SoldRoman, 1st - 4th Century AD. A lot of 4 bronze fiRoman, 1st - 4th Century AD. A lot of 4 bronze fibulae. Two are zoomorphic, one is of a round open work design, and the last a circular 'shield' type with a silver around the rim and a silver spike atSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 4 Ancient Roman Bronze Ornaments c.1st-4thLot of 4 Ancient Roman Bronze Ornaments c.1st-4th century AD. Size 9 7/8 - 8 1/4 inches length. Great lot of 4 large ancient Roman Empire bronze furniture ornaments with fine open work decoration. choSee Sold Price
Sold4 Roman bronze & silver lamp lids and studsLot a group of 4 Roman bronze & silver lamps lids and a pair of studs, 1st - 4th Century AD, each lid with suspension loop for a chain, one still in place, and a few are nicely turned. The largest isSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 33 Ancient Roman Bronze Misc Fragments c.1st-4thLot of 33 Ancient Roman Bronze Misc Fragments c.1st-4th century AD. Size 0 3/8 - 2 3/4 inches length. Fine lot of 33 antiquities consist of weights, bell, fibula, misc.. Provenance: From the Estate ofSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Ancient Roman Bronze, Iron Fibula c.1st-4thLot of 3 Ancient Roman Bronze, Iron Fibula c.1st-4th century AD. Size 2- 3 1/4 inches length. Fine lot of 3 ancient Roman Bronze and Iron Fibula brooches with fine patina. Provenance: Ex Eldert BontekSee Sold Price
Sold8 Roman bronze implements incl. netting needleA group of 8 Roman bronze implements including a netting needle, c. 1st - 4th Century AD. The lot includes a netting needle with bifurcated ends at right angles to one another. L: 8 3/4" (22.2 cm); anSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Ancient Roman Bronze Bells c.1st-4th centuryLot of 3 Ancient Roman Bronze Bells c.1st-4th century AD. Size 2 1/4 - 0 7/8 inches length. lot of 3 bronze Bells with suspension loop. Provenance: From the Estate of Robert Flourance VA USA.See Sold Price
SoldA nice trio of ancient bronze ringsA nice trio of ancient bronze rings. Lot includes a Roman type, c. 1st - 4th Century AD, with two standing figures on the bezel, ring size about 3 1/2 - 4; the second is a Byzantine type, c. 10th - 14See Sold Price
SoldLot of 17 Ancient Roman Bronze Axe and Arrow headsLot of 17 Ancient Roman Bronze Axe and Arrow heads c.1st-4th century AD. Size 0 5/8 - 5 1/4 inches length. Fine lot of 17 ancient Roman period Bronze Axe heads and arrow heads. Great mixed types and fSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 5 Ancient Roman Bronze Ornaments c.1st-4thLot of 5 Ancient Roman Bronze Ornaments c.1st-4th century AD. Size 3 1/4 - 1 7/8 inches length. Fine lot of 5 ancient Roman Empire Bronze ornaments consist of a Hand, Fibula, pendants. choice patina.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Ancient Roman Bronze Ornaments c.1st-4thLot of 3 Ancient Roman Bronze Ornaments c.1st-4th century AD. Size 4 1/8 - 3 3/8 inches length. Great lot of 3 ancient Roman Empire Bronze handles together with part of a belt buckle with eagle head.See Sold Price
A lot of 5 Roman bronze fish hooksA lot of 5 Roman bronze fish hooks, c. 1st - 4th Century AD, each barbed with flattened end with hole for tying the line. Each is intact and of various sizes, largest 2 1/2 in (6.4 cm). Ex Orange CounSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 5 Ancient Roman Bronze Belt Buckle OrnamentsLot of 5 Ancient Roman Bronze Belt Buckle Ornaments c.1st-4th century AD. Size 3 3/4 - 2 1/2 inches length. Great lot of 5 large ancient Roman Empire belt buckle ornaments with fine open work decoratiSee Sold Price
SoldA lot of three bronze items, Roman, Seljuk etc.A lot of three bronze items. The first is a Roman bronze bell sans clapper, c. 1st - 4th Century AD, a bit distorted, H: 3 1/4" (8.2 cm). The second piece is a Seljuk terminal for a pin in the form ofSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN, A LOT OF 3 BRONZE FIBULAERoman, c. 1st - 4th Century AD. A lot of 3 bronze fibulae, the first is round with four protrusions and central knob, still retaining the green and red original paste. Intact with original pin, W: 1 3See Sold Price
Sold179. 5 NICE SMALL ROMAN BRONZE ITEMS, ONE IN LEAD179. Roman, c. 1st - 4th Century AD. A lot of 5 interesting bronze pieces (one in lead). Lot includes a appliqué with face of a young boy in high relief facing forward. D: 1 7/8". Also what appears tSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 4 Ancient Greek and Roman Terracotta fragmentsLot of 4 Ancient Greek and Roman Terracotta fragments c.1st Cen BC-4th century AD. Lot of 4 Ancient Greek and Roman Terracotta fragments c.1st Cen BC-4th century AD. Size 3 3/4 - 1 1/2 inches length.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Ancient Roman Bronze Oil Lamps c.1st-4thLot of 2 Ancient Roman Bronze Oil Lamps c.1st-4th century AD. Lot of 2 Ancient Roman Bronze Oil Lamps c.1st-4th century AD. Size 3 1/3 - 2 7/8 inches length. Great lot of 2 Ancient Roman Empire miniatSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Ancient Roman Bronze Oil Lamps c.1st-4thLot of 2 Ancient Roman Bronze Oil Lamps c.1st-4th century AD. Lot of 2 Ancient Roman Bronze Oil Lamps c.1st-4th century AD. Size 5 7/8 - 6 3/8 inches length x 1 7/8 - 2 1/2 inches high. Unusual form ASee Sold Price
SoldRoman Egypt, c.1st Century BC/AD. A lot of 4 impleRoman Egypt, c.1st Century BC/AD. A lot of 4 implements, including 3 bronze spoons and an iron ear scraper. 3 are intact and 2 spoon is missing part of the handle. Lengths 3 ¼" to 5 ¼". From Gurob.See Sold Price
SoldAncient Roman Bronze Febula c.1st-4th century ADAncient Roman Bronze Febula c.1st-4th century AD. Size 2 1/4 inches Diameter. Fine bronze Febula Brooch with original pin. Condition: perfect. Provenance: from the estate of Robert Thompson of PhiladeSee Sold Price
SoldA lot of 4 Roman glass braceletsA lot of 4 Roman glass bracelets, 1st - 4th Century AD, the first with a central band with black and white herringbone pattern surrounded by a striped opaque band in black, red and green. Dia: 3 3/4 iSee Sold Price
SoldA lot of 4 ancient bronze itemsA lot of 4 ancient bronze items. Lot includes a Scythian arrowhead, c. 3rd - 2nd Century BC, bull's head along with a bird attachment, Roman, 1st - 5th Century AD, and Roman palm thimble, c. 1st - 3rdSee Sold Price
Roman, lot of rings & bronze jewelry fragmentsA lot of rings and woven bronze jewelry fragments, Roman, c. 1st - 4th Century AD. Group includes 8 rings, two of iron, several woven sections of bronze links, one still embedded in the excavated matrSee Sold Price
Roman Silver and Bronze Artefact and Coin GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Ancient Roman Imperial Coins - Caerwent Roman Town - Bronze Coin Group [70]TimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
VIKING WARRIOR’S WEDDING RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD, SIZE 12 3/4Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
VIKING WARRIOR’S WEDDING RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD, SIZE 13 1/4Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
LARGE VIKING WEDDING RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD, SIZE 10 ¼Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
VIKING WARRIOR’S WEDDING RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD, SIZE 11 3/4Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024