Long Letter by Rabbi Shlomo Sofer Rabbi ofLong interesting letter, handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shlomo Sofer Av Beit Din of Berehove [son of the Ktav Sofer], to Rabbi Moshe Greenwald Av Beit Din of Khust, author of Arugot HaBosem. Elul 190See Sold Price
SoldLetter with Divrei Torah by Rabbi Yissachar ShlomoLong letter with Divrei Torah by Rabbi Yissachar Shlomo Teichtal Av Beit Din of Pishtian (Hungary) to Rabbi Moshe Sofer, Dayan and Moreh Tzeddek of Erlau. The letter is from the fifth day of HanukkahSee Sold Price
SoldA Very Long Letter in the Handwriting of Rabbi ShlomoA long letter by Rabbi Shlomo HaCohen of Vilna author of responsa Binyan Shlomo and glosses Cheshek Shlomo, to his friend Rabbi Chaim Berlin, the son of the Netziv of Volozhin. Specifications: [6]See Sold Price
SoldLetter by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Zaksh, 1852Long letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi "Shlomo Zalman ben Rabbi Meir… Zaksh from the Luokė community", to Rabbi Shmuel Salant. Viduklė, 1852. In the letter, he writes of the plan ofSee Sold Price
Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Kletzkin of LublinA long letter from the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Kletzkin, of Lublin – Jerusalem. [1885]. [3] pp. 17 x 21/5 cm. His handwriting and signature. A long letter of divrei Torah sent to Rabbi Shlomo ZalmanSee Sold Price
Collection of Rabbis' Letters - the Sofer FamilyCollection of letters, by various rabbis of the Sofer family, and disciples of the Chatam Sofer: * Long autograph letter signed by Rabbi Naftali Sofer [1819-1899, disciple of the Chatam Sofer, from 18See Sold Price
Long letter with Divrei Torah by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo David Kahana. 1940.Jerusalem, 1940. Four sides. 25.8 Cm. The noted Gaon Rabbi Shlomo David Kahana [1869-1953], Av Beit Din of Warsaw and the Ashkenazi rabbi of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of JerusSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Letters by Rabbisa. A letter from Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov Yaffe. Manchester, 1928.b. A long letter from Rabbi Chaim Cheikel Greenberg to Rabbi Shlomo Shimshon Karelitz. 1962.c. A letter from the Porat Yosef Yeshiva. RechSee Sold Price
A fascinating extensive letter from the Minchat Elazar,A long letter handwritten by the Admor Rabbi Chaim Elazar Shapira author of Minchath Elazar regarding the estate of the Saba Kadisha Rabbi Shlomo Elazar Alfandari A long and detailed letter in four pSee Sold Price
Letter of Torah Thoughts, by Rabbi Duber HaCohen Kook,Long letter, mostly composed of Torah thoughts, handwritten and signed by Rabbi Duber HaCohen Kook to his father Rabbi Shlomo Zalman HaCohen. Tevet 1893. Rabbi Duber Kook tells of the Aderet's move frSee Sold Price
SoldIgrot Sofrim. Vienna-Budapest, 1928. First Edition.Work by Rabbi Shlomo Sofer Av Beit Din Beregszasz regarding his forefathers, of the Eiger and Sofer dynasties - Rabbi Akiva Eiger, the Chatam Sofer, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, and letters frSee Sold Price
Sefer Iggrot Sofrim with a Dedication from the Rebbe ofSefer Iggrot Sofrim. Contains hundreds of letters of the Eiger and Sofer families, from Rabbi Akiva Eiger, the Chatam Sofer and onward. By Rabbi Shlomo Sofer Av Beit Din of Beregsaz and the environs.See Sold Price
SoldLong Letter of Divrei Torah Handwritten by RabbiA long letter of Divrei Torah handwritten by Rabbi Mordechai Brisk Av Beit Din of Tusnad to Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, son of Rabbi Moshe Sofer Av Beit Din of Erlau. The letter was written iSee Sold Price
Letter. Rabbi Shimon Deitch, disciple of the ChatamA long and interesting letter from the Gaon Rabbi Shimon Deitch, beloved pupil of the Chatam Sofer who settled in Israel, to his friend (in the yeshiva of the Chatam Sofer) Rabbi Eliezer Zusman Sofer,See Sold Price
Important Letter Written and Signed by the Ktav Sofer.Letter from Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, author of the Ktav Sofer to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ulman, Rabbi of Makow. Handwritten and signed. 1854. [4] pages. 21x17 cm. One page written densely butSee Sold Price
SoldCorrespondence between Rabbi Konigsberg and the YeriotA letter from Rabbi Yehudah Leib Konigsberg, av"d of Tsheinmanger, a disciple of the Chatam Sofer, to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ullman, author of Yeriot Shlomo. The year "Shever" [1842]. At the bottomSee Sold Price
SoldLong Halachic Response Handwritten by Rabbi ShlomoVery long halachic response handwritten by Rabbi Shlomo Ha'Levi Feinzilber Av Beit Din of Kaidan. The letter was sent to Rabbi Aharon Milevsky Av Beit Din of Montevideo . Kislev 1938. The response isSee Sold Price
SoldThe Hardship of raising Children in America - anA long, important letter handwritten by the Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo Ben Zion of Chernobyl. The letter recalls the spiritual hardships of raising children in America. A special, historical letter. The letteSee Sold Price
SoldEmissary (Shadar) Letter, Rabbi Shlomo Molcho anAn emissary letter signed by the most prominent rabbis and kabbalist of Jerusalem. The document was given to the emissary (Shadar) Rabbi Shlomo Molcho ben Rabbi Avraham Molcho in 1769 for his meetingSee Sold Price
SoldLetter by Rabbi Shlomo CarlebachLetter by the most popular Chassidic singer Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach. [New York, 1957]. Aerogram, handwritten and signed by Rabbi Carlebach in response to a question regarding his father's [Rabbi NaftalSee Sold Price
SoldLetter by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ha'Cohen Kook to hisLetter by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ha'Cohen Kook to his Relatives - 1919 Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ha'Cohen Kook, the father of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha'Cohen Kook, to his familSee Sold Price
SoldHandwritten Letter by Rabbi Shlomo Aharon WertheimerPostcard with a handwritten letter by Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Wertheimer, The first publisher of the Cairo Genizah. The letter was written to Rabbi Lowenstein in Germany. Stamped. Sent in 1908 via the AusSee Sold Price
Letter from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman AuerbachLetter from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, regarding an halachic work. In his hand and with his signature. 1967. Very fine condition.See Sold Price
SoldLetter from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Broyde. Ungvar, [1900]Letter from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Broyde, [August 9, 1900]. [1] leaf. 17x21 cm. Signed autograph. Text on both sides of the leaf. He asks for the addressee's opinion regarding a shidduch for Esther, a ySee Sold Price
Jacob Steinheimer and Estate Papers, Photographs, and other Effects Civil War Jewish ReconstructorHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Three Long Island Railroad Cap Badges - Conductor and TrainmanRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
A Continental white metal skewer / letter opener. Approx. 8 1/2" long Please Note - we do not makeClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Shlomo Alter (1936-2021), "Spring Day" Limited Edition Serigraph, Numbered and Hand Signed withRobinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A VINTAGE SPANISH TOLEDO SWORD LETTER OPENER. 25 cm long.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Busy Day in the Country by Shlomo Alter (1936-2021)Federal Assets Auctioneers4.4(411)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A LARGE AND DECORATED RABBINICAL KIDDUSH BEAKER. Vienna, c.1880. Engraved in center cartouche withJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
A SILVER PLATED COPPER RELIEF OF AN SEDER SCENE. Germany, c.1880. Exceptionally fine work depictingJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
Shlomo Alter (1936-2021), "Spanish Guitar" Limited Edition Serigraph, Numbered and Hand Signed withRobinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Spanish Guitar by Shlomo Alter (1936-2021)Seized Assets Auctioneers4.3(601)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Shlomo Alter (1936-2021), "Still Life" Limited Edition Serigraph, Numbered and Hand Signed withRobinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Shlomo Alter (1936-2021), "Busy Day in the Country" Limited Edition Serigraph, Numbered and HandRobinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Shlomo Alter (1936-2021), "Near the Lake" Limited Edition Serigraph, Numbered and Hand Signed withRobinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024