Sold5 Vols. PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANITY Mackinnon DykesThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Jerusalem to Antioch by Dykes - Dated 1875 by Hodder & Stoughton - The Rome of the Early Church by Mackinnon - Dated 1933 by LutterworthSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Primitive ChurchThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Evolution of Early Christianity by Case - Dated 1923 by University of Chicago - Early Conflicts of Christianity by Kip - Dated 1850 bSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Primitive CheethamThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Evolution of Early Christianity by Case - Dated 1923 by University of Chicago - A History of the Christian Church by Cheetham - DatedSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Ancient ChurchThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Free Church of Ancient Christendom by Cooper - Dated 1852 by Albert Cockshaw - Christian Life in the Primitive Church by Dobschutz - DateSee Sold Price
Sold5 vols. Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet.[China] 5 volumes. (1) Huc, Evariste Regis. Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, London, 1857-1858. 3 volumes. viii, 422; viii, 405; viii, 419 pp. FirSee Sold Price
Sold(5 vols) Primitive Artists Incl Grandma MosesKallir. Grandma Moses. NY: Abrams, 1973. Oblong folio. Dj sunned. // Kallir, ed. Grandma Moses. NY, 1946. Dj poor. // Uhde. Five Primitive Masters. NY, 1940. Covers soiled. // Four American PrimitivesSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. PAGANS CHRISTIANITY Serpent Siva HeresiesThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Pagan Christs by Robertson - Dated 1903 by Watts & Co. - Pagan and Christian Creeds by Carpenter - Dated 1920 by George Allen & Unwin - SSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Storrs Sects MarsdenThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Council of Chalcedon by Sellers - Dated 1953 by S P C K - History of Christian Churches and Sects by Marsden - Dated 1856 by RIchard BentSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Britian Celtic OriginsThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Ireland and the Celtic Church by Stokes - Dated 1886 by Hodder & Stoughton - Pioneers of Our Faith by Platts - by Methuen & Co. - IllustrSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Scripture GospelsThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Studies in Pharisaim and the Gospels by Abrahams - Dated 1917 by Cambridge Univ. Press - Mystery of the Ages by Switzer - Dated 1914 by ESee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Origins MinistryThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The First Christians by Veitch - Dated 1906 by James Clarke & Co. - The Early Church by Thomas - Dated 1907 by Sunday School Assoc. - SeSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Church Faith NewmanThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Early Christian Books by Ferrar - Dated 1919 by Society for Christian Knowledge - Shiny, embossing - The Faith and Life of the Early CSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Witnesses SozomenThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Ecclesiastical History of Sozomen by Sozomenus - Dated 1855 by Henry G. Bohn - Witnesses for Christ by various - Dated 1887 by Hamilton,See Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Cotteril DollingerThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - First Age of Christianity by Dollinger - Dated 1866 by Wm. H. Allen & Co. - 2 Vol. Set, Library binding - Lights and Shadows of Church LifSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Church Lindsay ScottThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Landmarks in the History of Early Christianity by Lake - Dated 1920 by Macmillan & Co. - Church and Ministry in the Early Centuries by LiSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Church Orr StreeterThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - History of Early Christianity by Pullan - Dated 1898 by Service & Paton - Study of the Early Progress of Christianity by Orr - Dated 1899See Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Origins MartignyThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Christian Origins by Pfleiderer - Dated 1906 by T. Fisher Unwin - Gilt embossing - Christ and the Early Church by Osborne - Dated 1934 bySee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. Philosophy CHRISTIANITY Love LiddonThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Essays and Addresses by Liddon - Dated 1892 by Longmans, Green & Co. - Gilt Embossing - Is Christianity True by various - Dated 1904 by CSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. EARLY CHRISTIANITY Britian Cymry CyclopsThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Ireland and the Celtic Church by Stokes - Dated 1907 by Society for Christian Knowledge - Church of the Cymry by Hughes - Dated 1916 by ESee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. MEDIEVAL CHRISTIANITY Trench BaldwinThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - History of the Medieval Church by Deanesly - Dated 1976 by Methuen & Co. - Revelance of Medieval Ecclesiastical History by Ullmann - DateSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. GREECE THOUGHT CHRISTIANITY Myths PaideiaThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Greek Thought and the Rise of Christianity by Shiel - Dated 1968 by Barnes & Noble - Greek Myths and Christian Mystery by Rahner - by HarSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY OrthodoxyThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The New York Pulpit by various - Dated 1858 by Sheldon, Blakeman & Co - Revival sermons - The New Orthodoxy by Ames - Dated 1919 by Univ.See Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. CREATION EVOLUTION Christianity ClarkeThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Christianity and Evolution by Iverach - Dated 1894 by Hodder & Stoughton - Science and the Christian Tradition by Huxley - Dated 1894 bySee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols. HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY Religion ReinachThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Historic Church by Durell - Dated 1906 by Cambridge Univ. Press - Outlines of Church History by Schubert - Dated 1907 by Williams & NSee Sold Price
WASHINGTON, JACKSON and other HISTORICAL AMERICANAJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Archaeological Books - Pitt-Rivers - Excavations in Cranborne Chase, Vols 1-5TimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Alton Tobey, Abraham Lincoln PortraitLotus International Auctions, LLC4.6(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of 5 Primitive Tin General Store ScoopsMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Group of 5 Primitive Wood Mallets and MoreMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Group of 5 Primitive Wood Bread/Cheese/Butter BoardsMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
HENRI MATISSE (1869-1954) "FEMME AU CHAPEAU"Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
1714 2 vol Ecclesiastical history of Great Britain by Collier antique in ENGLISHJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
DALI. Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis. 5 vols. with 105 Lithographs.TheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Bookbinding.- Typography.- Bennett (William) John Baskerville: The Birmingham Printer, 2 vol., firstForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024