Fragment, Gandara-Kultur, ca. 2.Jhdt.
Central Anatolia 16th / 17th Century Karapinar Long Rug Fragment (mounted) 3 ft 0 in x 1 ft 6 inFeb 25, 2024Vintage Ca. 1940's International Panel Delivery Truck Converted into Stationary Food Truck, WasFeb 25, 2024Russian Silver Rabbit, ca 1908-1916Mar 02, 202412th C. Egyptian Mamluk Linen / Silk Textile PanelFeb 26, 202413 Roman Bronze Artifacts (Fibulae & Attachments)Feb 26, 2024Roman Silver Repousse Fragment Geometric DesignFeb 26, 2024Lot of 12 Anatolian Stone & Pottery Idol FragmentsFeb 26, 202418th C. Ottoman Textile Embroidered w/ BirdsFeb 26, 2024Polished Meteorites Silver Drop Earrings (pr)Feb 26, 2024Valdivian Pottery Female Idol HeadsFeb 26, 2024Colima, Valdivian, & Chupicuaro Pottery Figures (3)Feb 26, 2024Chimu Textile Fragment w/ Abstract FiguresFeb 26, 2024Pre-Columbian Chimu Textile Fragments (3)Feb 26, 2024Prehistoric Anasazi Pottery Shards & Projectile PointsFeb 26, 2024Carved Beaver Fragment of Screen Door Folk ArtMar 07, 2024Artifact Bundle - Roman, Chinese, Sumerian, LuristanFeb 26, 2024Native American Grinding Stone + Woven Cedarbark MatsFeb 26, 2024Chinese Gilded And Lacquered Wood Relief Architectural Fragments Ca. 1900-1920, 3 pcsMar 14, 2024Archaic Native American Etley-Type Chert BladeMar 01, 2024Montana Paleocene Gingko Leaf Fossil in Stone MatrixMar 01, 2024Polished Fossilized Orthoceras Shells in Matrix PillarMar 01, 20245th C. Egyptian Coptic Textile Rondel - Tree of LifeMar 01, 2024Gandharan Schist Palette w/ Winged CreatureMar 01, 2024Early Laotian / Thai Dry Lacquer Buddha HeadMar 01, 2024