SoldNikon F Photomic FTN, 1973Nikon F Photomic FTN, 1973 With Nikkor-N 2,8/24, Motor F-36, flash adapter and lens hood. Untested. Nikon F Photomic FTN, 1973 Nikon, Japan. Nr. 7312627. Mit Photomic-Sucher. - Dabei: Nikkor-N 2,8/24,See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN chromenear mint and very late 'Apollo' body in good working order with cap, instructions, maker's box, 1973, Sn. 7421561See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN Chromenear mint original condition, (base plate condition B) with matching Nikkor-S 1.4/50mm no.1099627, clean lenses, cap and case (no. 7413925, 1973, condition A/B) Title (German):Nikon F Photomic FTN ChrSee Sold Price
SoldNikon F chrome Photomic FTNvery late body in good working order with type 2 Photomic FTN no.840529, Nikkor-O.C 2/35mm no.863169, cap, and black action finder, strap (Serial no: 7383027, 1973, Condition: B/A)See Sold Price
SoldNikon F "Apollo" Photomic FTN No.74296491973, black paint, 24x36mm,med Nikkor-O Auto 2/35mm No.728599 (C-, for F, play). The winding lever gets stuck.See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN chrome, no. 7434067brand new outfit, body with Nikkor-S 1.4/50mm no.1520539, F-36 Motor Drive type 9 no.160416 and cordless battery pack, all in matching maker's boxes, caps, papersSee Sold Price
Sold2 x Nikon F Photomic FTN, 1968/702 x Nikon F Photomic FTN, 1968/70 Nikon, Japan. 1) F Photonic FTN, black, 1970, no. 7017465, base plate with user marks everything else in very good condition. (2-/1-) - And: 2) F Photomic FTN, chromeSee Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN blacklate body in near mint condition and good working order with cap, instructions, maker's box, F-36 motor drive type 9 no.148211 with instructions in maker's box, cordless battery pack in maker's box, 1See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN No.7320957Chrome, 24x36mm, with Nikkor-H Auto 2/50mm No.1057652 (AB, for F), Nikkor-Q Auto 2.8/135mm No.280038 (BA, for F), cap and cases. A very clean outfit.See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTn, Nikkor-H Auto 28mm f/3.5,, Nikon F Photomic FTn SLR camera, for 35mm film. Includes fitted leather half case, 1968. Condition: Very minimal signs of wear. Barrel may have slight wear but only visible under close inspection,See Sold Price
SoldGroup of 2 Nikon F Photomic FTn Camera BodiesGroup of 2 Nikon F Photomic FTn camera bodies. Nikon F Photomic FTn SLR camera, for 35mm film. Includes body only, 1968.See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN chrome Set, no. 7401330in new condition with cap and instructions with maker's box and matching Nikkor-H 2/5cm no.2096092 with maker's box, F-250 back type 4 no.104001 with two spools with maker's box and black battery packSee Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTn blackperfect working body with FTn prism type 2 no.603596, Nikkor-S 1.4/50mm no.417303, L1A filter, hood, cap (no. 7103279, 1970, condition B/A)See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN ChromeNikon F Photomic FTN Chrome with matching F36 motor-drive type 9 no.15709, rare motor-drive with "5 digits" serial number, this numerical combination is only to be found in the serial number ranges ofSee Sold Price
Nikon F Photomic FTN, 1968Nikon, Japan. Nr. 6.972.004, Chrom-Gehäuse mit schwarzem Sucher, mit "Nikkor-H 2/50", Nr. 942.503. (3/3) - Und: "Nikkor 2,8/24", Nr. 510.381. (3-/3) - Sowie: Blitzadapter AS-1. "Nikon F Photomic FTN"See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN blackclose to mint body with Photomic FTN type 2 no.567073 in perfect working condition with Nikkor-S Auto 1.4/50mm no.381685, cap (Serial. no. 7030732, 1970, Condition: A/B)See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN mit Motor F-36, 1968Nikon, Japan, Nr. 7.133.008, F-Photomic Sucher FTN, Motor F-36, Nr. 160.579, PowerPack. Dabei ist die normale Rückwand! - Und: "F-Photomic-Sucher" in Lederetui, Anleitungskopien. - Ausgezeichneter ZuSee Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN, 1968Nikon, Japan. Nr. 6.972.004, Chrom-Gehäuse mit schwarzem Sucher, mit "Nikkor-H 2/50", Nr. 942.503. (3/3) - Und: "Nikkor 2,8/24", Nr. 510.381. (3-/3) - Sowie: Blitzadapter AS-1. Nikon F Photomic FTN,See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTNNikon F Photomic FTN Nikon, Japan. 1) Nikon F Photomic FTN, chrome, 1970, no. 7032253, with Nikkor-S Auto 1,4/50 mm, no. 427889. (3/3) – And: 2) Nikon FM, chrome, no. 2634549. (3-/3-) Nikon F PhotomSee Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN, 1968Nippon Kogaku, Japan, Nr. 6.748.551, Chrom, mit "Nikkor-S Auto 1,4/50", Nr. 1.136.715. (3/3) - Dabei: Nikkor-P Auto 2,5/105, Nr. 259.827. "Nikon F Photomic FTN" with "Nikkor-P Auto 2,5/105".See Sold Price
Nikon F Photomic FTNNikon, Japan, Nr. 7.044.455, "Nikkor 1,4/50" (AI). Schönes Stück. - Dabei: "Auto Vivitar 3,8/85-205", (Non-AI), nicht abgebildet. "Nikon F Photomic FTN" with "Nikkor 1,4/50". Very nice item! - And:See Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN black ,, 1970perfect working body with FTn prism type 2 no.603596, Nikkor-S 1.4/50mm no.417303, capSee Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTNNikon, Japan, Nr. 7.044.455, "Nikkor 1,4/50" (AI). Schönes Stück. - Dabei: "Auto Vivitar 3,8/85-205", (Non-AI), nicht abgebildet. Nikon F Photomic FTN With "Nikkor 1,4/50". Very nice item! - And: "VSee Sold Price
SoldNikon F Photomic FTN Black, SN: 7424576, c.1973rare boxed Apollo outfit in new condition with cap and papers in maker's box, matching Nikkor-H 2/5cm no.2289066 with caps in maker's boxSee Sold Price
1973 MRS. LOUCILE BIBLE NOTE to MS. HELEN KEYESJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
4pc Nikon F3 35mm SLR Camera with Motor Drive MD-4 and AccessoriesLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Southern School (20th Century), "Swamp Scene with White Herons," 1973, H.- 24 in., W.- 36 1/4 in.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
[KENNEDY, John F. (1917-1963), et al]. Group of Seven Photo...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
CAFIERO FILIPPELLI (1889-1973) Marina olioAste di Antiquariato Boetto4.3(47)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
A Cambo X2-Pro View Camera Movement Adapter for SLR Camreas,Flints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Nikon F Photomic and a Nikkormat FTn 35mm SLR CamerasFlints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1973-d 40 pcs N.F. String & Son $2 Nickel WrapperKey Date Coins4.3(1.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024