SoldJohn James Audubon, Plate 81:Fish Hawk or Osprey. Aquatint from “The Birds of America,” First edition engraving with original hand-color. Published by Robert Havell: London, 1827-1838.See Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon, Plate 81:Common American Deer. "Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America." Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen. Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part. In collSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon, Plate 81:Common American Deer. "Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America." Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen. Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part. In collSee Sold Price
John James Audubon, Plate 81: Common American DeerCommon American Deer [Fawn]. From Audubons Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. Hand colored lithographs. Imperial Folio. Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen. Originally iSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon, Plate 81:Common American Deer (Fawn). From Audubon’s "Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America." Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen. Originally issued in 30 parts, 5See Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon, Plate 81:Common American Deer (Fawn). From Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. Hand colored lithograph. Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen. OriginallySee Sold Price
SoldAudubon Aquatint Engraving, Fish Hawk or OspreyFish Hawk or Osprey, Plate 81. John James Audubon (1785 - 1851). First Edition Robert Havell Aquatint Engraving with Original Hand Color From Birds of America Double Elephant Folio. London: Robert HavSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (1785-1851), Fish Hawk or Osprey, Plate 81John James Audubon (1785-1851) Fish Hawk or Osprey, Plate 81 Medium: aquatint engraving with original hand color Dimensions: 38 x 25 1/8 Framed/base dimensions: 55 7/8 x 43 3/8 x 2 1/2 Provenance: PriSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (1785-1851), "Fish Hawk," No. 17,John James Audubon (1785-1851), "Fish Hawk," No. 17, Plate 81, Amsterdam edition, presented in a silvered frame, H.- 38 1/2 in., W.- 25 7/8 in.See Sold Price
SoldAFTER JOHN JAMES AUDUBON OFFSET LITHOGRAPHICAFTER JOHN JAMES AUDUBON OFFSET LITHOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION, PLATE 404, H 11", W 17 1/2", IMAGE, "EARED GREBE" Titled "Eared Grebe". "Plate 81" upper left and "CCCCIV" (404) upper right. Inscribed lowerSee Sold Price
SoldJOHN JAMES AUDUBON (NY, 1785-1851) - "Fish Hawk, Male,JOHN JAMES AUDUBON (NY, 1785-1851) - "Fish Hawk, Male, Falco Hallaetus", Plate 81, colored engraving, laid to cardboard, elephant folio, from the 1830 Havell edition. Holman's Print Shop of Boston labSee Sold Price
SoldFishhawk (Osprey), Plate 81John James Audubon (1785 - 1851). London: Havell, 1827-38. Aquatint Engraving. 39 x 26 inches with beautiful deckeled edges, never boundspectacular margins showing full sheet of Whatman paper. GuidancSee Sold Price
SoldCommon American Deer, Fawn, Plate 81John James Audubon (1785 - 1851). Philadelphia: J.T. Bowen, 1839 - 1844. First Edition Lithographs with Original Hand-Color. Imperial Folio. Approximately 27 3/4 x 21 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
Audubon Aquatint, Fish Hawk*** START PRICE IS THE RESERVE *** AUDUBON, John James (1785 - 1851). Fish Hawk or Osprey, Plate 81. Aquatint engraving with original hand color. London: Robert Havell, 1827-1838. 39 3/4” x 26 3/4See Sold Price
Audubon Aquatint, Fish Hawk or OspreyAudubon, John James (1785-1851). Fish Hawk or Osprey, Plate 81. Aquatint engraving with original hand color. London: Robert Havell, 1827-1838. 38 1/2” x 25 3/4” sheet, 49 1/2” x 37” framed. CoSee Sold Price
SoldAudubon, Fish Hawk - Deckeled with uncut margins.AUDUBON, John James (1785 - 1851). Fish Hawk or Osprey, Plate 81. Aquatint engraving with original hand color. London: Robert Havell, 1827-1838. 38 1/2" x 25" sheet, 49 1/2" x 37" framed. Provenance:See Sold Price
Audubon Lithograph, Common American Deer (Fawn)AUDUBON, John James (1785 - 1851). Common American Deer (Fawn), Plate 81. Lithograph with original hand color From Viviparious Quadrupeds of North America. New York: 1845-1848. 22” x 27 3/4” sheetSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (American, 1785-1851) "Eared Grebe"DESCRIPTION: John James Audubon "Eared Grebe" aquatint. Lower right "Engraved printed and coloured by Rob Havell, 1838" Lower left "Drawn from natural by J.J. Audubon F.R.S, F.L.S" "No. 81" Plate "CCCSee Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Red-Breasted Merganser", No. 81, plate CCCCI, from Birds of America, hand-colored engraving, Havell edition, elephant folio paper, watermarked "J. WhatSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (1785-1851), "Red BreastedJohn James Audubon (1785-1851), "Red Breasted Merganser," No. 81, Plate 401, Amsterdam edition, presented in a carved mahogany frame, H.- 26 in., W.- 38 7/8 in.See Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (1785-1851), "Golden-eye Duck," No.John James Audubon (1785-1851), "Golden-eye Duck," No. 81, Plate 403, c. 1840, Havell edition, Whatman watermark, framed, H.- 25 1/2 in., W.- 37 3/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldAUDUBON VELVET DUCK BOWEN OCTAVOJohn James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Velvet Duck", No. 81, Plate 401, hand-colored lithograph by J.T. Bowen, from The Birds of America, octavo edition, framed.. Purchased at the Audubon WildlifeSee Sold Price
SoldAUDUBON BLACK DUCK BOWEN OCTAVOJohn James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Black or Surf Duck", No. 81, Plate 402, hand-colored lithograph by J.T. Bowen, from The Birds of America, octavo edition, framed.. Purchased at the Audubon WSee Sold Price
c1946 Audubon Print, #132 Arctic Three-Toed WoodpeckerConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
John James Audubon, book plate print, #8 White-throated SparrowConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
c1946 Audubon Print, #236 Black-Crowned Night HeronConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
c1946 Audubon Print, #59 Chestnut-Sided WarblerConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Etching aquatint engraving by Robert HavellInternational Auction Gallery4.6(772)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024