SoldWINFRED GAUL D19.GAUL WINFRED (1928 - 2003) D19. 1970. Olio su tela . Cm 95,00 x 65,00. Al retro firma, data e cartiglio della Galleria Hasenkamp, Koln Bonn Dusseldorf. Pubblicazioni: Winfred Gaul, Werkverzeichnis Bd.See Sold Price
SoldWinfred Gaul (Dusseldorf 1928 - 2003)Segnali, 1967 tecnica mista e collage su carta, cm 100 x 70Firmato al verso: Gaul 67See Sold Price
SoldWINFRED GAUL (German, 1928-2003)Four untitled silkscreens in color, 1970 (framed separately); Signed, dated, and numbered 130/130 on verso; 23 1/2" x 23 1/2" (each)See Sold Price
SoldWinfred Gaul* (1928-2003)Collage, colored cardboard. Both motifs 25 x 25 cm. Each signed lower right in pencil: GAUL. Framed behind glass., 1967See Sold Price
SoldWINFRED GAUL Hommage a Calderara.Hommage a Calderara. 1971. Oil on canvas . Cm 80,00 x 80,00. Title, signature and year at the back.See Sold Price
SoldWinfred Gaul (1928 Düsseldorf - 2003 ibid.) (F)5-1-59', oil on canvas, 140 cm x 100 cm, signed on verso, dated 59, titled, partly slightly craquelured, Provenance: Galerie Änne Abels, Cologne (gallery label on verso), Galerie Marianne HennemanSee Sold Price
SoldWinfred GaulWinfred Gaul, 1928-2003 Abstrakte Komposition. Mischtechnik auf Bütten. 76,5 x 57,5 cm. Hinter Glas gerahmt. Unten rechts sign. und dat. GAUL 88.See Sold Price
SoldWinfred Gaul - Untitledlithograph in colours numbered E.A. cm 65 x 50 Sign and date in pencil lower right Few foxing This lot is subject to Artists Resale RightsSee Sold Price
SoldWINFRED GAUL, D17WINFRED GAUL (1928 - 2003) D17 1970 Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 cm Signed, dated, titled and with dimensions on the reverse PROVENANCE: Galleria Sincron, Brescia (stamp on the reverse) Private CollectioSee Sold Price
WINFRED GAUL 1928 Düsseldorf - 2003 ebendaWINFRED GAUL 1928 Düsseldorf - 2003 ebenda KONVOLUT AUS DREI ARBEITEN Jew. Farbsiebdruck auf Karton. Jew. DM 25 x 25 cm, jew. BM 35 x 35 cm. Jew. unten rechts handsigniert 'Gaul'. Eine Arbeit parSee Sold Price
Winfred Gaul (1928 - 2003)Winfred Gaul (1928 - 2003): Komposition Signiert unten rechts. Nummeriert unten links. Eines von 50 Exemplaren. Das Blatt ist im weißen Blattbereich kaum merklich angestaubt sowie vereinzelt kaum merSee Sold Price
Winfred Gaul (1928 - 2003)Winfred Gaul (1928 - 2003): Komposition 1965 Signiert und datiert unten rechts, nummeriert unten links. Eines von 150 Exemplaren. An der linken unteren und rechten oberen Blattecke kaum merkliche BlatSee Sold Price
Winfred Gaul 1928 Düsseldorf - 2003 Kaiserswe...Winfred Gaul 1928 Düsseldorf - 2003 Kaiserswerth - Komposition - Farbserigrafie/Lwd. 35/100. 90 x 65 cm. Rückseitig sign. und dat.: GAUL (19)71. Vereinzelt leichte Oberflächenläsuren.See Sold Price
SoldWinfred Gaul (Düsseldorf 1928 – 2003)Segnale, 1964 serigrafia a colori, es. 43/100, cm 60 x 60 (misure del foglio), (sc)Firma a matita in basso a destraUno strappo al margine sinistro 1 silk-screen print, numbered 43/100, cm 60 x 60 (papSee Sold Price
SoldWinfred Gaul (Dusseldorf 1928 - 2003)Composizione litografia a colori, es. E.A., cm 50 x 50 (misure del foglio)Firma a matita in basso a destra 1 lithograph in colours, numbered E.A., cm 50 x 50 (paper size), sign in pencil lower rightSee Sold Price
Winfred Gaul 1928 Düsseldorf - 2003 Kaiserswe...Winfred Gaul 1928 Düsseldorf - 2003 Kaiserswerth - 'Ohne Titel' - Öl/Lwd. 100 x 120 cm. Auf der RS sign. und dat.: Gaul / 1961. Rahmen. - Lit.: Das Kunstwerk 11/XV, Baden Baden 1961, S. 24.See Sold Price
SoldWinfred Gaul* (1928-2003)Metall, emailliert. D. 60 cm. Auflage 10. Rückseitig signiert und nummeriert: Gaul 3/10.See Sold Price
SoldWINFRED GAUL Striped edge V.Striped edge V. 1970. Mixed media on canvas. Cm 35,00 x 35,00. At the back title, signature and year.. Frame presentSee Sold Price
SoldWINFRED GAUL, UntitledWINFRED GAUL(1928 - 2003)UntitledSilkscreen, ed. 56/10049.7 x 49.9 cmSigned in pencil lower right and numbered lower leftPROVENANCE:Private Collection, Milan Notes:Signed in pencil lower right and numSee Sold Price
SoldWinfred GaulWinfred Gaul, 1928-2003 Aquarell auf Bütten. 76,2 x 58 cm. Unten rechts sign. und dat. Gaul 88 25-8-88 7.See Sold Price
SoldWinfred Gaul BOZZETTO SINCRON collage di retiniWinfred Gaul BOZZETTO SINCRON collage di retini colorati e lettering trasferibile su cartone Shoeller, cm 103x73 eseguito nel 1971See Sold Price
SoldWinfred Gaul (1928 - 2003), Untitled, 1970,Winfred Gaul (1928 - 2003), Untitled, 1970, serigraph/paper, 59.5 x 59.5 cm (sheet), signed, dated and described with a pencil on the reverse: '125/150 Gaul 70' -NOTE:- In addition to the hammer priceSee Sold Price
SoldWINFRED GAUL OHNE TITELWINFRED GAUL 1928 Duesseldorf - 2003 ebenda OHNE TITEL Frablithographie. SM 24,5 x 24 cm (R. 36 x 24 cm). Signiert und numm.: 4/120. Gebraeunt. Im Pass. hinter Glas gerahmt.WINFRED GAUL 1928 DuesseldoSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of three serigraphs of differeGroup of three serigraphs of different artists of concrete art: Karl Gerstner (1930-2017), ''Color Sound'', Helmut Sundhaußen (1935-2018), o.T., Winfred Gaul (1928-2003), four squares, each signedSee Sold Price
ABRAHAM ORTELIUS (1527-1598) MAP OF ROMAN GAUL (FRANCE)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
11 Old Master prints. 16th-18th centuries. To include: Jacob Matham "Prudence", Pieter van derTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Chinese Under Glaze Red and Blue Porcelain Brushpot MarkedChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
2nd-1st Centuries BC Greek GAUL MASSALIA AR Drachm NGC AU55Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Gaul, Massalia AR Silver Drachm (2nd-1st Century BC) MS NGCGolden Gate Auctioneer4.1(275)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
tyler skaggs PSA DNA COA signed baseball angels d.19 autograph3 Kings Auction4.2(197)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Gaul, Massalia AR Silver Drachm (2nd-1st Century BC) MS NGCGolden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Mid-Century danish rosewood dining chairs set of 4 with new cream boucle cotton upholstery 1960’sMagic Hill, LLC4.5(34)See Sold PriceMar 27, 2024
This elegant corner cabinet is a unique piece of furniture that will add character to any room. MadeMagic Hill, LLC4.5(34)See Sold PriceMar 27, 2024
Introduce a touch of mid-century sophistication to your dining area with this stunning high glass ChMagic Hill, LLC4.5(34)See Sold PriceMar 27, 2024
French Oil on Canvas, Ca. Later 19th C., "Vercingetorix And the Gauls", H 29" W 41"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024