SoldPre-Columbian Mayan Polychrome Cylinder VesselPre-Columbian Mayan Polychrome Cylinder Vessel C.E. 300 to 900, showing a seated priest with band of glyphs; provenance: purchased at Sotheby's (sticker on underside), Chicago, Illinois estate ConditiSee Sold Price
SoldA PRE-COLUMBIAN MAYAN POLYCHROME cylinder vessel,A PRE-COLUMBIAN MAYAN POLYCHROME cylinder vessel, the sides carved with triangular devices and flanked by two bands of glyphs encircling the rim and foot. Late classic, circa 500-950 A.D. Height: 7".See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mayan Polychrome CylinderGuatemala, Peten region, ca 550 to 800 CE. Terracotta cylinder decorated in two scenes, first the Old God is shown in profile seated upon a throne, addressing two individuals at his feet, glyph band aSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mayan Polychrome CylinderMayan Territories, most likely El Salvador or Honduras, ca 550 to 800 CE. Terracotta vessel - of the type most commonly used for drinking cocoa - decorated with vertical columns between glyphoids. 5-3See Sold Price
SoldMayan Peten Polychrome CylinderAncient Pre-Columbian Mayan Polychrome Cylinder from the Peten Valley, Guatemala, ca 500 to 800 A.D. Typical cylinder form with slightly-flaring walls decorated in shades of red, orange and black withSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Mayan Ulua Valley cylinderPre-Columbian, Mayan polychrome cylinder from Ulua Valley in Honduras, Classic Period 600 AD - 850 AD. This well polished and painted tripod cylinder is done with stylized monkey's tails around the liSee Sold Price
Pre Columbian Mayan Polychrome Decorated CylinderPre Columbian Mayan Polychrome Decorated Cylinder 6.75''x4''. Ceramic cylinder has a motif of five dancing figures with symbols near top rim. Slight edge wear to glaze. 500 to 900 CE.See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mayan Copan polychrome cylinderCulture: Pre-Columbian Classification: Mayan Copan, Honduras Western Region Date: 600 AD - 850 ADSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Mayan Copan polychrome cylinderCulture: Pre-Columbian Classification: Mayan Copan, Honduras Western Region Date: 600 AD - 850 ADSee Sold Price
SoldMAYAN POLYCHROME CYLINDER JARPre-Columbian Mayan Culture polychrome cylinder jar, decorated in geometric patterns and birds. Measures approximately 8 inches in height, and 3.75 inches in diameter. Some hairline fissures, otherwisSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Cylinder VesselPre-Columbian Classic Mayan Polychrome Cylinder Form Bowl / Vase, covered in Mayan Hieroglyphic Glyphs. 5" in Diameter by 12" in height. Broken, but repaired, and intact. Circa 235-700 AD. Comes withSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Cylinder Vessel, 550-950 ADA Pre-Columbian Mayan / Maya polychrome ceramic cylinder vessel. Late Classic, 550-950 AD. Painted in shades of orange and black with geometric motifs and stylized mat symbols, encircled with a band oSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Pre-Columbian Polychrome Cylinder Pot or VesselMayan Pre-Columbian Polychrome Cylinder Pot or Vessel 7.25''x6.25''. Mexico. Repeating three panel motif with winged bird. Professional repair to side 4''x4''. Provenance: Private collection. All purcSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Cylinder, ex-Robert SoninStarts at $500 Pre-Columbian, Guatemala, ca 500 to 800 CE. Attractive terracotta cylinder decorated with a seated lord addressing a subject, each sitting cross-legged, the lord on a short platform theSee Sold Price
SoldFine Mayan Polychrome CylinderStarts at $500 Pre-Columbian, probably from the Guatemala / Honduras border region, ca 500 to 900 CE. Large pottery vessel decorated on the lower area with repeating oval spots - often found on the clSee Sold Price
SoldTall Mayan Polychrome Cylinder - HieroglyphsPre-Columbian, Late Classic Maya, ca. 550 to 850 CE. This is a tall example of a cylinder vessel made from heavy grained terracotta pottery and slipped with red/orange, black, and cream. Around the riSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Cylinder - Black Jaguar, ex-BalanquePre-Columbian, Ulua Valley, Honduras, Classic Mayan, ca. 550 to 850 CE. A Mayan polychrome cylinder, of large scale supported by three slab feet and highly adorned with elaborate hand painted decoratiSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Cylinder - Companion SpiritsPre-Columbian, Ulua Valley, Honduras, Classic Mayan, ca. 550 to 850 CE. A large and impressive Mayan polychrome cylinder supported by three slab feet and highly adorned with elaborate hand painted decSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Cylinder - Standing LordDonated By: Donick Cary, Emmy-Award winning writer/producer (Letterman /Simpsons / Parks and Recreation /Silicon Valley) Pre-Columbian, southern Mexico and northern Central America, Mayan Territories,See Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Cylinder w/ Pseudo-Glyphs**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, Mayan Territories, Honduras, Classic / Late Classic period, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A large, steep-sided ceramic bowl with a dark red painted interior and an exSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mayan Copan cylinderA sweet pre-Columbian, Maya polychrome cylinder from Copan. This cute cylinder measures 4.25 inches tall and 4.25 inches diameter. The stone polished surface is panted with seated Chiefs and a swimmerSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Cylinder Vessel with KukulkanPre-Columbian, Mexico and northern Central America, Mayan Territories, Late Classic, ca. 550 to 900 CE. A large cylinder jar, wonderfully painted, standing on three nub-like feet, and with a slightlySee Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Cylinder Vessel w/ Flowers & BirdsPre-Columbian, Mayan Territories, Honduras, Ulua Valley, Late Classic period, ca. 500 to 900 CE. A fine pottery cylinder vessel covered in layers of rich orange, red, and black pigment. The flat-basedSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Cylinder - RabbitsCulture: Pre-Columbian Classification: Mayan Copan, Honduras Western Region Date: 600 AD - 850 ADSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Bahia Culture Figural Ceremonial Terracotta Ocarina Vessel Flute Ecuador 500BCE-500CEHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Stunning Mace Head, Pre Columbian, Mayan Culture, Found in Guatemala. 4.1/4" DiameterHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1.1/8" Mayan Jade Ear Spool, Pre ColumbianHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1.5/8" Jade Pre Columbian Mayan Pendant.Heartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1.15/16" Jade Bead, Large, Good Green Color, Pre Columbian MayanHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
5' Pre Columbian Hafted Bell Shape Axe / Celt, Guatamala, MayanHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1 1/2" Pre Columbian Pottery Face Effigy Head Mayan Aztec found in South AmericaHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pre-Columbian Mayan Flint Arrowhead CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Modern Pre-Columbian Style Mayan Ceramic Pottery PlatePassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pre-Columbian, Recuay polychrome figural jarToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Chupicuaro Polychrome Tripod Bowl w/ Linear MotifArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024