT OF GEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. Campaign hat owned and worn by future Gen. Robert C. Richardson during his service with the A.E.F., made by John B. Stetson with leatSee Sold Price
SoldGENERALS AND NOTABLES CONGRATULATE GEN. ROBERT C.GENERALS AND NOTABLES CONGRATULATE GEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. Fine group of 70+ letters from generals, officers, businessmen and friends of Gen. Robert C. Richardson, all sent to him upon his tranSee Sold Price
SoldPISTOL HOLSTERS AND BELTS OF GEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON,PISTOL HOLSTERS AND BELTS OF GEN. ROBERT C. RICHARDSON, JR. Pair of revolver pistol holster owned and used by Gen. Robert C. Richardson during his service in the cavalry and during World War II. IncluSee Sold Price
A GENERAL'S PACIFIC ISLAND INSPECTION TOUR PHOTOS, 1942A GENERAL'S PACIFIC ISLAND INSPECTION TOUR PHOTOS, 1942 Lot of approx. 400 original photographs, almost all 8" x 10" b/w, almost all documenting the wartime travels of Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr. oSee Sold Price
Pintail Drake Decoy by Robert Bradbeer (1886-1955)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
10 Books including: Losing America, Red Notice, The English Patient, Mount Olive &+Cain Modern Auctions4.4(44)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Japanese Antique Samurai Katana Sword, with Wooden SheathNeo FineArts Inc4.4(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lot of 2 Japanese18th Century Mixed Metal Samurai Sword TsubaHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
[U.S. POLITICIANS]. Album of autographed letters and photog...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[MUSIC - JIMI HENDRIX]. ROBERTS, Joe, Jr. "The Experienced." Los Angeles, CA: R.S.C., CocoricoFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
German Infantry Officer's Sword, c. 1910s.Turner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Stunning WW2 WWII AVG 3rd Pursuit Flying Tigers A-2 Jacket Robert C. "Moose" MossEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Richard Taylor, Confederate General Clipped AutographClark's Auction Company4.6(440)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
19TH C. AM. SCHOOL MINIATURE PORTRAITS, WITH PROV.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Bx 19th C Implements- Sword 23 1/2" + Sickle 19"George Cole Auctions4.5(391)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024