SoldRoman Bronze Commemorative Plaque Fragment1st-2nd century AD. A cast plaque fragment with rectangular panel, three male busts; two in military attire with lorica and pteruges and one in a round-necked tunic; scrolled banded feature beneath. 2See Sold Price
SoldRoman Style Marble and Bronze Plaque Fragment GroupA mixed group of undated archaistic epigraphic plaques comprising: a serpentine block with chamfered edges, incised text beginning 'MATRI DEVM ET NAVISAMAE'; a rectangular bronze plaque with text to oSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Fragment - Military PlaqueSingle bodied corner fragment of Roman military plaque or diploma. Double sided incised inscriptions. 1st-2nd Century AD. 1.75"h x 2.75"wEx Collection Federico Castelluccio - Actor/ArtistSee Sold Price
Probably Roman Thrace, small bronze plaque; HELIOSProbably Roman Thrace, 1st to 3rd Century A.D, a small bronze plaque fragment with the facing head of the Sun god Helios. In high relief, the 4 rays of the Sun are spiked above and to the right of hisSee Sold Price
SoldGrande Tour Plaque with Roman Head18th century AD. A sheet bronze plaque fragment with repoussé profile male bust. 300 grams, 23cm (9"). Property of a North London gentleman; previously in a UK collection formed in the 1980s. [No ResSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Scale Armour Plate Fragment1st-3rd century AD. A flat-section bronze plaque fragment with hole close to one edge, incised bands of arcading with reserved pelta-shaped panel to the centre; possibly a single scale from a cuirassSee Sold Price
Roman Thrace(?), small bronze with HeliosRoman Thrace(?), 1st to 3rd Century A.D, a small bronze plaque fragment with the facing head of the Sun god Helios. In high relief, the 4 rays of the Sun are spiked above and to the right of his head.See Sold Price
SoldRoman Capricorn Appliqué1st-2nd century BC. A sheet bronze plaque fragment with repoussé image of a capricorn advancing with textured fur to the neck, scale detailing to the rear body. 22 grams, 15cm (6"). Property of a ESee Sold Price
SoldRoman Inscribed Plaque Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of two flat-section bronze plaque fragments comprising: one sub-rectangular with four lines of text in rustic capitals '[...]VM [...] / [...]OQVE I[...] / [...]HONO[...] /See Sold Price
SoldRoman Style Bronze Artefact GroupA mixed group of undated archaistic items comprising: a cast comb with handle formed as two dolphins; an epigraphic plaque fragment with text to both faces. 99 grams total, 61-86 mm (2 1/2 - 3 1/2").See Sold Price
SoldRoman Septimius Severus Diploma Fragment2nd-early 3rd century AD. A flat-section bronze rectangular plaque fragment with three lines of text in formal Roman capitals: 'IMP CAES L SEPTIMVS SEV[E..] / [.]ERT AVG TBMPL TERREM / [.]BRIS GONEAPSSee Sold Price
SoldBronze Plaque Austrian EmpireCommemorative bronze plaque depicting Austria and the Holy Roman Empire, 400th Anniversary. [6 3/8" x 4 1/2"].See Sold Price
Roman Bronze Navigational Dividers1st-2nd century AD. A pair of square-section bars hinged at one end, with knopped rivets and fragment of outer plaque. 47 grams, 14.5cm (5 3/4"). Property of a London gentleman; acquired before 1980.See Sold Price
SoldRoman Plaque Fragment Group2nd-3rd century AD. A group of two repoussé bronze plaques comprising: one plaque showing a facing male and female bust in profile, within a roundel, possibly Caracalla and Julia Domna; one presentinSee Sold Price
Roman Military BuckleLate 4th-5th century AD. A bronze buckle set comprising: a dished kidney-shaped loop with radiating ribs and D-section tongue with similar decoration; rectangular plaque fragment with loops to the forSee Sold Price
Roman and Medieval Artefact GroupA mixed group of small items including: a Roman silver finger ring and stud with glass insert; a Roman bronze brooch fragment; a pair of silver hooked tags; a medieval silver-gilt plaque; a medieval sSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Plaque Pair with Lions and Figures1st-2nd century AD. A pair of sheet bronze trapezoidal figural plaques with repoussé and punched detailing: 1) fragment with repoussé winged female in chlamys, right arm raised holding a disc(?), drSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mount Fragment Group2nd-3rd century AD. A group of bronze fragments including an ellipsoid plaque with repoussé profile bust of Triton(?"). 11 grams total, plaque: 25mm (1"). Property of a Bristol collector; formerly paSee Sold Price
Roman Mount Fragment Group2nd-3rd century AD. A group of bronze fragments including an ellipsoid plaque with repoussé profile bust of Triton(?"). 11 grams total, plaque: 25mm (1"). Property of a Bristol collector; formerly paSee Sold Price
SoldCeltic Iron Age to Post Medieval Detector Finds Group1st century BC-19th century AD. A mixed group of bronze items comprising: an Iron Age bar toggle; an enamelled Roman hinge fragment; am ivy-leaf plaque; a fragment of statuette head with curls of hairSee Sold Price
SoldRoman and Later Artefact Group1st-19th century AD. A mixed group comprising: a hollow bronze statue thumb; a firesteel with loop handle; an iron door key; a ceramic lamp; a heater-shaped plaque; a shackle fragment with loops; a faSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Artefact Collection1st-4th century AD. A mixed group of artefacts of various dates comprising: a section of iron handsaw blade and handle; a small bronze triangular knife blade; a fragment of lead plaque with rosette deSee Sold Price
SoldRoman and Later Artefact Group1st-15th century AD. A mixed group of bronze items including a dog-shaped bow brooch, a heater-shaped plaque, a crossbow brooch fragment, a socketted arrowhead and other items. 64 grams total, 10-31mmSee Sold Price
SoldRoman to Post Medieval Detector Finds Group1st-20th century AD. A mixed group including: a fragment of printer's plate; a barrel key; a Royal Artillery cap badge; a fish knife blade; a bronze buckle loop; a belt plaque; a Roman silver coin fraSee Sold Price
Viking Noblewoman's Bronze Headdress FragmentsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
French Gilt Bronze & Porcelain Figural Mantel ClockMain Auction Galleries4.6(215)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Auguste Moreau (French, 1834) "Vici Cupid" Bronze Statue On Marble BaseAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
13 Roman Bronze Artifacts (Fibulae & Attachments)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A PAIR OF BRONZE AND ROCK CRYSTAL RHINOCEROS SCULPTURES, 20th CENTURYLos Angeles Antiques 4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Artifact Bundle - Roman, Chinese, Sumerian, LuristanArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024