>HORACE GREELEY>. (>Amer., 1811-1872>).>HORACE GREELEY>. (>Amer., 1811-1872>). >Autograph letter, signed. July 16, 1872,>, >On New York letterhead. Text discusses Greeley's nomination for President by the Republican Party> - >8 x 5 in.>See Sold Price
SoldHORACE GREELEY SMALL ARCHIVE, AND MOREHorace Greeley (1811-1872) founder and editor of The New York Tribune, a small archive of family letters and ephemera including 4 Horace Greeley signed letters (1867-69) on NY Tribune letterhead, an iSee Sold Price
SoldCIVIL WAR NOTABLESCIVIL WAR NOTABLES Lot of three letters of prominent figures of the Civil War era. Includes: HORACE GREELEY (1811 - 1872) American journalist and founder of the New York Tribune which advocated abolitSee Sold Price
SoldHorace Greeley 2x Signed ALS Regarding Gold StandardGreeley Horace Horace Greeley 2x Signed ALS Regarding Gold Standard Debate Two pieces of correspondence, including a 1p ALS 2x signed by newspaper editor Horace Greeley (1811-1872), the first time asSee Sold Price
Sold1st Ed. Civil War Book "The American Conflict" 1866Important Leather Bound First Edition of THE AMERICAN CONFLICT by Horace Greeley (1811-1872) | Volume II (1862 - 1865) | Published by O. D. Case; Company, Hartford, Connecticut, 1866 | Illustrated witSee Sold Price
SoldHORACE GREELEYHORACE GREELEY (1811 - 1872) American journalist and founder of the New York Tribune which advocated abolition, and universal amnesty and suffrage. Greeley also posted bail for Jefferson Davis. A.L.S.See Sold Price
SoldHORACE GREELEYHORACE GREELEY (1811 - 1872) American journalist and founder of the New York Tribune which advocated abolition, and universal amnesty and suffrage. Greeley also posted bail for Jefferson Davis. A.L.S.See Sold Price
SoldHORACE GREELEY HANDWRITTEN SIGNED LETTER"I MUST FINISH MY HISTORY OF THE WAR"109. HORACE GREELEY (1811-1872). Influential journalist and antislavery political leader; founded the New York Tribune (1841) and was its editor for 31 years; popuSee Sold Price
SoldHANDWRITTEN MANUSCRIPT BY HORACE GREELEYPOLITICAL MACHINATIONS AND THE CIVIL WAR604. [ABRAHAM LINCOLN] Handwritten manuscript by journalist HORACE GREELEY (1811-1872) editor of the New York Tribune, regarding CongreSee Sold Price
SoldLetter dated Oct. 20, 1851. Signed Horace GreeleyLetter dated Oct. 20, 1851. Signed Horace Greeley. Letter has extensive staining and water damage. The signature remains unharmed. Horace Greeley (1811-1872) was an ardent abolitionist. He founded theSee Sold Price
SoldPublisher HORACE GREELEY-40 Page Autograph DiaryHorace Greeley (1811-1872) Newspaper editor and political leader. Greeley founded the highly influential New York Tribune in 1841 a daily paper dedicated to reforms, economic progress, and the elevatiSee Sold Price
SoldHORACE GREELEY HANDWRITTEN SIGNED LETTER W/PIC886. HORACE GREELEY (1811-1872). Influential journalist and antislavery political leader; founded the New York Tribune (1841) and was its editor for 31 years; popularized the admonition, "Go West younSee Sold Price
SoldHORACE GREELEY165. HORACE GREELEY (1811-1872). Influential journalist and antislavery political leader; founded the New York Tribune (1841) and was its editor for 31 years; popularized the admonition, "Go West younSee Sold Price
SoldHORACE GREELEYHORACE GREELEY (1811 - 1872) American journalist and founder of the New York Tribune which advocated abolition, and universal amnesty and suffrage. Greeley also posted bail for Jefferson Davis. A.L.S.See Sold Price
Editor HORACE GREELEY - Autograph Ltr SignedHorace Greeley (1811-1872) Editor and reformer. Greeley founded the highly influential New York Tribune, a daily paper dedicated to reforms, economic progress, and the elevation of the masses. He editSee Sold Price
HORACE GREELEY CDV PHOTO176. [HORACE GREELEY] (1811-1872). Influential journalist and antislavery political leader; founded the New York Tribune (1841) and was its editor for 31 years; popularized the admonition, "Go West yoSee Sold Price
HORACE GREELEY103. HORACE GREELEY (1811-1872). Influential journalist and antislavery political leader; founded the New York Tribune (1841) and was its editor for 31 years; popularized the admonition, "Go West younSee Sold Price
SoldNY REP. HORACE GREELEY HANDWRITTEN SIGNED LETTERCONGRESSMAN GREELEY: "THE CROOKED SHALL BE MADE STRAIGHT"84. HORACE GREELEY (1811-1872). Influential journalist and antislavery political leader; founded the New York Tribune (1841) and was its editorSee Sold Price
Horace Greeley ALS, May 8, 1865, Three Weeks AfterHorace Greeley ALS, May 8, 1865, Three Weeks After Lincoln's Assassination Horace Greeley (1811-1872). Founder and editor of the influential Republican and abolitionist newspaper New York Tribune, aSee Sold Price
SoldHORACE GREELEYHORACE GREELEY (1811 - 1872) American journalist and founder of the New York Tribune which advocated abolition, and universal amnesty and suffrage. Greeley also posted bail for Jefferson Davis. A.L.S.See Sold Price
SoldEditor HORACE GREELEY - Autograph Ltr SignedHorace Greeley (1811-1872) Editor and reformer. Greeley founded the highly influential New York Tribune, a daily paper dedicated to reforms, economic progress, and the elevation of the masses. He editSee Sold Price
SoldHORACE GREELEY SUES A NEW JERSEY NEWSPAPER FOR LIBELHORACE GREELEY SUES A NEW JERSEY NEWSPAPER FOR LIBEL HORACE GREELEY (1811 - 1872) American journalist and founder of the New York Tribune which advocated abolition, and universal amnesty and suffrage.See Sold Price
SoldHorace Greeley AutographAutograph of Horace Greeley (1811-1872) editor of the New-York Tribune and politician, ALS, 1pp., on New York Tribune letterhead dated May 17th, 1869. Manuscript letter measures 7.75" x 4.75"See Sold Price
Editor HORACE GREELEY - Autograph Ltr SignedHorace Greeley (1811-1872) Editor and reformer. Greeley founded the highly influential New York Tribune, a daily paper dedicated to reforms, economic progress, and the elevation of the masses. He editSee Sold Price
Memphis and St. Louis RR Surveys and Observations Report-August 21, 1872JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(19thc) MONUMENTAL NATIVE AMER. SPLIT ASH BASKETJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
GOLDIN, Horace (Hyman Elias Goldstein, 1873 - 1939). Horace...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
M. B. Kennedy. (Amer. Early 20th C.) Oil SgdMid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Three New York & Harlem Railroad Annual Passes - 1872, 1884, and 1885Rail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Horace Bristol (1909-1997), "Shinto Shrine Melee," 1946, Giclee print on paper, Image: 20" H x 30" WJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
19TH C GERMAN OIL PAINTING BY EMIL ZSCHIMMER C 1872Antique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Horace Burdick (MA,RI,CT,1844-1942) oil paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMay 05, 2024
1872 New Combination Atlas of Lee County Illinois BookMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
AMER. CHIPPENDALE SLANT LID DESK ON OGEE BRACKET FEET , WALNUT (43 1/2' TALL X 38" WIDE X 20" DEEP)Carlsen Gallery, Inc.4.6(163)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Judaica by Gorham Sterling Silver Challah Set 2pc Fitted Box Date 1872Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Goethe’s Faust, new Amer. translation, illus. by Rockwell KentJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1811 36th Year of Independence Mary Gilbert American Needlepoint SamplerMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Group of 2 Vintage Disney Horace Horsecollar ItemsMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Louis Kronberg (New York, Florida, Massachusetts, 1872 - 1965) pastel on paper. art work measuresJoshua Kodner4.2(387)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
A pair of Chinese calligraphies, attributed to Zeng Guofan (Chinese, 1811-1872)Oakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024