SoldThree Pairs of Wall BracketsComprising a pair of rococo style brackets, a pair of bamboo decorated two tier brackets, and a pair of mahogany three tier brackets. Provenance: Estate of Leo Barrile, Leo's Antiques in Bensonhurst NSee Sold Price
SoldThree pairs of wall bracketspair of Classical style molded resin, pair of Louis XVI style giltwood, and a pair of Regency style giltwood brackets, 10 in. L. size of largestSee Sold Price
SoldThree Pairs Wooden Wall Brackets and aPair Plate Holders Continental, 20th century: pair gilt wood Florentine style wall brackets, 9 x 8 in., [minor cracks;] molded plaster wall bracket with acanthus leaf support and shaped top, 8 x 8-1/4See Sold Price
SoldGILTWOOD MIRROR.GILTWOOD MIRROR. Together with three pairs of wall brackets Mirror: 25" x 12"See Sold Price
SoldThree Pairs of Painted Wall BracketsThree Pairs of Painted Wall Brackets Comprising: A pair of white painted brackets A pair of taupe painted feather brackets A pair of white painted parcel-gilt feather brackets The largest 13 3/4 in. hSee Sold Price
SoldThree Pairs of Giltwood Wall Brackets, Height of tThree Pairs of Giltwood Wall Brackets, of various styles and sizes. Height of tallest 14 3/4 inches.See Sold Price
SoldTHREE PAIRS ORIENTAL LACQUERED WALL BRACKETSVintage black hinged brackets with painted and gilt figural decoration in landscapes and interiors. H. 7.25, 9.5, and 10.75." Scratches.See Sold Price
SoldThree Pairs of Italian Giltwood Wall BracketsThree Pairs of Italian Giltwood Wall Brackets. Used condition, some chips and breaks. Maybe missing pieces. Largest 11" tall x 9" wide x 5 1/4" deep.See Sold Price
SoldTHREE PAIRS OF STAFFORDSHIRE PORCELAIN BIRDS.THREE PAIRS OF STAFFORDSHIRE PORCELAIN BIRDS. Comprised of two Black Parrot No. 19, two Rose Duzel No. 20, and two Blue Hawk No. 16. Together with three pairs of white painted wall brackets, with inseSee Sold Price
SoldThree pairs of carved and giltwood wall brackets, lateThree pairs of carved and giltwood wall brackets, late 19th century, one pair with demi-lune platforms above foliate carved supports with birds, modelled opposing, 24cm high, 31cm wide; another pair wSee Sold Price
Sold3 PAIR ITALIAN ROCOCO GILT WOOD BRACKET SHELVESTHREE PAIRS ITALIAN ROCOCO CARVED AND GILT WALL BRACKETS: Three sizes, 11 3/4'', 9 3/4'' and 8 1/2''. Please call for condition.See Sold Price
Sold(lot of 6) Three pairs of Louis XV style giltwood(lot of 6) Three pairs of Louis XV style giltwood carved wall brackets, late 19th / early 20th century, each having a shaped top above a scroll and acanthus decorated support, largest: 12"h. ProvenancSee Sold Price
Miscellaneous Group of Gilt Wall BracketsMostly composite, Including three pairs. Largest pair height 10 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF THREE UPHOLSTERED FOOT STOOLS.GROUP OF THREE UPHOLSTERED FOOT STOOLS. Together with a media rack, a pair of wall brackets and an oval table with candle slide Tallest Stool: 18" x 18"See Sold Price
SoldPair Three Light Pricket Wall SconcesPair antique three light pricket wall sconces. 6 1/2" high, 17 1/4" wide. Condition: lacking wall brackets, wear, losses.See Sold Price
SoldJudy Beals Display CasesThree illuminated display cases: a wall case 4.5" H, a clock case and a wider case, all with brass hardware and signed by Judy Beals. Also a pair of wall brackets by Kent Hallsted and box of flatwareSee Sold Price
Sold3 Meissen Style Porcelain Wall BracketsThree (3) Meissen style porcelain wall brackets including one (1) pair and one (1) single smaller bracket. 1st-2nd item: Pair of wall brackets each decorated with a cherub and flowers and gold gilt acSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH ANTIQUE BRASS THREE-LIGHT SCONCES, PAIRENGLISH ANTIQUE BRASS THREE-LIGHT SCONCES, PAIR, H 16", W 14":Hung from wall brackets. Not wired. Purchased from Mildred Friedman Antiques. From a prominent Dearborn Heights, Mi. collector. For a highSee Sold Price
SoldCURIO WALL BRACKETS, PAIR AND CURIOSCURIO WALL BRACKETS, PAIR, H 6 1/2", W 6" AND CURIOS (3) :Gold finish over composition. Three curios include Dresden urn with cherubs H 7"; pierced jar with loose cover H 3"; and German figure of girlSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Majolica Wall Brackets, England, late 19thPair of Majolica Wall Brackets, England, late 19th century, attributed to George Pull, each with three angels playing musical instruments seated on pendant garlands, impressed mark, ht. to 6 in.See Sold Price
SoldA Pair of Giltwood Wall Brackets, Height of firstA Pair of Giltwood Wall Brackets, together with a giltwood corner bracket; three pieces. Height of first 21 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
SoldA pair of softwood wall brackets, in the Regency style,A pair of softwood wall brackets, in the Regency style, each semicircular shelf with a carved starburst and ball finials to the underside, supported by three entwined dolphins, gilded and repainted, 2See Sold Price
Three Dietz Tubular Lanterns-Little Wizard/US Brass/Little Giant 70 HourJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(2) CARVED & MARBLEIZED WOOD EAGLE WALL BRACKETSAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A GEORGE III MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE BOOKCASE with Greek key cornice above twin astragal glazed doors,Adam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A pair of gilt wall sconces / wall lights with three branches, bow and acanthus detail. Approx. 23Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Janet Schwietzer, Pace, Modern Obra Bookshelf, Red Lacquer, Steel, glass, 1990sJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lot of 3 Antique French Gold Gilded Wall Shelves.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SEVEN SMALL GILTWOOD WALL BRACKETSA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FLAVIO POLI attributed. Pair of three-lights wall lamps for Seguso, Murano.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Hollywood Regency Gilt Metal Wall Sconces, PairAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
PAIR OF BRONZE THREE BRANCH WALL SCONCESA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
LARGE 19C ANTIQUE FRENCH GILT BRONZE WALL SCONCESAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024