SoldA NORTHERN PLAINS BEADED HIDE MALE DOLL c. 1900A NORTHERN PLAINS BEADED HIDE MALE DOLLc. 1900 with beaded eyes, hide nose, and buffaloSee Sold Price
SoldA SOUTHERN PLAINS BEADED HIDE MALE DOLL c. 1900A SOUTHERN PLAINS BEADED HIDE MALE DOLLc. 1900 hide, cloth, glass beads, horsehair, pigSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Northern Plains Beaded Dollsa) Female form, beaded yoke and belt, hightop moccasins in light blue, dark blue, yellow and butterscotch, on native tanned hide. Fine condition, c. 1900; b) Female form, fully beaded yoke, lane beadwSee Sold Price
SoldNorthern Plains Beaded Doll13" male form, muslin cloth body with native tanned hide shirt, leggings and moccasins. Blue trade breechcloth, beaded face and braided hair. Fine condition, c 1880See Sold Price
A SIOUX BEADED HIDE MALE DOLL c. 1900A SIOUX BEADED HIDE MALE DOLL c. 1900 with beaded facial features, accented with bSee Sold Price
SoldA SIOUX BEADED HIDE MALE DOLL c. 1900A SIOUX BEADED HIDE MALE DOLLc. 1900 with beaded facial features, red pigment on the cheeks, and horsehaiSee Sold Price
SoldA SIOUX BEADED HIDE MALE DOLL c. 1900A SIOUX BEADED HIDE MALE DOLL c. 1900 with beaded facial features, accented with blueSee Sold Price
SoldA Plains Beaded Hide Doll c. 1900 native tanneA Plains Beaded Hide Dollc. 1900 native tanned and commercial hide, glass seed beads, fSee Sold Price
SoldA Plains Beaded Hide Female Doll c. 1900 hideA Plains Beaded Hide Female Doll c. 1900 hide, glass seed beads, metal sequins, wool and cotton cloth, horse hair, sinew, thread Height: 11 ½ inches HID03101062020 © 2020 Heritage AuctSee Sold Price
SoldNorthern Plains Beaded Hide Moccasins, c. 1900, prNorthern Plains Beaded Hide Moccasins, c. 1900, probably Plains Cree, beaded on thick buffalo or moose hide, with multicolored geometric designs on a white ground, edged with red trade cloth, lg. 10 iSee Sold Price
SoldNorthern Plains Beaded Hide Child's Doll c. 1890The lot features a wonderfully beaded hide doll from the Northern Plains Native American Indians. The piece, which is likely Sioux or Crow, show an Indian tanned hide and trade clothe canvas constructSee Sold Price
SoldA NORTHERN PLAINS BEADED HIDE SHIRT c. 1900 A NORTHERN PLAINS BEADED HIDE SHIRTc. 1900 with stylized floral desSee Sold Price
SoldA Northern Cheyenne Beaded Hide Male Doll c. 19A Northern Cheyenne Beaded Hide Male Doll c. 1920 hide, muslin, velvet, glass seed beads, shell buttons, hair, red wool trade cloth, sinew, thread, with old tag attached, inscribed Mrs. Julia WolfchumSee Sold Price
A Plains Beaded Hide Female Doll c. 1900 hide,A Plains Beaded Hide Female Doll c. 1900 hide, glass seed beads, muslin, horse hair, sinew, thread Height: 14 inches HID03101242017See Sold Price
SoldLarge Southern Plains Beaded Hide Male Doll, ComanLarge Southern Plains Beaded Hide Male Doll, Comanche (?), c. late 19th century, very large form wearing a traditional shirt, leggings, and tin cone decorated moccasins with white seed bead eyes and tSee Sold Price
SoldA Plains Beaded Hide and Canvas Male Doll c. 18A Plains Beaded Hide and Canvas Male Doll c. 1890 hide, cloth, glass seed beads, horse hair, shell buttons, thread, custom metal stand Height: 9 ¼ inches HID03101062020 © 2020 HeritageSee Sold Price
SoldNorthern Plains Indian man's beaded hide shirt aNorthern Plains Indian man's beaded hide shirt and leggings, Blackfoot, c. 1900. Both with fringe and perforated tabs off the bottom & sides. The beaded strips and shirt bib with multi-colored geometrSee Sold Price
SoldNorthern Plains Beaded Hide Doll hand-stitched muslin body with beaded features and beaded hide garments. Back of head is dark brown leather, possibly buffalo. All stitching is with thread, height 15.5 in. ca 1900See Sold Price
SoldNORTHERN PLAINS BEADED HIDE MOCCASINS, C.1880-1900Native American beaded hide moccasins, Northern Plains, c.1880-1900, approx 8.5"l, 0.25lbs Start Price: $200.00See Sold Price
A PAIR OF SIOUX BEADED HIDE DOLLS c. 1900A PAIR OF SIOUX BEADED HIDE DOLLSc. 1900 male and female, each with painted and embroidSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN INDIAN BEADED HIDE & CLOTH DOLLS (3)AMERICAN INDIAN BEADED HIDE & CLOTH DOLLS (3), C. 1900-20, H 9"-10", PROBABLY PLAINS:Each doll made of hide and cloth with beadwork details, including 2 female dolls in buckskin dresses, one of whichSee Sold Price
Sold2 pair of Northern Plains Beaded Moccasinsa) 10" long, multicolored geometric design with red buffalo tracks on white. Tab style tongues with tin cones at tips and split. Native tanned hide, hard soles, good condition, c. 1900; b) 11" long, mSee Sold Price
LCT Tiffany Favrile Pink & Gold Art Glass Heart and Vine Vase 9.3 in c. 1900Taylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
6 Pairs Beaded Hide Children's MoccasinsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Timeless Collection Porcelain Native American DollLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
AN INDIAN HARDWOOD AND BRASS INLAID OCTAGONAL TABLE C.1900 profusely decorated with leaf scrolls onAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Native American Ponca Miniature Basket, c. 1900Stefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(107)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Early Native American Plains Blackfoot Beaded MoccasinsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
British School, "Man Seated Outside an Estate with Show Dogs," c. 1900, H.- 23 1/2 in., W.- 33 1/4Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
A RARE EARLY AMERICAN STERLING SILVER BAAL SHEM TOV STYLE HANUKKAH LAMP. New York, c.1900. On fourJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
MAHOGANY CASED TABLETOP STEREO VIEWER, c.1900Austin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024