KLEIN, YVES. Monochrome und Feuer.RARE CATALOGUE. KLEIN, YVES. Monochrome und Feuer. Text by Paul Wember. 3 prints by Klein of solid rose, blue, and gold; one color plate in blue; 2 double-page folding plates with photographic reprodSee Sold Price
SoldKlein, Yves: Monochrome und FeuerMonochrome und Feuer. Ausstellungskatalog des Museums Haus Lange in Krefeld vom 14. Januar - 26. Februar 1961. Zwei Farbserigraphien in Blau und Rosa und ein Blatt mit Goldfolie auf leichtem Karton. 3See Sold Price
SoldKlein, Yves: Monochrome und FeuerYves Klein 1928 - 1962 Monochrome und Feuer Triptych, gold leaf collage on cardboard and 2 color silkscreens on cardboard, 1961; H each 320 mm, W each 234 mm; Catalogue raisonne: Fleck, Robert / RaymoSee Sold Price
Klein, Yves Ausstellungskatalog mit zusätzlichemKlein, Yves Ausstellungskatalog mit zusätzlichem Monochrome und zwei Farbserigraphien. Monochrome und Feuer. Ausst.-Kat. Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, 1961. Mit zahlr. Abb. 3 lose DoppelbögenSee Sold Price
SoldGalerie SchmelaGalerie Schmela (Ed.); Yves Klein / Propositions monochromes 1957 Offset on paper as a folded invitation card for the opening of the exhibition on May 31, 1957 in the Gallery Schmela, Hunsrueckenstra�See Sold Price
Klein Monochrome Blue Sans Titre (IKB73) PosterReference #: ULUP1136 Artist Name: Klein, Yves Title: Monochrome Blue Sans Titre (IKB73) Medium: Offset Lithograph Edition Size: open Year: Unknown Paper Size: 54.25 x 37 inches Image Size: 40.25 x 29See Sold Price
SoldYVES KLEIN / Monochrome blue & Sponges on board paintingYVES KLEIN (1928-1962)/ Monochrome Blue painting with sponges on wood.Item measures 27 x 20 x 3 Inc with the frame and 25 x 17-3/4 x 1 Inches without it. Fantastic example of the artist "blue period".See Sold Price
YVES KLEIN / Monochrome Blue & Sponges on WoodYVES KLEIN (1928-1962)/ Monochrome Blue with Sponges on wood. Large custom framed painting measuring 24-3/8 x 35 x 2-1/5 Inches and without the frame it measures 22-1/4 x 32-1/4 x 7/8 Inches. Terms: YSee Sold Price
SoldYves Klein MONOCHROME BLEU SANS TITRE (IKB255), 1959Yves Klein MONOCHROME BLEU SANS TITRE (IKB255), 1959 pigmento puro e resina sintetica su cartoncino, cm 21,5x18 L'opera è registrata presso l'Archives Yves Klein sotto il numero IKB255 ed è accompaSee Sold Price
Wilp, Charles: Künstlicher Horizont"Künstlicher Horizont"; "Schuhe von Yves Klein und .... vor dem 'Künstlichen Horizont'". 1976. 2 vintage gelatin silver prints. 29 x 22 cm and 31 x 29,5 cm. EachSee Sold Price
SoldYVES KLEIN (1928-1962) Monochrome IKB 260. SYVESKLEIN(1928-1962)Monochrome IKB 260.Signed and dated "Yves 59" on the reverse. IKB pigment on paper mounted on Plexiglas.See Sold Price
Yves Klein (1928-1962), Monochrome, Multiple, 1962-1964Auction announcements 20th June2016 Lot 82: The correct lot title is: After Yves Klein, from: Edition Original I, 1964. Multiple: gold leaf, as well as blue and pink color pigments between syntheticSee Sold Price
Tinguely, Jean: Le monstre dans la forêt (Hommage à YveLe monstre dans la forêt (Hommage à Yves Klein). Aquarell und Collage über Farbserigraphie auf cremefarbenem Velin. 33 x 50,3 cm. Unten rechts mit Faserstift in Schwarz signiert und datieSee Sold Price
SoldYves Klein 1928-1962 French Monochrome Mixed MediaMixed media painting of a monochrome light fuschia with air brush bubbles. Signed and attr. Yues Klein (French, 192-1962). 15.5 x 11.5 inch (39.37 x 29.21 cm). French artist chiefly noted for his blueSee Sold Price
SoldYVES KLIEN, Lot de deux ouvrages : - Yves Klein parYVES KLIEN, Lot de deux ouvrages : - Yves Klein par Pierre RESTANY Editions du Chêne, Hachette, Paris, 1982 - Denys Riout : Yves Klein, l'aventure monochrome, Gallimard, ParisSee Sold Price
After Yves Klein (1928-1962) Vintage PosterA vintage exhibition poster (handmade four color lithography on heavy wove paper) after French artist Yves Klein (1928-1962) titled "Monochrome Bleu (IKB 3)", 1989. Made for the Centre Georges PompidoSee Sold Price
Yves KLEIN (1928-1962), stamp pigmentYves KLEIN (1928-1962), Blue monochrome, pigment IKB on postage stamp. Circa 1957/59. 2.50 x 2 cm. This item comes with no certificate of authenticity, and is considered a reproduction unless proven oSee Sold Price
Signed Yves Klein Painting FramedSigned Yves Klein Painting Framed Painting. Monochrome, Epoca Blu. Ultramarine Blue. Painting Size: 18 x 14 Inches. .Approx . This work is being offered as-is,in the manner of the artist after. Good cSee Sold Price
Signed Yves Klein Painting FramedSigned Yves Klein Painting Framed Painting. Monochrome, Epoca Blu. Ultramarine Blue. Painting Size: 18 x 14 Inches. .Approx . This work is being offered as-is,in the manner of the artist after. Good cSee Sold Price
Signed Yves Klein Painting FramedSigned Yves Klein Painting Framed Painting. Monochrome, Epoca Blu. Ultramarine Blue. Painting Size: 18 x 14 Inches. .Approx . This work is being offered as-is,in the manner of the artist after. Good cSee Sold Price
SoldTinguely, Jean (Fribourg 1925–1992 Fribourg) "Hommage àTinguely, Jean (Fribourg 1925–1992 Fribourg) "Hommage à Yves Klein". Farbdruck mit Collage, Klebstreifen und Feder. 49/100. Unten rechts in Bleistift signiert. Blattgrösse 29,4x41,5 cm. In PlexiglSee Sold Price
SoldYVES KLEIN French 1928-1962 Mixed Media SculptureMixed media, featuring a sculpture in his trademark monochrome blue with foam and wood. Signed and attr. Yves Klein (French, 1928-1962. 24.4 x 14.2 in. (62 x 36 cm). Yves Klein is best known for his tSee Sold Price
SoldYves KLEIN (1928-1962) et Jean TINGUELY (1925-1991) VITESSE PURE ET STABILITE MONOCHROME, 1958 C...Yves KLEIN (1928-1962) et Jean TINGUELY (1925-1991) VITESSE PURE ET STABILITE MONOCHROME, 1958 Carton d'invitation à la Galerie Iris Clert pour le vernissage de l'exposition 'Vitesse pure et stabSee Sold Price
Sold'Monochrome and Fire', 1961Yves Klein. 'Bleu', 1965. Colour offset print under glass. 27.5 x 89.0 cm. Published by Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam in 1965. Together with the rare exhibition catalogue "Yves Klein - MonochromeSee Sold Price
Yves Klein after French Minimalist painting on cardboard blue abstractVintage Art Finder Gallery4.3(3)See Sold PriceApr 07, 2024
Yves Klein "Blue Disc" Lithograph Print on Paper 20.75 in. x 20.75 in.Donny Malone Auctions4.4(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Yves Klein Modern Old 20th Century Art (After) artistRoyal Treasures Warehouse LLC3.8(114)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Yves Klein, Modern Old 20th Century Art(after artist)Royal Treasures Warehouse LLC3.8(114)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Moderna Museet, Yves Klein, Alla Dagar Exhibition PosterCatalog Projects4.5(60)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
AFTER YVES KLEIN " BLUE PIGMENT" ART GLASS BOTTLEDejaVu Estate Sales & Auctions, LLC4.6(1.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Kuhn, Beate: Amorphe WandplastikPeter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Hundertwasser, Friedensreich: Fall in CloudPeter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Morandini und Björn Wiinblad, Marcello: Schachspiel ''Konstruktivist gegen Romantiker''Peter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Eames, Ray und Charles: Lounge chair und OttomanePeter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Kjaerholm, Poul: Couchtisch PK 61Peter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Brauer, Arik: Der Mond als FrauPeter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Breker, Arno: Adler auf der WeltkugelPeter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Breker, Arno: Portrait Frau SiemensPeter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024