SoldHornby Dublo Pre-Nationalisation Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail - group of Pre-Nationalisation Goods Rolling Stock comprising, 3 x NE Fish, 4 x NE Goods Van, NE Horse Box, 2 x NE Coal Wagon, 2 x LMS Meat Van, 7 x LMS Coal, 2 x LMS Open, 2 x LMSSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Pre-Nationalisation Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail a group of unboxed Pre-Nationalisation tinplate Rolling Stock comprising SR buff Meat Van, 2 x GWR Box Van, GWR Cattle (2 windows), NE Horse Box, NE Fish Van and NE Coal Wagon, somSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Pre-nationalisation Rolling StockOO Gauge Hornby Dublo pre-nationalisation unboxed Rolling Stock including - 2 x North East Open, LMS Open, LMS High Sided Open, North East Luggage, LMS Meat, Royal Daylight Tanker, Power Petrol Tank,See Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Pre-Nationalisation Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail a group of unboxed Pre-Nationalisation Goods Rolling Stock comprising GWR Closed Van, GWR Cattle Wagon (two windows), GWR Open, LMS Brake Van, LMS Open, LMS High Sided, NE Open, NESee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Pre-Nationalisation Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail - group of Pre-Nationalisation Goods Rolling Stock comprising, GWR Cattle Truck (plastic wheels), NE High Capacity Wagon (with brown underframe), some minor marks and scratches butSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Pre-nationalisation Rolling Stock00 Gauge Hornby Dublo pre-nationalisation unboxed Rolling Stock including - 2 x North Eastern Open, LMS Open, LMS high sided Open, North East Luggage, LMS Luggage, Royal Daylight and Power Ethol TankeSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail Pre-nationalisation LocosHornby Dublo 3-rail Pre-nationalisation Locos and Rolling Stock comprising 0-6-2 GWR green Tank Loco No.6699, 4 x GWR Goods Rolling Stock (Cattle Wagon with single window, Box Van, Brake Van, Open WagSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail Pre-National Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a group of pre-nationalisation Rolling Stock comprising D1 Fish Van, D1 GWR Brake Van, D3 LMS 1st/3rd Composite (in brake/3rd box), 3 x D1 Buffer Stops, conditions Poor to Good inSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-Rail Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail a group of Pre-Nationalisation Rolling Stock comprising 2 x D3 LMS maroon 1st/3rd Passenger Coach, 2 x D3 LMS maroon Brake/3rd Passenger Coach (one with silver roof and in pale bluSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-Rail - A Group of Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail a group of Pre-nationalisation tinplate Rolling Stock comprising NE Goods Van, NE Fish Van, NE Highsided Coal Wagon, conditions Excellent to Excellent Plus in Good Plus to ExcellenSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a group of pre-nationalisation Goods Rolling Stock comprising SR Coal Wagon, medium blue box dated 10/50 and with SR sticker to one end, LMS Meat Van medium blue box dated 10/50, NSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-Rail Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail, a group of Pre-Nationalisation Goods Rolling Stock in pale blue and dark blue boxes, (1) pale blue boxes LMS Goods Van, 2 x LMS Coal Wagon, boxes dated 5.49, NE Open, NE Fish Van,See Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail - group of unboxed Pre-Nationalisation Goods Rolling Stock comprising GWR Brake Van, GWR Cattle Wagon, NE Goods Van, NE Horse Box, NE Brake Van, LMS Goods Van, NE Bogie Brick WagonSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail D1 Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a group of D1 pre-nationalisation Goods Rolling Stock in pale blue boxes comprising NE Horsebox (LNE sticker to box end), NE Fish Van, GWR Cattle Wagon (box has GW sticker to one eSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-Rail tinplate Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail, group of unboxed tinplate Pre-Nationalisation Goods Rolling Stock comprising 5 x GWR grey Cattle Truck (2 with single window), 2 x GWR Vent Van, GWR Open, GWR Toad Brake Van, LMSSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-Rail Tinplate Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail, a trio of Pre-Nationalisation tinplate Goods Rolling Stock comprising GWR Goods Van, GWR Coal Wagon, conditions Good Plus to Excellent in Good Plus medium blue boxes with GW stickSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Rolling StockHornby Dublo a quantity of unboxed pre-nationalisation and Private Owner Rolling Stock comprising 0-6-2 LNER green N2 Class Tank Locomotive, body Poor but chassis Fair, Rolling Stock comprises 2 x LMSSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail unboxed a group of Pre-nationalisation Goods Rolling Stock comprising LMS Cattle, 3 x GWR Cattle with long window (one with plastic wheels), GWR Cattle with 2 small windows, NE CloSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Passenger and Goods Rolling StockOO Gauge Hornby Dublo Passenger and Goods Rolling Stock including pre-nationalisation items - 4 x LMS Brake, 2 x LMS Meat, 5 x LMS Luggage, 3 x LMS Open, North Eastern Luggage and others, SuperdetailSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Unboxed Goods Rolling StockOO Gauge Hornby Dublo Railways including unboxed Goods Rolling Stock, 4 x Tankers, 3 x Bogie Wagons, 4 x Pre-Nationalisation Wagons and 5 x others, plus maroon and cream Bogie Passenger Coaches. All FSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Pre-nationalisation Rolling StockHornby Railways a group of Pre-nationalisation Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 2 x R4095 LMS crimson 68' Dining Car, R4095A LMS crimson 68' Dining Car, 5 x R442 LMS blue/silver 1st Class CoronationSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Railway Pre-nationalisation Rolling StockHornby Railways a group of Pre-nationalisation Rolling Stock comprising 2 x R456 GWR brown and cream Composite Coach, 2 x R457 GWR brown and cream Brake/3rd Coach, R458 GWR brown and cream RestaurantSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Pre-war LMS Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo pre-war LMS Goods Rolling Stock comprising Goods Brake Van (box 8/38), 12-ton Goods Van (box 8/38), Meat Van (box 4/39), Cattle Truck (box 4/39), Coal Wagon (box 3/39), Highsided Wagon (bSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Pre/Post-war Locos & Rolling StockHornby Dublo pre and post-war Locos, Rolling Stock etc comprising pre-war repainted clockwork 0-6-2 N2 Class Tank fitted to 2-rail post-war chassis, 2 x Open Wagons (NE & GWR along with LMS Brake Van,See Sold Price
Group Lot of 5 Lionel O27 Rolling Stock Freight CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Huge Lot of 60+ HO Gauge Rolling Stock TrainsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Large Lot of HO Gauge Rolling Stock Freight and Box CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Group of Lionel postwar original instruction sheets for rolling stockToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024