SoldA selection of Georgian, Victorian and later spooA selection of Georgian, Victorian and later spoons to include seven condiment spoons and fifteen others.See Sold Price
SoldA large selection of various Georgian, Victorian andA large selection of various Georgian, Victorian and later silver and silver plated covers, bottle tops, mounts, etc., to include vanity jar covers, a heart shaped trinket box mount, a pair of GeorgeSee Sold Price
SoldA selection of Georgian & later condiment spoons.A Victorian Scottish silver condiment spoon in Fiddle Shell pattern with engraved initial, hallmarked George Crichton, Edinburgh 1851. Together with a selection of Georgian and later condiment spoonsSee Sold Price
SoldLarge selection of Georgian and later coinage inclLarge selection of Georgian and later coinage including large selection of Cartwheel pennys and a small selection of early Victorian coins (QTY)See Sold Price
SoldA mixed selection of Georgian and later silverA mixed selection of Georgian and later silver flatware, to include a pair of George III teaspoons having initialled terminals, hallmarked George Smith (II) & Thomas Hayter, a mid-Victorian Scottish sSee Sold Price
SoldA selection of Georgian & later silver spoons.A late Victorian pair of silver serving spoons with shell bowls and scrolling terminals, hallmarked Josiah Williams & Co (George Maudsley Jackson & David Landsborough Fullerton), London 1900. TogetherSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian and other drinking glasses, etc.A selection of Georgian and later drinking glasses, inc toastmaster's glass, wine and liqueur glasses, etc, to/w a Victorian pressed glass small jug (24)See Sold Price
SoldAssorted Georgian, Victorian & later spoons, fruit knivEarly Victorian silver pair of plain Fiddle pattern teaspoons, each with monogrammed terminal, hallmarked Robert, James & Josiah Williams, Exeter 1848 and 1849. Together with two George III Old EnglisSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian, Victorian & later tea and coffee spoons.A matched set of six Victorian silver teaspoons in Queen's pattern, hallmarked Francis Higgins II/III, London 1879 and 1881, one spoon hallmarked Thomas Smily, London 1860. Together with a set of eighSee Sold Price
SoldA selection of Victorian & later baby's rattles, mostlyA late Victorian silver baby's rattle with floral embossing and mother of pearl mouthpiece, hallmarked Hilliard & Thomason, Birmingham 1896. Together with a 1930's baby's rattle modelled as the head oSee Sold Price
SoldA mixed Georgian, Victorian and later part canteen ofA mixed Georgian, Victorian and later part canteen of silver, including a set of six rat-tail pattern dinner forks and spoons, by Josiah Williams & Co., London 1915, a set of six tea spoons, by WilliaSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Georgian, Victorian and Later English Silver,Group of Georgian, Victorian and Later English Silver, 18th-20th century comprising: pierced bowl, 3-piece bachelor's tea set, small condiment cruet, 2 3-piece condiment set ...; bowl height 3.5 in ��See Sold Price
SoldAssembled Late Georgian, Victorian and Later Silver Fiddle,Assembled Late Georgian, Victorian and Later Silver Fiddle, Thread and Shell Pattern Flatware Service, mainly 19th centurycomprising ninety-four pieces: 12 table spoons, 12 table forks, 12 dessert spoSee Sold Price
SoldA quantity of Georgian, Victorian and later silveA quantity of Georgian, Victorian and later silver flat ware, 66 oz (1871 gms).See Sold Price
SoldA MIXED CANTEEN OF GEORGIAN, VICTORIAN AND LATER QUEENSA MIXED CANTEEN OF GEORGIAN, VICTORIAN AND LATER QUEENS PATTERN CUTLERY, comprising six tablespoons, six dessert spoons, six table forks, five dessert forks, six table knives, six dessert knives. 62ozSee Sold Price
SoldSelection of Victorian & later coinage.Victoria to George V, sterling silver coinage comprising Crowns (3), Halfcrowns (3), Florins (15), lesser silver coins (c.215g). Varied state. (Lot).See Sold Price
SoldSelection of Victorian & later cake forks.Five late Victorian silver cake forks in Albany pattern with engraved crest, hallmarked Harrison Brothers & Howson, Sheffield 1894. Together with a modern cased set of six silver cake forks, hallmarkeSee Sold Price
SoldA small selection of Victorian & later flatware, etc.A late Victorian decorative silver spoon, having an oval bowl embossed with floral baskets and fruiting cornucopia and a spiral twist stem with further embossing, hallmarked Goldsmiths & SilversmithsSee Sold Price
Group of Mainly Georgian, Victorian and Later EnglishLot 72 Group of Mainly Georgian, Victorian and Later English Silver, 19th-20th century comprising: 3-piece tea service, pair of sauce boats, cream jug, 2 tea strainers, 36 pieces of flatware teapot heSee Sold Price
SoldA quantity of mixed Georgian, Victorian and laterA quantity of mixed Georgian, Victorian and later silver flatware, 100ozSee Sold Price
SoldA collection of Georgian, Victorian and later silA collection of Georgian, Victorian and later silver teaspoons, including a set of four with bright cut engraved decoration, Sheffield 1922, other small servers, dressing table brushes and a cigaretteSee Sold Price
SoldA selection of Victorian & later condiments.A selection of Victorian and later silver condiments comprising seven mustard pots of various styles, a pepper and sugar bowl. Various hallmarked Gross weight 18.5 ozt (578 grams). (9).See Sold Price
SoldA selection of Victorian & later condiments.A pair of Victorian silver open salts of circular form, with frill rim above a band of flower head and foliate motifs and other decorative borders and raised on three ball feet, hallmarked Hirons & PlSee Sold Price
SoldSmall selection of Georgian & Victorian silver flaVictorian silver set of eight condiment spoons in Fiddle and Thread Pattern with monogrammed terminal, hallmarked Walter & John Barnard, London 1880; together with three Victorian silver coffee spoonsSee Sold Price
18th Century Chinese Export Imari Porcelain Teapot, Ex. Carl Crossman Collection, QianlongHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
18th Century Chinese Export Imari Porcelain Teapot, Ex. Carl Crossman Collection, QianlongHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
18th Century Chinese Export Blue & White Porcelain Teapot, Ex. Carl Crossman Collection, QianlongHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
18th Century Chinese Export Imari Porcelain Bowl, Ex. Carl Crossman Collection, QianlongHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
18th Century Chinese Export Imari Porcelain Plate, Ex. Carl Crossman Collection, QianlongHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A quantity of assorted Victorian and later Staffordshire style poodle dogs. Largest approx. 4 1/2"Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A quantity of assorted Georgian and later salt spoons hallmarks to include London 1815, 1826, 1839,Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A quantity of assorted Victorian and later brooches, stick pins, etc. set with various hardstoneClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Three assorted Victorian and later walking sticks / canes, one with a horn handle and silver collarClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Three Victorian and later ebonised walking sticks / canes, one with an embossed silver top depictingClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Buckinghamshire local interest : a quantity of Victorian and later mounted monochrome photographsClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Vintage Ornate Cross & Floral Overlay Brooch, 1930's-1940'sJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Collection Of Antique And Vintage Marbles , approximately 185 Victorian, Edwardian and later glassHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A collection of Georgian and later glasses Penny Licks, jugs Etc 14 cm (9)Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024