SoldNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Twin figures: oneNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Twin figures: one female, one male. Very slim Ibedji-Pair. Wood, residue of red wood on the body, fine old patina.See Sold Price
SoldNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Twin figures, oneNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Twin figures, one female, one male, from the region Egba. On platform sandals. Prominent penis.Scarification marks on forehead and cheeks. Deep, intricate scarificatiSee Sold Price
SoldNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures,Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures, one male, one female, region Abeokuta.Preportionally large hands, scarification marks on forehead, cheeks, and chin.Wood, glass-beaded necklaceSee Sold Price
SoldNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures,Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures, one female, one male, region Igomina/ Ila.Very high hair styles, scarification marks on cheeks and abdomen. Male figure with prominent penis. MuSee Sold Price
SoldNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures,Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures, one male Ibedji and one Ibedji without any identifying sexual features, region Igbomina/ Ila.Prominent penis on the male figure. High coiffure,See Sold Price
SoldNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures,Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures, one female, one male, region Egba.Standing on quadratic pedestals, differing hair styles, scarification marks on cheeks.Wood, fine old patina.See Sold Price
Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures,Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures, one female, one male.Voluminous body, prominent breasts. Scarification marks on forehead, temples, and cheeks, zig-zag decoration around the pedSee Sold Price
SoldNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures,Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures, both male, region Oshogbo.Scarification marks on cheeks and abdomen.Wood, nails as pupils. Traces of indigo dye on coiffure, residue of red woodSee Sold Price
SoldNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures,Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of twin figures, male and female, region Egba.On rectangular pedestals, scarification marks on cheeks and abdomen.Wood, glass-beaded necklaces, residue of red woSee Sold Price
SoldNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of female twinNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of female twin figures, region Egba/ Abeokuta.On rectangular pedestal, scarification marks on cheeks. Light wood, glass-beaded necklaces with Murano glass, tree-See Sold Price
Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of female twinNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of female twin figures, region Egba.On a quadratic pedestal, scarification marks on cheeks and abdomen.Wood, glass-beaded necklace. Minimal traces of indigo dyeSee Sold Price
Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of male twinNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of male twin figures, region Oyo/ Ogbomosho.Large head on short necks, scarification makrs on cheeks and abdomen.Wood, nails as pupils.Traces of indigo dye on coSee Sold Price
Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of male twinNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of male twin figures, region Oyo.Scarification marks on forehead, temples and cheeks.Wood, tree-bark necklace, traces of indigo dye on coiffure, residue of red wSee Sold Price
Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of female twinNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of female twin figures, region Egba.Scarification marks on the cheeks, curvy breasts, abdomen, back, and arms.Zig-zag decoration around the pedestal.Wood, glass-See Sold Price
Nigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of male twinNigeria. Yoruba. Pair of Ibedjis. Pair of male twin figures, region Shaki/ Ilorin.Scarification marks on cheeks and abdomen, decorative perforations on coiffure.Wood, beaded necklaces.Traces of indigoSee Sold Price
SoldYoruba Nigeria "Ibeji" Wood Twin FiguresYoruba, Nigeria, Pair of "Ibeji" Wood Twin Figures , one female, the other male, height of each 7 1/4 in., Note: twins were considered to be powerful entities by the Yoruba Peoples, Provenance: High MSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th C. African Ibeji Standing Twin Figures (pr)**Originally Listed At $600** West Africa, Nigeria, Yoruba peoples, ca. early 20th century CE. A matched pair of hand-carved wooden Ere Ibeji twin figures - one male and one female. The figures have sSee Sold Price
20th C. African Ibeji Standing Twin Figures (pr)West Africa, Nigeria, Yoruba peoples, ca. early 20th century CE. A matched pair of hand-carved wooden Ere Ibeji twin figures - one male and one female. The figures have similar faces composed of largeSee Sold Price
Early 20th C. African Ibeji Standing Twin Figures (pr)**Originally Listed At $600** West Africa, Nigeria, Yoruba peoples, ca. early 20th century CE. A matched pair of hand-carved wooden Ere Ibeji twin figures - one male and one female. The figures have sSee Sold Price
Early 20th C. African Ibeji Standing Twin Figures (pr)**Originally Listed At $600** West Africa, Nigeria, Yoruba peoples, ca. early 20th century CE. A matched pair of hand-carved wooden Ere Ibeji twin figures - one male and one female. The figures have sSee Sold Price
Early 20th C. African Ibeji Standing Twin Figures (pr)**Originally Listed At $600** West Africa, Nigeria, Yoruba peoples, ca. early 20th century CE. A matched pair of hand-carved wooden Ere Ibeji twin figures - one male and one female. The figures have sSee Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, colour pigments, coconut discs, cowry shells, one nail head (eyes) preservedComparable "ibejis", probably by the same carver, illustrated by Stoll (1980, p. 260 f.). The figures show greatest siSee Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, camwood powder, miniature glass beads, coconut discs, metal tag eyes (one missing) H: 23,5 cm (male) / 25 cm (female), H: 9,3 inch Provenance: collected in situ in the 1960s Saxer, Switzerland RSee Sold Price
SoldMale pair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yorubawood, pigment, nail heads, miniature glass beads, rep. (base of one of the figures) H: 20,5 cm / 21 cm, H: 8,1 inch / 8,3 inch Provenance: Ketterer, Munich, 30 April 1988, lot 428 Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Yoruba Tribal Ibeji Twin Cult Carved Wood Figure African Nigeria #1Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Yoruba Tribal Ibeji Twin Cult Carved Wood Figure African Nigeria #2Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Yoruba Tribal Ere Ibeji Twin Figure Doll Male African Statue w/Trade BeadsArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Pair of Yoruba Ogboni Edan Staff Ex SEGY CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
African Yoruba Bronze Edan (deity Onile, Male / Female)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A PAIR OF BRONZED FIGURES OF RECUMBANT HOUNDS one signed Gayrard, the other M Deva. 14 cm x 6 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024