SoldSpot-On - A Group of 7 x Unboxed ModelsSpot-On - unboxed models group of 7 including - Ford Zephyr 6 - gold, grey interior, Ford Anglia - pale blue, white interior, MGA Sports - pale blue, blue interior, (missing screen), Bentley Saloon -See Sold Price
SoldSpot-On - A Group of 7 Unboxed ModelsSpot-On - a group of 7 unboxed models including - (1) Austin Healey - pale tan, grey interior (lacks screen), (2) Ford Anglia - pale blue, yellow interior, (3) Morris Minor 1000 - red, pale grey interSee Sold Price
SoldScalextric - A Group of 7 x Unboxed Sports CarsScalextric a group of 7 unboxed Sports Cars. Consisting of C4-11 Javelin - blue with racing number 6, C4-11 Electra - orange with racing number 2, C15 Ford Mirage - green with racing number 5, C16 FerSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi - A Group of 7 Unboxed ModelsCorgi a group of unboxed which includes "Daktari" Land Rover complete with figures, Bedford "Ambulance" - military green, Austin Mini Van - green, plus others - see part photo - conditions are generalSee Sold Price
SoldTriang Minic Ships - a Group of 7 x UnboxedTriang Minic Ships unboxed a collection of 7 including - M703 Queen Mary, M704 SS United States, M702 RMS Queen Elizabeth, M708 RMS Saxonia and M732 SS Varicella. All missing masts and with hulls repaSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Toys - A Group of 7 x Boxed & UnboxedCorgi Toys a mixed group of boxed and unboxed. Consisting of Corgi Juniors No.3025 Transporter Gift Set, No.276 Triumph Acclaim - metallic blue, No.431 US Custom Van "Vanatic", Corgi 50's Classics No.See Sold Price
Spot-On - a group of Unboxed ModelsSpot-On - a group of unboxed models including, Renault Floride Open-top - pale blue, red interior - Good, Bristol 406 - pale metallic blue, white interior and Austin A40 - red, yellow interior. Both GSee Sold Price
SoldSpot-On - A Group of Unboxed ModelsSpot-On - unboxed models including - Triumph TR3 - green, grey interior, Austin Healey - metallic pale blue, white interior and MGA - dark green, brown interior - all well repainted. Together with AusSee Sold Price
SoldSpot-on No.229 Lambretta ScooterSpot-on No.229 Lambretta Scooter - blue, red, black seats - Good (missing one plastic side panel) in Fair all carded box and 7 x unboxed to include - Land Rover "Radio RAC Rescue", Austin Healey SportSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Mercury Diecast ShipsMercury diecast ships - (1) Federico, (2) Patrone (in box for No.449) and No.458 Franca - Excellent Plus to Near Mint in Fair card boxes. Lot also includes 2 x unboxed models - No.451 Australia (fatigSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Superfast - 50 x Unboxed ModelsMatchbox Superfast - group of unboxed 1970s issue models including No.54 Ford Capri, No.53 Tanzara, No.20 Lamborghini Marzal No.35 Merryweather Fire Engine, No.74 Daimler Bus, etc, lot also includes tSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Models - A Group of 5 x UnboxedWestern Models unboxed a collection of 5 including - Lister Jaguar 1958 - green, yellow central stripe, running number 28, Jaguar XK120 - metallic bronze (damage to centre of roof), - Triumph Stag - rSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of 7 x EFE Bus SetsEFE a mixed group of Bus Sets. To include Cobham Bus Museum - London Bus Preservation Trust, Aldershot & District Traction Co Gift Set from Model Collector Magazine (specially enhanced for modelzone sSee Sold Price
SoldSchoolboys Figural Group, Goebel Hummel, Model #170/IIIGoebel Hummel Schoolboys Figural Group, 9.5" X 7" Mark #5, 1972, Model #170/IIISee Sold Price
SoldMinic Ships - A Group of 6 x UnboxedMinic Ships - group of unboxed models including, M702 RMS Queen Elizabeth - black, white, 2 red and black funnels, masts. M703 RMS Queen Mary - black, white, 3 red and black funnels, masts. M706 SS NiSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of 12 x UnboxedDinky unboxed models including - Pullmore Transporter, Leyland Wagon, Leyland Cement Wagon, Breakdown Lorry, Bedford Tipping Truck, 3 Saloons and 3 others. Generally Fair. (12)See Sold Price
SoldTriang Minic Ships - A Group of 6 x UnboxedTriang Minic Ships unboxed models including - SS France, RMS Aquatania, SS Port Auckland, Royal Yacht Hospital Ship, NS Sevana and TSS Vikingen. Most have masts although SS France lacks one. Overall cSee Sold Price
SoldA Large Group of Unboxed Diecast ModelsMatchbox Kingsize, Corgi Juniors, Tonka, Spot-on, a large group of unboxed. To include Matchbox Kingsize No.12 Foden Breakdown Tractor "BP", Kingsize No.10 Aveling Barford Tractor Shovel, Matchbox ModSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics - A Large Mixed GroupCorgi Classics - 7 x C90 Ford Model T Van Gift Set, 2 x D7/1 Royal Mail Set containing Morris Minor and Bedford O Series Van, 2 x D13/1 pair of Police Morris Minor Vans, 4 x No.05401 Beatle's Yellow SSee Sold Price
SoldAlfred Cheney Johnston: 25 Unidentified photosGroup #7 containing 25 Original Alfred Cheney Johnston photos in excellent condition, each approx 10" x 13" all models are unidentified and all backs are blankSee Sold Price
SoldMinic Ships - A Group of UnboxedMinic Ships - group of unboxed models including - 3 x M721 Royal Yacht Britannia (one in Hospital ship finish). 2 x M723 Isle of Guernsey, M722 Isle of Jersey, 2 x M724 Isle of Sark, 2 x M732 SS VaricSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Leitz binoculars(lot of 8) Leitz binoculars group, consisting of an E. Leitz Amplivid 6 x 24 model, 4.75"h, with leather case, a Leitz Trinovid 6 x 24 model, 4"h, with case, a Leitz Trinvoid 7 x 35 BA model, 5.5"h, wSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - 6 x No.641 Army 1-ton Cargo TruckDinky - a group of 6 x unboxed No.641 Army 1-ton Cargo Truck - each model is green, including tilt and ridged hubs, a couple have light corrosion to base and one has light corrosion to top of tilt - oSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF 3 GERMAN PORCELAIN NUDE FIGURINESGroup of 3 Figures: 1) Goebel Lady Leaning on the Column (10.5"H x 5.5"L x 4"W). Model number 1302528. 2) Kaiser Seated Nude (9"H x 8"L x 7"W). Model number 489. 3) Kaiser Nude Lady Fixing Her Hair (1See Sold Price
C&NW Railroad Geneva / West Chicago Interlocking Diagram and two Brass Tower Interlocking LeversRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
[BASEBALL]. Group of Two Lithographed Leaves from a Tobacco...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
10 Vintage Printed Feedsacks - Yellow and More - Group XDana Auctions4.7(144)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
An Exquisite Museum Quality Austro-Hungarian Silver Gilt & Enamel Carriage Group FigurinesFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Vintage DC Marvel Comics Novelty Toy CollectionBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
4PC 1973 Evel Knievel Ideal Cycle Van Poster GroupBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
16PC Magic The Gathering Factory Sealed Card GroupBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Meissen Porcelain Figural Group 4" x 7" x 4"Carstens Galleries4.5(130)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
ROYAL COPENHAGEN, BING & GRONDAHL PORCELAINPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Antonio Borsato "Madonna and Child" Bisque FigurinePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024
National Cash Register Brass Drawer Barber Or Candy Shop 313cJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Pair of Thermos Canteens, Martin Auto Fly-Wate model 48 Reel & Bushnell Custom 7 x 35 mm BinocularsCrawford Family Auctions LLC4.5(119)See Sold PriceMay 25, 2024